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Premium idea: name your ships

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I know there is talk of a cash shop giving cosmetic advantages rather than pay-to-win advantages.

I would definitely pay 50 cents to slap a name on my vessel that is visible in the game. I think it would also add a fun longevity to certain ships like Brigs which are commonly sold after someone levels up out of them and sells them. You get to see the same ship sailed by numerous captains as they move from hand to hand.

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I don't want a premium ship at all, premium shops ruin games and it's a slap in the face to a lot of the core playerbase.

Not premium ships, just the ability to name ships. The devs have stated that they are implementing a cash shop, but have no desire to create a pay-to-win atmosphere. They want their shop to sell cosmetics like skins and so on, rather than upgrades.

This is just a suggestion about an option that can go in that proposed shop.

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