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Replace Ships due to server crashes


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After following the instruction of sending a f11 report ingame (i sent 4 f11 reports as i wasnt getting a response). after this i began to check on the forums on ship replacements.. and i see people giving details of ships they have lost so i tried this too i have made 3 responses requesting my ship to be replaced and still no response. This is kind of my last attempt to try and get some attention so my ship can be replaced.

Please replace my Live Oak / White Oak constitution crafted by Teddy Teach which i lost on the 2nd server crash last night in a Post captain mission vs an ingermanland the ship was fitted with a full compliment of long cannons. on each deck and had bow figure elephant, iron knees and another perm upgrade may have been british gunners or british rig refit.

Please atleast respond to this topic so i know at least my outcry's are being heard.


thank you,




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well i hear you..

once i  lost a VIC to, it took a good 2  weeks to be replaced (a lot of people lost things, you are just in  the line somewhere, for replacement)


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Me too i sent 5 times f11  report but nothing.İ lost my ship now i farm for buy new one.Also i write my ship features;

İndenfigable  live/white oak   all long cannon  bow figure lion

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i lost a live oak / white oak agamemnon also with full long cannons .. they still didn't reply in fact haven't mentioned anything about the lost ships (as far as i can see ) don't know if they read our posts . i would have unlocked 2 slots by now doing missions

to devs : we just asking for one post from you .. atleast to know that you read our posts and care and not ignore us .. something like "we are sorry for the lost ships we will work on the problem and try to compensate you within x days" then we can stop worrying

Edited by John Sheppard
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