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Person joining trader cap to take ship by damaging it


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Was in battle with trader ship when another person joined fight. Told him that i was capping ship and he said was gonna shoot sails. When i got next to ship to prepare for board he came alongside and shot it with ball ammo so he could have most damage. 


I stopped boarding attempt to shoot ship and get the damage lead back and he came alongside and boarded the ship before i could get close again. Only had 15 crew left.  Ended up stealing the ship and cargo.


Waylander is name as shown in chat.


What are we supposed to do in these situations? I know from past fights that people that shoot ball into trader ships get the damage lead can get the ship even if i win boarding fight. SO how are we supposed to proceed?


Really need some guidance here to know what to do. On PVE server so not much we can do in this situation against people that do these things. 


Posted a bug report as well are we supposed to do that with a  screen shot as well?






Edited by Darmand
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I dont think you need the damage lead to get the captured ship. I often am in this situation since I only shoot sails to capture and winning the boarding fight have always worked to get the trader ship.

Not for me i have won boarding and still lost ships to others, at least that is what i remember.. Why i am asking here for clarification.  too much of this going on.  This is not the first time, nor second,third,fourth...you get the idea. What are the rules here and how can we deal with these situations?

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Was in battle with trader ship when another person joined fight. Told him that i was capping ship and he said was gonna shoot sails. When i got next to ship to prepare for board he came alongside and shot it with ball ammo so he could have most damage. 


I stopped boarding attempt to shoot ship and get the damage lead back and he came alongside and boarded the ship before i could get close again. Only had 15 crew left.  Ended up stealing the ship and cargo.


Waylander is name as shown in chat.


What are we supposed to do in these situations? I know from past fights that people that shoot ball into trader ships get the damage lead can get the ship even if i win boarding fight. SO how are we supposed to proceed?


Really need some guidance here to know what to do. On PVE server so not much we can do in this situation against people that do these things. 


Posted a bug report as well are we supposed to do that with a  screen shot as well?




well this is a bit problematic, by giving up the boarding by yourself you also giving up the right of ownage of the vesel, even if you started the fight. Waylander probelly thought the enemy interupted due a bug. However taking the ship with him is also not 100% ok. so yes i think this will lead in no results here.


it would have been another story, if he interupted your boarding then he would have broken the rules of engagement and that would have been bad for him.

i can only give you the advice, if you want the ship dont stopp the boarding, once you have boarded the ship he cant take it away anymore, well someone still can sink it out of grief but that would be green on green and a reason for a temp ban or warning.

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This a suggestion for players, who want to help each oter instead of stealing their price.

After helping a couple of lower rank players with capturing their prize, i myself now encountered higher rank players stealing my prize who invaded my battle mutliple times.

I now know and understand why some players consider shooting green on green when this happens, it is still wrong but i get it.

The only thing you could do, to save yourself from this is, and thats what i am doing from my last stolen price is;

- write down name of player

- go down wind, and leave battle! and keep writing down names who do so.

- if the written down names enter your or mine battles, just leave. Save yourself 15 to 30 minutes for nothing! Sadly they can't be trusted!

Imo, because there is a huge map with enough prices sailing around and whe are sailing under the same flag. I consider this dishonorable, and not necessary.

It saves you time, griefing and on a bad day a tribunal case against you after they alteady stolen your price

It's just a suggestion nothing more.

I keep a ledger to fairly split loot 50/50 for those who help, and inwrite those names in that same ledger.

I'll hope this wil help you avoid tribunal cases.

Other suggestion are highly welcome to deal with these dishonerable captains.

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well this is a bit problematic, by giving up the boarding by yourself you also giving up the right of ownage of the vesel, even if you started the fight. Waylander probelly thought the enemy interupted due a bug. However taking the ship with him is also not 100% ok. so yes i think this will lead in no results here.


it would have been another story, if he interupted your boarding then he would have broken the rules of engagement and that would have been bad for him.

i can only give you the advice, if you want the ship dont stopp the boarding, once you have boarded the ship he cant take it away anymore, well someone still can sink it out of grief but that would be green on green and a reason for a temp ban or warning.

That is why i am here...to get a real set of rules. Why have a PVE server if we have these PVP situations all the time anyhow, along with us having no clue how to deal with them?


Really kind of negates the PVE doesn't it? If i have had many real people come into my trader fights and take ship. That is the description of PVP is it not? Player -vs-Player? 


Let's get this settled one way or the other please. If we really are PVP on all servers then just say so.  If we are PVE then give me some rules, or fix this in mechanics, so i know when and why and how to handle these things. They are happening EVERY day.


Just in these few post replies...i have been told do not stop boarding but then can lose my good ship if i claim other trader...really need the devs to make this clear for us what the heck are we to do?

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