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Lord Roberts

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Posts posted by Lord Roberts

  1. Because the goals and concerns of those that live in the north will be completely different from the goals and concerns of those that live in the south. Perhaps we misunderstood you or you misunderstood us during our discussion on forming a group that meets to discuss issues on a weekly business but I hope that we can clear that up pretty quickly. How you prosecute your warfare in and around Haiti has little interest to us and we wouldn't dream of involving ourselves in the planning of it, nor do we feel the need to go and seek input in the matters of how or where we are operating in the south unless it would directly influence others in a negative manner. Meeting to discuss these types of things weekly is a good idea because it will help us and hopefully you in shaping your plans for the near future of that meeting as well as allow us to plan together how and what we should do in the case of a national emergency where we would all by necessity have to work together to overcome.

    I'm sure that the guys from RGQT or ROYAL will correct me if I'm speaking out of turn here but that's what I got out of our meeting and would be very happy to re connect with you and the lads to discuss any confusion.


    Voodeux Delacriox

    I just always seem to hear people complain that SOB doesn't involve or ask other people about alliances and what nation we are attacking, thought maybe an entire coalition was a better idea than lots of them, but whatever you think is best.

  2. ISSB - Internet Ships are Serious Business Coalition


    We are a coalition of major British clans operating in the Central American region of PVP2.  Our goal is to organize and streamline our goals in the area.  Diplomacy is done with us through an agreement of all member clans within the coalition.  Any agreements or treaties that affect the Central American region should be discussed with us.  If you are a British clan on PVP2 operating in the same area, feel free to contact any of the diplomacy contacts for information on joining our coalition.


    Our Members:

    [RGQT] - RageQuit Gaming - http://www.rgqtgamers.com/

    recruitment: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10531-rgqt-ragequit-gaming-is-recruiting-great-britain-us-pvp-2/


    [iRuin] - Imminent Ruin - http://www.iruingaming.com

    recruitment: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4787-eng-pvp2-imminent-ruin-joining-the-fray/


    [ROYAL] - Barrett’s Privateers

    recruitment: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/10668-barretts-privateers-britain-pvp2/


    [JANFU] - Joint Army Navy Fuck Up - http://janfu.work/

    recruitment: Closed group, not primarily Naval Action


    [20R] - 20th Regiment of Foot -  http://www.20r.eu/

    recruitment: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/9650-20r-recruiting-pvp-2-us-gb-faction/


    Diplomacy Contacts:

    [RGQT] - DownTown or HMS Karralack

    [iRuin] - Voodeux Delacroix or Xarif

    [ROYAL] - James Kirk, John Bernard Shaw Cable, or Tsa Volrae

    [JANFU] - Aiello or ParaffinOil

    [20R] - HmsHunter, Kathor, or Krayvn morehead

    SOB is apart of this, we talked about it yesterday.

  3. Hi Slamz,


    Just curious how high is moral right now? Did you make this post before or after we pirates captured the regional capital and you guys spat on a proposed non-aggression pact while we dealt with the English? Or perhaps after we sunk you last night? While I do enjoy your fiction and it did give me a hearty chuckle, I would prefer if you didn't misrepresent us. Simply because your faction lacks the organization to make use of grand-strategy, doesn't mean that the use of such methods are cowardly or lacking in any way. To do so would also suggest that you view the British, Napoleon ( Would you look at that!), the Greeks and almost every other powerful nation throughout history as weak and cowardly.


    In regards to the shallow port runs on Sunday, I must give you some props for managing to sink our first flag bearer. That was a mistake on our end and it has been analyzed and won't happen again. Our other flag bearer experienced a ISP blackout and was disconnected from the game, causing him to surrender instantly.


     In regards to your comment Lord Roberts:


    It's clear that you have little knowledge of the situation in the south. Did you know that deep-water ports can only be captured by Cerberus and above? I'm not sure about you, but I wouldn't consider those "low level' ships. Especially considering the fact that the French and British in the area can barely field any frigates. I do also enjoy your comment about exploits, rather funny if I do say so myself. The BR black is a game mechanic created by the developers to stop small ships from pulling significantly larger fleets, when they have no hope of winning. In my opinion it would be significantly worse if a single French player could pull an entire fleet of 30-40 Cerberus and above ships in an attempt to stop us from starting the port capture within the window set for Naprima. 


    On the topic of Naprima, shall we talk about the attempted capture of Naprima by the British last night? While it was a valiant attempt to snuff out the only pirate port in the area, they chose a poor moment to attack. We pirates allowed you to enter the battle and approach the towers before we engaged you, a classic ambush as it were. However rather than fight to the "pirate scum" (A direct quote from an earlier engagement with the British, where they jumped an unarmed trade vessel without any provocation.) The British fleet turned and attempted to escape the defenders, who in turn ran down a large portion of their fleet and destroyed them. At which point the British rage-quit and logged off for the night. A poor choice as the Pirate target for the evening was the regional capital "Puerto D'espania" which at the time was under the control of the British at that moment, allowing us an easy victory.

    well to me and my clan cerbs are low level ships.

  4. If America And the pirates were to spread the numbers around to the danes french and sweden it would make the server a whole hella alot more fun imho

    from what I heard the Pirates are making Swedish accounts to farm xp off of each other due to them now being very close together, it would not surprise me as the pirates on PVP2 are the biggest cowards I have seen in a game.

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  5. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: SONS OF BRITAIN have allowed the nation of Spain to travel to Panama from Cuba,

     this means we will will not attack them and would greatly appreciate it if the members of the public

     do not attack them either. Sons of Britain do not represent the entirety of Britain but would like everyone

     to respect the terms of the treaty. This will allow us to take Cuba freely and create a buffer between the Dutch


     Thank you - Flag Captain Roberts.

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