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Lord Roberts

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Posts posted by Lord Roberts

  1. GGZ.


    I really hope for the sake of this game that retard in a 60 crew Surprise w/ 2 fleet members that joined us was not one of your guys doing it on purpose... Then again I simply cannot imagine how a low level guy would be running around in a Surprise and 2 fleet members and doing this if it wasn't on purpose/planned. If the Brits are actually using that kind of bottom of the barrel tactics, the devs really need to address this kind of issue.


    Other than that, it was a pretty epic fight, we all very much enjoyed it.

    I swear on my Grandmothers grave that it was not any member of SOB that was in the Surprise, I do not know if it was a spy.

  2. Sadly there is no actual proof that he was a spy from another nation, in regards to the chat logs you can see them for yourself (E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Naval Action) in the "Logs" folder or "Crashdumps" > "Logs" 

    the only issue with that is it's opened with a notepad and can easily be forged and thus the moderators and devs won't use that as proof, from what I have seen.

  3. Yes only 1 character per server, you will have the same experience and rank on each server as it's tied to your steam account. it will be very hard starting out if you are a high level and can't do those missions in a cutter.

    Can try do small battles to level up or keep capturing bigger and bigger ships and eventually get one that you can do your missions with.


    I'm sorry that i responded in English but I am not that great at typing in German, still learning. 

  4. Not taking any sides on this but did he say anything in chat? did you try follow up with him or ask if anyone knew him? also I don't believe there is anything against under crewing a ship nor will there ever be, obviously it's going to be bad for the person doing it. I know it's unfortunate but it happens all the time to everyone on every nation and server sadly. 


    If you have video evidence of him ramming people and firing at friendly forces I am sure that would be enough for him to receive a punishment, though don't take my word on that.

  5. How would one apply for the volunteer position sir? Send it to you? or just a reply here. As I am very interested and believe I could contribute to the team greatly. Thank you.

    I will add some information about myself below. I am also ON PVP 2


    • Have been playing the game since early Sea Trials back in 2014
    • I can read, write and speak some German as I am half German Myself
    • 4 Years of Management in a company called TGN and Freedom
    • Willing to help anyone with anything to the best of my abilities, have done so a few times on the forums already, and in game.
    • Have 600 Hours on the game and Commodore already
    • Know pretty much the ins and outs of the game as i stated before I play a lot.
    • Currently have a lot of free time on my hands so I can do any sort of volunteer work for however long is needed.
    • Like 3
  6. Britain is a Nation with a mission - and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have no desire to dominate, no ambitions of empire. Our aim is a democratic peace - a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman. - Roberts

  7. It's funny how the Pirates are both the 2nd second largest faction/nation on both PVP 1 and PVP 2, it's clear that the Pirate system in this game is extremely bias towards pirates and needs a complete reform, they should not have near to everything other nations have, they have no limits at the moment, only thing different is that they can't use neutral ports which doesn't really matter to pirates.

  8. There he goes again folks!  We exploit guys, we exploit! only wait. We have no clue what you mean. How about for one moment, you tell us all here the accusation. Tell me exactly what exploit it is. Go on, I'm waiting...actually no, We are all waiting to hear that grand exploit you hate so much.




    Then you obviously haven't been around when we do fight the Pirates. maybe it's because you only came for 2 days and then left whimpering back to your capital? gotcha

    No point in talking with simple minded children on matters they do not comprehend, peace.

    • Like 1
  9. Holy mother of pearl dude. What are you smoking, because I'd LOVE to join you.


    You keep saying this "exploit" word, but every time I've asked for clarification so I can confirm or deny your accusations, all you say is "you know, you just won't admit it"


    First off Mr. "Big Shot" The main treaty with have with the pirates is a Non-Invasion Pact, yeah?  I hope you understand that means no Port taking, everything else is fair game. PvP? check. Ganking people in missions? Check. I find it rather distasteful how you and your SOB clan buddies came down and said "Sweden, you're giving us a port to go fight the pirates, no questions." To which we replied "Buzz off."


    Your response? That you're going to swarm over us, take all our ports and make our lives a living hell. The Danes already basically surrendered and left their nation to you, so who else do we have to even remotely help us? French? nah, they already don't like us anyway. The Dutch? they have a clan dedicated to "one day" kill us. So for one big day, the Swedish players that were online at the time agreed to support the Pirates in their defense and drive you guys back out. So we can go back to the comfortable life we had before you folks decided to stroll in.


    the Swedish players I have played with have been awesome, and generally respectful of each other since we are a small community in comparison to the rest of the nations. To blanket a statement about all "swedes are exploiters" and "pirate lovers" is a rather scum move from the vocal group here.

    Lol only an idiot would admit to exploiting, so you obviously wouldn't admit it, and your post says Friendly, and did you see what I said? I have seen you guys sail with each other and never attack. HOW BLOODY ODD

  10. I switched to the PvP 2 server from the PvP 1 server about a week ago. Played USA on PVP1, knew that the USA on PvP2 was way over populated so I went looking for a smaller faction to join. Checked France first and the reception was lukewarm at best (was even called a spy haha). Spent a couple of hours sailing around to all their ports looking at what resources they had available to them while trying to get a since of what their numbers and goals where. After a couple of hours I decided to try Sweden to see what numbers they had, within 5 minutes of talking in chat I had a TS login info and a clan invite and an offer of a ship to go fight in a PB at Fort Baai. I found the place to be I do believe. We have 10 to 15 on most nights US prime time in our clan, not sure of total for nation yet. We have a no port take pact with the Pirates to the south, but open PvP with them. To the North with the incoming Brit/US zerg things I think will be heating up on that front soon. Danes just to our north I don't know what their numbers are like and haven't seen many of them.

    Open PVP with the pirates? Is that why I always see the swedes and pirates sailing with each other and never attacking? and coming to the defense of pirate ports.... how odd.

    • Like 1
  11. What pirate is manipulating what now? Seriously mate, you need to find a girl and stop blaming everything on pirates.

    You know, it really doesn’t matter what the pirates write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.

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