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I seem to be having the same problem. I have sent a bug report. It freezes both in the game and in the lobby. I have noticed that while in a match the number labeled RUr at the top of the screen will spike immediately following the freeze before resuming as normal.

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Ok, the firewall seems to be the problem, not the antivirus. I'm not sure which version of bitdefender you are using (I'm using 2015 total security). On my version you just select protection, then select firewall, and then just click the blue check mark next to firewall and it should disable it.

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I'm only using the free version of bit defender with no firewall component. I found out that there is a service called gzserv.exe that is still active when i "Disable" bitdefender. So i'll have to find a way to turn this one off and check if that works.

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Hello fellow captains! 

My game keeps freezing every time i press and hold any button except spacebar and the mousebuttons. I can't hold down a or d to steer and i can't hold down w,s,q,e,z and c either making it near impossible to steer, I have to double tap a and d to steer and i cant hold shift to zoom, becuase when i do my game freezes until I release it. I have tried every graphic setting and I have also tried windowed and fullscreen and nothing works.

Does anybode know how to fix this problem? :)



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Do you have any joysticks or joystick drivers installed? Same goes for rudder controls.

No I don't :( pure mouse and keyboard, and it shouldn't be a graphical issue since i get 50-80 fps while not pressing anything. :/

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Posts about in game stuff like bugs or freezing belong in sea trials, not general discussion.  There is a similar one there.


Edit:  The post I originally posted in was merged with this one by the admin.

Edited by Prater
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Nice, I should have thought of that, but I haven't seen any issues related to av in a couple years now.  Modern AV tends to run smoothly when just running on-access scanners instead of a full scan, but I've never used bitdefender.  Thanks for posting your solution, most people don't do that.

Did you filter out the AV in your process manager log?  It should be in there.

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Yes, I had it filtered out as I thought I had already disabled the AV.The process could be disabled by closing the tray application but there was still a bitdefender service that I did not have permission to stop. I just uninstalled and switch to Microsoft Security Essentials.


I'd also like to point out that I had problems with bit defender a couple of days ago with the game DCS: World. When the game updated it liked to copy the updater.exe when updating the updater. Bitdefender didn't like that and caused the entire computer to sort of lock up. Everything still ran but I couldn't open any new applications or close any currently open applications. Even ctrl alt delte didn't respond but I could still talk in a chat application. Because of this I've decided to leave bitdefender for now. At least the free version.

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