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Posts posted by Siegfried

  1. Pensad un poco con vistas. El tratado, o mas bien la No firma de él ahora es solo una excusa para tomar lo que queda.


    Al menos con la pared oeste del golfo teníamos una zona tranquila para levear que es lo importante en el juego ahora. Solo había que sonreir un poquito mientras firmas, no ponerse en pompa.


    Veo que seguimos ladrando sin dientes. Pensad en los niños y los pobres gatitos!!!

    • Like 1
  2. Txibi, siento haberte usado para argumentar lo del escudo entre facciones, no era personal y solo era ese párrafo, no lo remarqué bien.


    Gamu, La decisión de jugar abajo en realidad juega el papel de demostrar que en otra capital estaríamos mejor. Pero debilita la argumentación de que jugar en horas distintas realmente esta perjudicándonos.


    Aglos, no se si tienes el mismo nick en el E69. Tampoco tienes que ser tan radical. Puedes jugar aquí de momento y ya veremos después del reinicio del mapa. Si aún eres de poco rango en el juego puedes ayudar en las islas esas de México que están atacando los piratas.


    Y para los tres y el resto. No se si habré parecido demasiado emocional jaja pero bueno a veces hay que meterse un poco en el papel y solo trato de decir lo que se siente visto desde un punto neutral sin favoritismos por nada ni nadie aparte de la propia facción.


    De todas formas ese papel, firmado o no, solo vale para tener algo de tranquilidad hasta el reinicio.

  3. La diplomacia no es cargar con chorradas en los foros contra las reglas del juego, ya sean buenas, malas o rotas.


    Txibi, nosotros ya hemos hecho de escudo para los ingleses hasta ahora. No se si no ofrecieron ayuda o si alguien la rechazó y me da igual porque ya no tiene remedio. España, o más bien quién habló por ella al principio no hizo diplomacia. Ni externa ni interna. Sólo ha actuado como un grupo de "si a todo" para los ingleses. Todo ello a espaldas del resto de la facción además.


    Lo que no se puede es fanfarronear creyéndose apoyado por el primo de zumosol sin mirar si realmente esta ahí. Ni tampoco se puede ladrar sin dientes como hemos hecho hasta ahora. Ser el caniche ruidoso de los ingleses mientras ellos engordaban en la retaguardia. Nos hemos comportado como una facción patética de gallitos famélicos.


    Yo me he dejado los dedos hasta el hueso para intentar unirlo todo mientras mucha gente torpedeaba esa unión. Ahora mucha gente está con la cabeza escondida en la arena, divirtiéndose en otro lado o directamente actuando como piratas contra la propia facción española. Si es que mirándolo bien si fuéramos un canal de televisión, ese sería telecinco.... menudo espectáculo, madre mía.


    A lo largo de todo este tiempo, en cuanto entendí el tema de las banderas y las ventanas de ataque, he estado proponiendo luchar una guerra de verdad contra US. Entonces, cuando nos hubieran barrido luchando e intentándolo, no tendrían la excusa de llamarnos lloricas como hacen ahora. Les hemos dejado hacerlo y encima hemos quedado como deshonestos. Las malas mecánicas se demuestran usándolas, estando ahí y no huyendo a la otra esquina del mapa. De nuevo... tiempo perdido y mas telecinco.


    Y le dijo la hormiga al elefante:


    ¿Que nos devuelvan cuatro puertos y que ellos se puedan seguir extendiendo con total impunidad hacia las bahamas y hacia centroamerica y que ademas sigan jodiendo a la peña con sus escuadras?


    Va a ser que no doy mi apoyo ni de broma vaya, renegociad para que incluyan el golfo de Mexico y las islas pequeñas cercanas a este y a La Habana y entonces si seria algo razonable asi como que dejen en paz a todo español con un barco menor. Si siguen asi con esta politica de expansionismo desmedido se haran mas enemigos que otra cosa y llegara un punto en que no puedan mas.


    ¿En serio? Mira tío, sin acritud, yo no soy yankee, pero aún así me estoy descojonando que no veas. Ya de paso vete a exigir a los holandeses que nos "devuelvan" también toda Venezuela ¿no? Además en tu post leo palabras como "renegociad" y "razonable."


    Ahora mi propuesta...


    Decir... venga va. Y punto. No hace falta acompañarlo con flores, bombones o vaselina perfumada, pero es la única manera de mantener las dos opciones mas o menos intactas que aún nos quedan y seguir a la expectativa.

    • Like 3
  4. What if I tell you, that the decission of going to Panama, was not only to defend that part of the map from the dutch, but as a "Fuck off" to the rest of the Spanish Faction...




    I answer childish behavour and whinnings.


    Leadership require more stuff than big numbers and the threat of f**k off all people, hide the head in the sand and then flee at the first sign of difficulty presented.


    I was the guy trying tie all together and my hard work was sabotaged. But I am here yet, in the spanish faction.


    You can ask me: Where are you? I didn't see in the battles".


    My answer: in the forums and national chat trying to tie all together the things others destroyed and not having fun as others do.

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  5. At this point, I think I am the only truly diplomat in all spanish faction... both internal and external affairs. lol


    For the sake of Flying Pig! I only want to play pew pew pew with my pretty wooden ships!!!


    Hey muricans. As this battle seems demostrate that fun is possible.


    What if you have a arranged battle with all this spanish captains and both can counter the real casualties and be friends?

  6. The reason for relocate the capitol is not for Spain win the map.


    Is delaying our bitter and unavoidable end but having fun in the process. We can be a bug smashed on the floor, but with a great smile in our face. lol


    Yesterday a port battle in the Gulf was fought and spain was defeated, but spanish people could attack and be defeated having fun in the process and their enemy too. Spanish captains in that battle learned something new and maybe the next time a more fun battle for both sides.


    BTW, The capitol in the gulf is not solution, it would be as we playing in other server or in a isolated guetto. Then, spain would be the puppet of the faction who controls the access of the gulf.

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  7. Maybe the developers are spending to much time/effort on making the game like everyone else's instead of making it their own.


    A little change of capitol (if that is the object from this thread) is not a great change. This is a early access and we need find the correct set of positions in the map.


    I even don't know why I am expend so many time disscusing this. I am in this game only for the battles with ships and the ship models ;)


    But if the game works for all players in all timezones in the same server... it will be a great game right?


    Please Justme refrain to speak that about spain faction, if spain is in other side they can play too. Maybe in a year spain can be a great faction without troubles.

    • Like 1
  8. What is "going to south" is this thread...


    Go to discuss timers, bad diplomatics or decisions to another thread.


    Spanish capitol was moved to Habana in the last world before this wipe, when only 100 people were online. Still people did not stay in habana and this problem didn't arised then. And that capitol didn't the only city changed.


    British's zerg capitol was changed from Lesser Antilles to Jamaica and nobody said about mom or dad coming to help the others. Dutch capitol was changed to ABC islands and nobody said something about mom and dad coming for help them. All that moves were for fix issues and give balance and it worked. Now is time to fix the bad move spain is suffering, but people is complaining?


    Second explanation for better understanding: Months ago devs quit the british zerg from the gates of Sweden, Denmark and Dutch. Dutch were given the "promised paradise" for extend for uncontested spanish ports in Venezuela, nobody complaint then... Now is time for save spain from the unified zerg from 3 big factions.


    Devs believed that spain should be a strong nation based in the spain from POTBS and they were wrong, this need adjust and now is early access, a perfect time for fix bad stuff.


    If devs change ports now (and we don't know what they want to do) is for fix that bad move NOW that they and us have seen now, not before. Nobody call "mom and dad" for help. Remember that is a test phase in early access.

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  9. C'mon guys. Lack of unity and all that things are important but we coulndn't fight back.


    The fact is spain is a small or medium populated faction and we were put in the middle of the three largest factions in all game. We have the problem of to be one timezone for 80-90% of players.


    The first day was evident our position in map is not ideal, but the first day we can't go to forum to complain because the need of people to see with their own eyes. Now is time because is evident for all.


    Now is early acces and beta or alpha and is NOW when a change can be done without real detriment for others.


    If we make a treaty with US, then we only hide the problem. And as the game is early access and beta or alpha is good uncover fails. And the position of Habana for a underdog and timezone limited faction is a great fail.


    I am speaking with devs thinking here, not as spanish. If other faction had the same problem I would speak the same and no biased as I do in ships polls.


    Again, the actual situation where spaniards are fighting in other side is not valid. Many people gave up the situation and others only took the workarround and changed the capitol to Colombia for at least lose against someone in actual battles. 


    And for all spanish people, stop to say about US or EU servers ownership, kick factions from game and all that.


    For all people, don't think with faction or national minds, we are testing for get a better game for all in launch.

    • Like 4
  10. For the sake of good mood in this thread, please, refrain of make mention at timers or port battles here please. If spanish players don't reach enough rank or ship as US or other nations players is only our fault. This thread is only for speak about a possible relocation of spanish ports, not to ask advantages in XP earning of better ships for one nation.


    We need to test the new changes, whatever they are, admin had proposed and evaluate the result. Not more and no less.

    • Like 3
  11. So no love for Dutch :(

    btw if you move Spanish capital to Cartagena De Indias, we dutch will be really sad :(





    did you see the number of players they can put down in the south? 40 to 50 strong!


    Why mate? Spanish girls are beautiful, but remember, you can look but don't touch.

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  12. You need remember that we are in early access and testing. Maybe a change of capitol is necessary for the good of all game and community. The game is beta I think, and too many people is playing as it was a finished game.


    This is not the first change of nation capitols.

    • Like 4
  13. It's a beginning. Maybe 72 hour is excesive and if a player can not play 4-6 one day, he will not able to play 4-6 three days after.


    With my system, US will win too, but at least we can have fun and to say something about it


    We need too the change of capital at St Domingo or Cartagena. If we can't deploy captains in your prime time, the best bet is remove from your way and let you meet with british first. They have american and oceanic people too.


    Spain can begin a war with Dutch or Danes if we moved the capitol to east and then in our timezone. Remember at first St Domingo was the capitol in the game.


    I wait when you have more time to post here mate.

  14. Because I don't want this is buried in another thread I decides make this.


    Maybe a solution for ALL would be port conquest for stages. Something like sports championships in real life.


    First flag is created as now. Interception possible as now. Maybe reduce the time to spoil flag or the distance at two ports far away.


    First battle port in that timezone for example 4-6. Nation A attacks and nation B defends but all empty slots are filled with NPC BR based.


    Second battle in the other time zone 18-20 for example and same rules, all empty slots filled with NPCs.


    Third battle in a common timezone based in statistics about how many players in that faction is online every hour and the battle is filled with NPC again. Points are always visible for teams decide if they go to the next battle or not.


    And the last battle is normal port battle with defenses in the timezone chosed by the winner of other battles based in points every team get. No NPC fills the empty slots this time, only port defenses and players in both sides.



    -Less pace in changing hands of ports.

    -ALL people can say something about that, from every timezone. Nobody wake up with less ports and nobody must go to exile to other server  ;)

    -More extended time and more exhaustive battles with more XP and Gold earns for all.

    -More PvP odds.

    -If a port is lost, we can't blame the other faction's guys, only at same faction people who play the other timezone battles.

    -More exciting bugs and xploits can be rise!!!


    The bad side:


    -People changing nation and entering in battleports and making nothing spoiling the effort of others.

    -People avoiding go online for change the statistics.

    -Faction with more people obtain advantage in that statistics or in battles because a player is better than NPCs.


    Discuss this without bad feelings please

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  15. Relocate capitol to Santo Domingo. Or Cartagena de Indias


    Make another faction chat for english speakers. Some spanish players attack at people speaking english in spain channel.


    Introduce chat moderators. Many times flamming chat arise and nobody can stop it.


    Make all ports neutral or that we can set timers in own original ports. Many spanish players complaint when a far away port was taken and they didn't understand that a undefended port is not our anyway.


    Limit nations to islands. Maybe La Hispaniola shared by french and spanish.


    Limit assault flag time to 20-30 minutes. Or limit the distance to 1 or 2 ports from the own port.


    And one new idea. Give incentives for people playing far from capital. Now all people play in capital and nobody wants to move at other place. In a big faction that is the cause nobody is defending. That and the loss if that city fall, and our cities were falling while we sleep. Nobody wants wake up and see their outpost with their stuff was lost.


    For that Regional capitols are important. You can set Capitols only conquerable when all arround ports are lost. And if Regional Capitol fall, give a free delivery system to another capitol. Making missions in far regional capitols give more XP and gold. Give capitols a stock for all resources and in bigger quantity.


    And when a faction with people from different timezones is fighting, make a stadistic about that hour that people play and force extended window when more people from each faction is online. I think that is fair.


    Add in port battles a system as in sports with semifinals and finals. You want attack a port, then various days are needed for that. Based in playerbase timezone put the battles. 1 battle in one timezone with NPCs filling slots, 2 battle in the other primetime with NPC filling slots and 3 battle in a middle ground. Then a normal port battle start in the timezone who gets more points but they need win against port battle defences too.


    This way ports taken more slowly, less prone to random factors, more intense and all people from different timezones can partake in it.


    Sorry for my wording, today I am not inspired for use foreigner languages.

  16. I am not complaining now and since friday I give up the game for some time. That battle for Bahia Honda should have been fought in every port along Florida coast but now... I don't give a shit for the game in actual scenary. Enjoy cuban cigars.

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