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Ultra Slow loadings since the last patch (from crafting to loading in OW and ... )


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Hello there.



First I want to say that I love the game. And before the last patch I was enjoying lightening fast loading

time with my gaming rig.


I was able to load very fast from Port to Open World. From Open World to Battle. From Battle

to Open World. But I was also having a very correct answer from the interaction in Craft

and other such activities.



Now, since the patch, I have an almost "game breaking" slow down, especially as I'm a crafter

as those issue do impact my game severely. 


So to describe the problem. Now when I log in the game I get some very slow Loading time

and what was taking like 10 to 15 seconds to load can last as far as 1 minute.


When I get in the Resources interface and want to collect my resources, I get the game

freezing most of the time, as if "waiting for something to happen", and those wait

can reach up to 1 minute too.


When I load from Port to Open world, or from Open world to Battle I experience the same

delay, constantly making me reach a battle after it has started if I do a solo battle

and barely in time when joining the battle of a friend.


I had no such issues before the patch, and some friends are not experiencing those issues either.


I have still the exact same ping to the US server (around 110 to 120ms), and I have not changed

a single thing on my Rig.


Here it is


GeForce GTX 970 (last driver installed)

AMD FX 8350 at 4 GHz

16GB of RAM

Windows 7 professional 64 bits

3 SSD disk (120 GB for the system and only the system, 1 TB and 500 GB for

the 2 others. The system disk has 40 GB free, and both the others have 100 GB free).


I tried to reinstall the game, uninstalling it full and cleaning every single directories

I could find before reinstalling it. No change.

I checked every ports, and made sure they were rerouted to the right place

to the exception of the 8089  as it is an internal reserved port for my box (provider)

and even made sure that my firewall is in 'game mode', without any change

(I gave Naval Action full authorization first, and tried too, no change)

I also tried to see if being really far from any land change anything, 

and there again no luck, getting in a Battle far from any land did not change

a thing.


As an information I have played to the game more than 100 hours before the patch

and had no such issue with loading times.


Now  I must say I asked to my friends who play with me, and they did not get

the same loading issue, and they have computer  that are not as good as mine.

We are all playing around Port Royal, and they still do load decently fast 

and I'm stuck with the extra long loading time.


As an example, when leaving Port Royal and sailing, when I click on Sail

I get the game 'froozen', then it start to change for the loading screen

and when I finally arrive in the Open World interface a whole minute

has passed by. But when I click to enter a port, I get there in less

than 10 seconds. 



The last thing I tried, was to set every single graphic options to Low,

and even there I don't get any better situation.


In fact after all those trials, the sensation is that I have something

"waiting for an answer" in the game and it feel like the the game

finally resume what it was doing once it has that 'answer'

or reached a time out.


I can play. But those loading time are just atrocious. So

any help would be really appreciated.




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Oddly, this exact issue was mentioned to me by st101 in the US faction as well just a couple days ago.  I encouraged him to do an F11 and bug report here, but he said "he doesn't do forums."  He did F11 it within the last couple of days, however.

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Sorry for the delay I will do that once I can get connected again.



I can add a bit more informations about how the situation happen.


When I select the server, and click start when I picked my character I start by having approximatively

20 seconds of freeze, before the game load into the Port.



When I'm in port, and click on "Sail", first the game seem to freeze for approximatively 20 seconds and then it

switch on the "Loading Screen" and take around 40 seconds to load the Open World.


I did try it around 10 times in a Row last day, and did measure the time, that freezing happen each

time and is always approximatively 20 seconds long.


The same delay happen when I try to collect my resources. 20 seconds of freeze, and then

things work again.


I did a Connection test right now to the PVE server, Report number NAS-297609


I just did a F11 report that should be named Nab-43545 (Had nothing to write the number but I think it is correct).


When I connect to the game, in the server selection I get 39ms of ping on the pvp One Eu server

and 117ms on both the PVE and PVP USA servers.



As a detail, when I'm in the Open World and I enter a port (Port Royal or the others ports around)

it take less than 15 seconds to get into the port interface.


I just did a report for that bug after collecting my resources. 




Edit :


I did a few test and grabbed my chronometer


From the click on Sail and the moment the game start to react and switch to the Loading Screen

(from the port interface) : 25 secondes exact at each try


The total loading time to reach the Open World :  70 seconds exactly the 3 times I tried.


The reported ping to the server while in game is a constant 101ms.



I added another report after those 3 trial while in the open world

just outside  Carlisle : Sadly I got a freeze while the report was created,

and I did not get the report name exposed on screen

But I did add my Name (Stavinsky) in the description.

Should help catch it.


By the way when I did hit F11 while in Port I got directly the Reporting interface.

When I did hit F11 in the open world, I got that 25 seconds freeze and I got a real hard time

doing the report as the game did freeze again and again while I was trying to fill it.

Edited by Stavinsky
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I get that kind of thing when i use 3/4G to connect or the network is under load so i expect it is internet related HOWEVER


Mongo DB is getting heaps of inserts and updates because of crafting hours as well as more coming in from people TPing now.  I would think that it is struggling to keep up and index what it needs to.


UI should get a little love to fix crfting to not have so many updates...make sliders bigger so you dont make iron ingots in 40 transactions when it could be 1 transaction.   TPing now will be updating a heap of stuff i would think....definately increasingthe number of selects done as people jump and requery their new port location's inventory.....and of course the clan warehouse addition.


Would not suprise me if Mongo was lagging and not the player.......

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I get that kind of thing when i use 3/4G to connect or the network is under load so i expect it is internet related HOWEVER


Mongo DB is getting heaps of inserts and updates because of crafting hours as well as more coming in from people TPing now.  I would think that it is struggling to keep up and index what it needs to.


UI should get a little love to fix crfting to not have so many updates...make sliders bigger so you dont make iron ingots in 40 transactions when it could be 1 transaction.   TPing now will be updating a heap of stuff i would think....definately increasingthe number of selects done as people jump and requery their new port location's inventory.....and of course the clan warehouse addition.


Would not suprise me if Mongo was lagging and not the player.......



Actually if my internet connection was the cause I would understand, but it's 
not the case.
I have a very fine tuned line as I had some issues 2 years ago with my provider 
from the very area I am.
But after a bit of work with them (and I have a technical background in IT), we 
reached a point where they got my line to be perfectly adjusted. I don't get the 
full Bandwith I should be entitled by the subscription I have, but I still get a 
very good 110 Mbit/s of Download, and 22 Mbit/s of upload on the line and I have 
no loss of signal on it.
I'm the only one using that line, and nothing changed on that side. Especially 
as I do play to other games, and have a good amount of games installed through 
Steam (Steam being set to not download anything when I'm playing a game through 
it, and I do play Naval Action through Steam) and don't experience any slowing 
down there, be it in games, or while having Steam updating or installing my 
And if it was related to my line being overloaded "from time to time" the issue 
would not be there ALL the time. And actually since the day of the last patch, 
every single time I played Naval Action I got those freeze and long loading. And 
that was even when the server population was very low. 
The fact I was already having 101ms of ping reported in game and 117ms of ping 
reported in the Server selection pre-patch tend to indicate that the Line from 
my place (in Europe) to the US based PVE server has not changed a bit.
I just really hope the problem is not related to some 8089 port issue, as this 
would be a problem. As a lot of people in Europe, my ISP provider keep that port 
reserved for the Router and the transmission of data as I have a "combined box", 
providing TV, Phone and Internet.
There is still one detail I learned from speaking in game with people of the 
Great Britain faction, it's that some players have that issue too, and they 
where having it Pre-patch.
Another information that I have, is that my clan mates who have computer with 
much lesser performance (Regular HDD, 8GB of memory and such) have not seen any 
change in the game. They do not experience the Freeze and very long loading.
And to give a better example with one of those friend, when we do battle with 
one, fighting AI unit, when the battle end he has finished loading and already 
moved a good way when I finally reach the Open World.
So if it was something related to the server, we should all experience the same 
kind of issue, and it's not what's happening. 
Thanks for your time Ink, and really hope you will find what's happening, as I 
would be a real sad "bunny" if I could not enjoy the game fully, as everything 
in the game right now really give me my "fix" of good Old Sailing fighting ships.
Edited by Stavinsky
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