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[suggestion] gaming Session logs

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Given my fixation with immersion and playing "a character" in all games I come to suggest the following, which I hope become a feature given their usefulness for any player, so inclined to use/parse the long information into a Captain's Log.

The transaction log ( what I am talking about ) includes the trade and the winnings and if i'm not mistaken are generated also client side. Fair enough it has a bit of information.

What if logs would also include ( on top of the financial data )

- Mission assignment ( if any )

- departure from port X > days at sea > arrival at port Z

-  latitude/longitude of encounters

- any interesting engagement data, like total amount of men lost/recovered by doctor

When exiting the game give the option to save the log or checkbox to save it always.

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Yeah but somewhat more thick on info so one can use the information for chronicles, video subtitles, etc

Of sorts.

- Left La Tortue

- Initiated Attack @ 62º 09' 02'' N 17º 25' 11'' W

- Combat started - time start

- Combat ended - time end

- Battle results XXX gold XXXX xp

- Battle results XXX iron ingots XXX teak logs XXX silver

- Arrived La Tortue after X days at sea


( just an example )

The log would get saved with date stamp or something for better organization if needed

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2 hours ago, Hethwill said:

Yeah but somewhat more thick on info so one can use the information for chronicles, video subtitles, etc

Of sorts.

- Left La Tortue
- Initiated Attack [nation] [player] or [nation fleet(if npc)] @ 62º 09' 02'' N 17º 25' 11'' W
- Combat started - time start
- Combat ended - time end
- Enemy ships sunk (or) captured (list ships sunk or caputred)
- Own ships lost

- Battle results XXX gold XXXX xp
- Battle results XXX iron ingots XXX teak logs XXX silver
- Arrived La Tortue after X days at sea


( just an example )

The log would get saved with date stamp or something for better organization if needed


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I keep a log for each server.  I always enjoyed it and find I'm very busy while sailing.  Making notations in the log while navigating all while constantly scanning for foe.  I also file a very simple course plan before the journey and plot a route with waypoints and estimated speeds, distances and times.     I used to use a handwritten log but find that Google docs works well. Either method works because  I can maintain a lookout or watch because the log is on a separate monitor or book on my desk.  


7 Jan -  Petro Cay - Port Royal - Port Morant - Port Royal

03:39rt PVP1 292 players

In port Pedro Cay

Tobacco x 229 ($54) = $12,366 - Price jumped to $100/t with 11,530t left in port

Oak Log x 800 ($85ea) = $68,000 [2000t]


Fish meat x 24 ($31) = 744



Tobacco x 40 ($40) = $1600 [+$80]

Oak log x 40 ($50) = 2000 [+100]


Balance $88,942



Trade run -  return leg from Pedro Cay to Kingston


Day 1

0700hr 04:13rt W b

  • Leave port

10:15hr 04:16rt N b 8-9Kn w-WbS

  • Course correction to clear west pt

  • 3 Brit ships in area

  • Wx fair clear

13:00hr 04:18rt NbE-NNE b 6-7kn w WSW

  • Course - heading to Port Royal Est time 15 min

  • Wx - fair

21:10 04:25rt NNE b 6Kn w-S

  • Course change

  • Dark

  • Light haze

Day 2

01:40hr  02:28rt

  • Sighted Carlisle to N

  • 3 Brit ships (NE - NW)

  • Hailed Le Rescator (T Brig) Heading SW

  • 6 more Brit Ships (course SW)

08:40 04:34 NE b 5Kn w-SEbE

  • Course change

  • Wx fair

14:50hr 04:40rt E b 5Kn w-EbN

  • Final leg to port

  • Many Brit ships NPC and Cmdrs

18:20hr 04:42rt full stop

  • At Port Royal/Kingston
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