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Crafting hours pilfered from primary production

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My suggesting is to mirror reality (as this game strives to do) and NOT pay crafting hours when collecting non crafted primary produce. Why do we lose crafting hours by collecting primary produced items such as gold, coal, hemp and iron ore? I pay to have this loaded in gold which is only fair,however nothing is crafted whatsoever so taking crafting hours when no crafting is done is very wrong. 

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The way I see it is that they aren't crafting hours, they are labour hours.


When you collect resources, you are attributing the labour hours of collection I would suppose... or you are 'paying' your workers for the amount they've gathered which you are taking...


Regardless, it is there to create another labour hour sink, so that people don't become self-sufficient crafters.

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It is simply a matter of point of views imho. Both systems are legit: one says that you hire workers to mine your ore and allot your own time (Labour Hours) to collect; the second says that, because you already paid the workers, there  is no need to use LH. I would say to keep the second one because it will "force" the players to make choices and plan ahead. Do I collect ore or I build a ship? I need to build a ship, so I will collect the ore now and build it later on... choices people, choices :)

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