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As the game slowly dies

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4 minutes ago, Sir William Hargood said:

Agreed, that is why I would suggest that the relative ship position achieved in battle instance be transferred to Open world when the instance ends. Enabling a general chase and escape option to those in battle.

So if a player wishes to he can continue running in battle instance for 1½ hours. The "running" ends when the battle timer runs out and not necessarily when "Battle Ended". The player choses his point of departure .

When battle instance ends his relative position gained in battle gets transferred to the open world. This also enables running fleets to "star burst" escape. There is no longer the need to hide in battle result screen afraid of revenge fleets. You can plan your escape....much more realistic and immersive.

This also gives the revenge fleet challenging but not impossible counter measures. Generally those types of attackers have faster ships anyway and virtually guaranteed escape. I never understood the "all pop back into open world" in exactly the same "as tagged" position. I don't believe the relative differential between open world and battle speed scales are an issue...actually the to the contrary.

I would say grant anyone being able to leave the battle  which lasted more than say 5 mins the ability to choose the point of getting out in OW in say 1-min OW sailing radius. Cause anyway - if you are able to leave the battle - you already spent enough time in it to "justify" you being able to move a bit in OW. 

But this is difficult to implement and is prone to abuse (providing you can constantly tag someone and do what appears to be teleporting in OW). But leaving battle open for some time (like 1 min) can mitigate consequences of this.

Glad we finally reach some conclusion on which we both agree :))

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10 minutes ago, Vaan De Vries said:

I would say grant anyone being able to leave the battle  which lasted more than say 5 mins the ability to choose the point of getting out in OW in say 1-min OW sailing radius.

If you're gonna "hang around" for an hour or so in result screen you may as well "sail away" in battle. Why is suspended animation more immersive than actually sailing away? That's just my opinion. If you're able to leave the battle instance, as it is currently, you've already achieved a relative escape position...why does 2 minutes without being hit give you the magic exit...do the work man...sail away...and if no one is around you can exit too, anytime you like, your choice...why hang around in battle result screen? I'm giving you an alternative to the Battle result screen camper...but clearly you won't take it....BS camping is obviously what you want.

Edited by Sir William Hargood
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26 minutes ago, Sir William Hargood said:

why does 2 minutes without being hit give you the magic exit...do the work man...sail away..

As I said. Why does 5 minutes sailing in OW to coordinates specified on chat or TS give you the right to attack the player that you would never catch in real world cause it would require 2+ hours of sailing?

Let everybody who is camping outside BS to sail in battle instance the time proportional to the time passed in Battle instance? 

Let's do the math. I don't know exact current proportion between OW/battle instance time, but let's say it is X. So if battle lasted 5 mins, to get a chance to attack evil ganker you will have to sail in EMPTY sea for 5*X minutes. for battle lasting 30 mins - 30*X times. Good luck!

Am I sounding absurd proposing this? Well, then you sound absurd for me proposing captain who already escaped the battle which lasted very little OW time (battle instance time DIVIDED by X) have to sail away from BS campers who spent 5 mins of their time sailing in OW. 

The bottom line is this: there was no revenge fleet during real age of sail. If help isn't there in 2 hours battle instance time (how much is it in OW time) that ganked ship(s) are all for themselves. If attacker managed to defeat them or in any other way leave the battle - he already ESCAPED. The conditions of leaving battle are is no way ideal but they are out of scope for this discussion. There should be no battle camping outside! Ganker has EVERY RIGHT to flee. So we could either ban people who are camping battles in revenge fleets or give gankers GUARANTEED chance to escape revenge fleet, THAT SHOULDN'T BE THERE in a first place. Currently this is being done by allowing to wait in BS. I proposed to allow ALREADY ESCAPED ship to choose the point of it's escape.

This is sandbox. If you are not able to defend yourself in OW - don't sail alone. No mechanics should be placed to prevent careless players from being sunk. There is already a lot of stuff (forts, towers, AI fleets) to help them stay afloat..

Edited by Vaan De Vries
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3 hours ago, Jerome said:

People who can't handle open world PvP should not play this game. Far more players quit this game when BR restrictions were introduced then quitters that can't handle losing.

So basically you threaten to chuck your toys and quit this game when you don't get what you want. And what you want is mechanics that pander exclusively to you...mechanics favouring the hunter at the expense of all else. And you are talking about maturity and reason?

So when they balance the ROE it'll be the last we see of you then ...one can only hope...

Here's some perspective: 7pm CET Friday night, there are 368 players online....there are currently more people playing Call of Duty World at War...says it all...

Edited by Sir William Hargood
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23 minutes ago, Sir William Hargood said:

So basically you threaten to chuck your toys and quit this game when you don't get what you want. And what you want is mechanics that pander exclusively to you...mechanics favouring the hunter at the expense of all else. And you are talking about maturity and reason?

So when they balance the ROE it'll be the last we see of you then ...one can only hope...

Here's some perspective: 7pm CET Friday night, there are 368 players online....there are currently more people playing Call of Duty World at War...says it all...

Actually you should read the original post. That is the person quitting due to mechanics.

Additionally I advocate for mechanics that favor nobody, they should be fair. 

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4 hours ago, Jerome said:

People who can't handle open world PvP should not play this game. Far more players quit this game when BR restrictions were introduced then quitters that can't handle losing.

I just want to correct your statement: ROE 15 min battle timers = 2000+ players online at prime time, ROE 5 min battle timers = 1500 + players online, 2 Min battle timers = 800 players online, ROE 0min battle timers = 600 players online.

I see pattern here...and its not what you're saying.

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22 hours ago, jodgi said:


I have memories of constructive things you've said in the past, not that long ago.

Your slide into clickbait title, simple whining and passive aggressiveness went fast.

(Please come back)

Well Jodgi, I would comment - but my comments get censored - so I go play EVE.


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37 minutes ago, Hodo said:


Cant help but laugh at you.  The amount of rage that is flowing through you right now is, amazing.  From your sig, where you thumbs down the game for taking your tester status away, talk about childish.  To these recent temper tantrum posts.  I would say good luck, but to be quite frank I think it is more good riddens. 

Actually it's spelled "good RIDDANCE" and it is, yes.

But, did you think .... it's one less source of content for you .... bit by bit, bit by bit.

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