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Special Event Occurrence

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We have had a single special event take place which was crazy with what I can tell 80% of players failed to even get a dead mans chest.

Considering this, will events be daily or simply every week. Hell is there going to be another special event at all? I don't want to wait 5 months to get a L'Ocean BP that was released in a patch 5 months prior.

If any light could be shed on this, do tell.

Edited by Juan Bautista de Anza
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I saw someone post a note yesterday in nation chat with the location being the West Indies. But it was dated 8/20 so it was a little confusing. I think Admin posted somewhere that they are at random locations and times (don't quote me) so I assume there will be more.

Edited by Anne Wildcat
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I saw someone post a note yesterday in nation chat with the location being the West Indies. But it was dated 8/20 so it was a little confusing. I think Admin posted somewhere that they are at random locations and times (don't quote me) so I assume there will be more.


Sadly that doesn't even say whether it will be a recurring event that could happen anytime anyplace throughout the week or whether it will just be randomized for the next saturday with nothing inbetween.


The secrecy has gone from teasing to being flat out annoying at this point. And considering that, what - 2 or 3 guys? - got blueprints from the last events (out of the 1000+ that were online), it will take at least a month for the average joe to try out any of the new ships, and even longer to get their hands on any of the blueprints if it's to be done weekly.


Not impressed at how it became such a mess considering how little effort it must've taken to implement - it's just shipwreck v 2.0, nothing special.

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