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Towns/Ports/Land mass becoming more interactive - 3d Models, objects, locations, roaming, FPS?

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I was just wondering if the devs have discussed further plans to make the towns/ports become more interactive. Past from the current 2d Menu state. Into something like an actual 3D Port that you can roam around with many differing locations: Warehouse, Tavern, Brothel, forts, houses, governors mansions etc. You could even bring some life into the land mass and make instanced areas as jungles with wildlife, hidden special locations, hideouts. One could go wild with ideas into making naval action's lands become more lifelike rather than just coming into port and transitioning into a 2d menu.


And also if the devs have ever considered bringing in FPS into naval action. I guess for now having first person view in ports and the ability to run around checking out the locations would be an awesome addition to more content that is planned for this game.


What do you guys think?


P.S I just realized how much bigger in game file size this would be if implemented with more content into the huge open world map with all that land mass. Wow. I mean gosh that would be a big undertaking. I have faith in our Naval action devs  :D

Edited by AdmiralPounce
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Why is there no option to go "No more stuff, I'm a terrible human being"? If you go bias, go all the way!


At any rate, we're talking INSANE workload here. IN-SANE. For that small a studio? A year or two maybe? And that all for... what? Interactive screensaver? No, thanks - I will take a game instead.

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Ohh goody another poll, No Naval action today folks to busy filling in all the polls that spring up faster than a leaking Cerb. Good luck with this poll, i am sure the many poll adicts will be grateful for another opportunity to tick a one sided, loaded poll to try to get their opinions upvoted over any other. Not trying to be difficult (it comes natural) but it takes a very well written poll to be of any use.

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Edit: I'll take down the poll. Focus more on discussing how to bring some life into the ports, towns & land mass areas instead of the current 2d menu form. I would like to see more visual improvements but thats just me.

Edited by AdmiralPounce
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I was just wondering if the devs have discussed further plans to make the towns/ports become more interactive. Past from the current 2d Menu state. Into something like an actual 3D Port that you can roam around with many differing locations: Warehouse, Tavern, Brothel, forts, houses, governors mansions etc. You could even bring some life into the land mass and make instanced areas as jungles with wildlife, hidden special locations, hideouts. One could go wild with ideas into making naval action's lands become more lifelike rather than just coming into port and transitioning into a 2d menu.


And also if the devs have ever considered bringing in FPS into naval action. I guess for now having first person view in ports and the ability to run around checking out the locations would be an awesome addition to more content that is planned for this game.


What do you guys think?


P.S I just realized how much bigger in game file size this would be if implemented with more content into the huge open world map with all that land mass. Wow. I mean gosh that would be a big undertaking. I have faith in our Naval action devs  :D

IIRC the devs have stated no player avatars or locations in port you can walk to.

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Shame. It's a potential iteration certainly worth looking into if the small studio in naval action can afford the resources & time. I wish I had known that sooner though. I can't find any good links to dev news or blogs about this game. And I had no idea that naval action was a small studio. That certainly changes alot in the scope of things they are capable of doing in terms of implementing new content. Guess I'll just have to put with sea battles, capturing forts, faction wars, jumping a rando trader, attacking a rando pirate for some nice booty.


And in the previous posts, I still agree in atleast improving the current 2d menu into something more appealing than just staring at a blank, baseless screen with a few tabs and buttons. I certainly won't be happy if the menu doesn't get any improvements by the time this game releases. That's just asking for bad first impressions. But I hold my faith for this studio. They have great potential to do great things.

Edited by AdmiralPounce
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