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Add a black edge to the "Swords" icon for missions

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When the sky is filled with particularly light clouds because of rain, it is nearly impossible for me to see the white swords icon to find a mission. Just adding a black border to the icon will help it to stand out no matter if the sky is light or dark.


And I'd appreciate it, because sailing back and forth over where the icon "should" be for 45 minutes just isn't any fun.

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Pugwis, there's a balance between realism and fun. Floating white swords in the sky are there for fun. The rain is there for realism. Finding the balance is important... but yesterday after sailing back and forth for 45 mins I just gave up and quit playing. I'm not saying that they should be neon glow with lighting bolts flying out of them... but they really should improve the visibility.


FWIW, this morning when I logged in, I was nearly on top of the swords, but yesterday I quit playing yesterday because I could not see them.


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