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Clever tool to go afk without being ganked and abuse proof:


You can at any time set the AFK flag. (not while tagged obviusly)

You can only sail up to half sails, obviously you can't steer.

You cannot be tagged, but you can be stopped. (so you can't abuse it to escape)

When you exit the flag you get a cooldown for attack, but don't get invulnerability.


Works fine to me  :rolleyes:

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Does this work in your suggestion: If I see you coming for me in a big ship, I just sit there till your just outside tag radius, then set half sail and tick AFK.  How do you prevent that?  Your suggestion seems to only prevent after-tag abuse?

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And why should you sail with half sails while afk?

If you want to go afk, just dock or log out.


It would be abused by any trader for afk sailing. The worst thing what could happen to him would be to get stopped.

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I didn't say I wanted to sail half sails, I was just giving an example of how it could play out based on the laid out criteria of this suggestion.  I can't name every situation in a single example, so OK change it to dead slow or change it to log out if you like, it makes no difference.  I was asking why this proposal claims to be abuse proof.  Clearly it isn't.

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I didn't say I wanted to sail half sails, I was just giving an example of how it could play out based on the laid out criteria of this suggestion.  I can't name every situation in a single example, so OK change it to dead slow or change it to log out if you like, it makes no difference.  I was asking why this proposal claims to be abuse proof.  Clearly it isn't.

And I didn´t say you wanted to do that. ;)


It was directed at the OP. I should have quoted him though. 

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Does this work in your suggestion: If I see you coming for me in a big ship, I just sit there till your just outside tag radius, then set half sail and tick AFK.  How do you prevent that?  Your suggestion seems to only prevent after-tag abuse?


Well i'm not going anywhere then. But i guess you have a point... Maybe render the user blind and add a cooldown after you exit AFK mode. So: i see you, i abuse the AFK, you know where i am and i can't move and i have no idea where you are. Or maybe allow it only if there are no enemies in sight. Or both.


And why should you sail with half sails while afk?

If you want to go afk, just dock or log out.


It would be abused by any trader for afk sailing. The worst thing what could happen to him would be to get stopped.


What if i'm in the middle of the sea and have to go to the bathroom? Or i just ended a battle (and this would be an alternative to the battle screen)? And logout isn't safe, as you have to wait 2 minutes to log out and anyone can tag you in the mean time, maybe go away just a minute and then log back in.

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What if i'm in the middle of the sea and have to go to the bathroom? Or i just ended a battle (and this would be an alternative to the battle screen)? And logout isn't safe, as you have to wait 2 minutes to log out and anyone can tag you in the mean time, maybe go away just a minute and then log back in.

Then wait 2 minutes and log out, I mean if you are in the middle of the sea it is highly unlikely that an enemy will show up.

When you sail around you should take the risk of not being safe.


The way you want this afk flag to work is in no way abuse proof, especially if you can still sail with half sails.

There is a reason for the 2 minutes log out timer, it is there to make sure players don´t just log out when a faster ship is near them just to avoid the battle. Your afk flag would render this useless. I would just turn on the flag and be safe as long as I wish.

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somewhat better idea to ops the afk flag would be auto turned on if you dident interact with the game for maybe 10 mins? under the affects of said flag sails would be at 80%(id more so use it for doing boring afk sails to say pr or plymoth) if it was toggable by the player i think they still should beable to be attacked  also with the flag in affect afk time out should increase to a hour

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