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Disconnected - lost durability


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Ok guys, that's just enough. It's second time this happened to me. I was fighting an AI fleet, all ships were sunk, just 1 constitution left, running away. So I decided to chase him. It took me about half an hour before I even got closer to him to fire chasers. Suddenly I got disconnected (probably some provider issues) and that idiotic constitution who was running away for like 45 minutes suddenly turned around and sunk me (or I don't know what happened). When I reconnected, I was in St. Nick with -1 dura on my 3rd rate. Devs are you serious about this? I paid over 700k for this ship and I lost durability twice this way (first time fighting demasted AI surprise.....). I get it you can't do anything about this issue in PvP fights, otherwise ppl will just abuse this and get disconnected on purpose, everytime they're near death. But in PvE? I'm being forced to stop playing this game. On lower class ships this wasn't so serious, since ships were lot cheaper. But on 3rd? I just can't play this way. Making money just to get sunk while I'm offline? No, thanks. That's not gonna happen. First time I just cracked on. But second time in one week????? Please do something about it. Also durability restoration would be nice. I just can't do this anymore. And what am I supposed to do on 2nd and 1st rate????????


Edited by Edward_Teach
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This mechanics must be preserved as "autoloss" when you are not able to recconect in short period of time. If there was no such mechanics, the pople will just abuse this feature and disconecting whenever their ships is not going to make it. 

I am sorry for your loss, but only your provider is here to blame. 


The only thing that devs can do is probably stretching the period of time when you are able to recconect back to the battle to.. 5 minutes maybe?

Edited by Porpoise
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Captain, I'm very sorry to hear about you loss:( The problem is not in reimbursements itself - we will gladly recover the items if it was our fault. 

The problem is potential for abuse and a lot of manual work to do so - which slows the development during early access. We are in the process to figure out the official position and efficient process to do so. Please hold on.

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dang im really sorry to hear that..   only a dev or mod can deal with this....and most likely(unfortunately) they will say its not possible because then that opens up the gates for other to just say they lost connection.


Just a quick side-note - Mods are absolutely unable to do anything except for moderate chat.  We have no tools regarding assets, etc.  That's up to Ink and the awesome Dev team.

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Sure. Because autoloss in this case makes perfect sense..... <_<  What about autoleaving battle after two minutes when nobody's shooting me while I'm off? Because this cony was running away, nearly dead. I did not sink, so why did it took my durability???? :angry:  Sry devs, but this is just too bad to carry on..... I refuse to grind endless hours only to lose ships this way. And since 1st rates have only 1 dura, this game is dead for me untill I manage to get better connection. And in a small village, there's no else internet connection to choose from. Maybe in couple years......

Edited by Edward_Teach
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Sure. Because autoloss in this case makes perfect sense..... <_<  What about autoleaving battle when nobody's shooting my ship while I'm off? Because this cony was running away, nearly dead. I did not sink, so why did it took my durability???? :angry:  Sry devs, but this is just too bad to carry on..... I refuse to grind endless hours only to lose ships this way. And since 1st rates have only 1 dura, this game is dead for me untill I manage to get better connection. And in a small village, there's no else internet connection to choose from. Maybe in couple years......


If there were no cosequences of leaving battle (disconecting) it could be easily abused by players just quiting the client every time they get into the trouble. 


Example1: AH, the Trinco is tagging my Cerberus Alt F4 - problem solved. 

Example2: Omg, he called reinforcements and now I have to fight 2 ships instead of one.... ALT F4 and nothing happens.


The mechanics is set to prevent this unfair behaviour. I understand it is painful to lose a good ship because of disco, but you will not be reimbursed for that in any other MMO. For example when you disconects in WOT, WOWS you have chance to jump back and finnish the battle. It works similar in Naval Action. But when you lose your tank during the disconection, then you still have to pay for your repairs and etc. The same system is in EVE online, where the loss of the ship could be 10000x worse than here. Simply you can not sort accidents from intention automatically. This must be done by support staff. Imagine how many players are experiencing the same issue during the day. It is impossible to fix these situations.

Edited by Porpoise
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