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Posts posted by Siegfried

  1. Cuando luchas contra algo, vas aprendiendo como es. Mas que nada porque tienes que aprender sus fuertes y debilidades para hacerlo. Y eso te puede dar ideas de como hacer algo similar. Por supuesto es mas eficiente capturarlo y hacer ingeniería inversa. Eso hasta ahora está reflejado en la pequeña posibilidad de que romper un barco te de el BP de ese barco concreto.

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  2. Yo también corrí a vender todo el tabaco que pudiera antes del parche. Pero no fue por información privilegiada. El refrán de "Mas vale pájaro en mano..." es muy viejo ya.


    Sin embargo se me olvidó vender 300 de danish beer que el primer día después valía 1500 y al siguiente lo hotfixearon y se quedo en 90... eso fue por no seguirlo.

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  3. Las maderas buenas también salen en las botellas y en los trader IA.


    La diferencia de la caoba con el live oak es que este ultimo te da 10% extra de armor y la caoba 7.5%, la penalización de velocidad es la mitad y el grosor del costado es 5 cm y el live oak es 7. Para mas datos el teka te da 4 cm.


    Los datos del Live oak son oficiales y los de la caoba los he sacado comparando varios basic cutters en las tiendas hechos con las diferentes maderas.


    Después esta el bermuda cedar que da la velocidad del fir pero sin penalizaciones e incluso te suma 5% al armor. Pero vi también una consti de esto que le daba mas bonus de velocidad que al cutter y eso no lo entiendo. ¿Será por el tipo de velas? 


    Seguiremos haciendo pruebas hasta que salga algo oficial.

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  4. Guys, the OP is not for crafting system, trading, etc... Is about 1 dura ships and make the idea more player friendly. More disposable ships but maintain the differences in quality, only that invisible for players. Some time ago, Admin said tha he wants the ships are only a disposable tool or something like that. When you put a label as exceptional ship or so easy to read, you have a not disposable tool. And in the real life all ships had a reputation, not a performance sheet to check.

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  5. Now with the new patch notes, the 1 dura ships disccusion was raised. I have some suggestions for made it more... attractive. I know is probably too late for so big changes in this part of the game.


    The main idea for the next suggestions are change the dura sistem with real number of ships, convert 1 ship with 5 dura in 5 ships with 1 dura each. At same time avoid the loss feeling.


    First make the port space bigger. Maybe with slots based in ship's size. For example 15 slots, ampliable paying money. In each slot you can moor 1 first, second, third or fourth rate ship, 2 fifth rates or 3 sixth and seventh rates. Numbers and types are an example only.


    Make the ships cheaper labour hours. At least the smaller ones.


    Make the resources cheaper or lighter in the cargo holds.


    Maybe we can quit the crafting notes too and make the craft level matters


    Make the upgrades less powerfull (already announced in patch notes) or cheaper too. Maybe alternatively put durabilities in the upgrades.


    Make the trim, stats of ships invisible for player eyes and totally random. This way nobody can to know how good or bad is the ship, only with experimentation. And you avoid good ships are too important for people avoiding some of need for running or risk fear.


    Eliminate the color of quality of ships too. No more basic/grey, common/green... yellow/exceptional clasification. All ships the same "colour" and only with experimentation you can learn how good is the ship and never to be sure about that. This way is good for the social part of the game and trading. You don't know really how many money a ship worth. You need trust, or not in the seller word. You can earn a reputation as a good tester of ships and raise the price with your recomendation or "quality seal". Ships can to earn a reputation too and to be a desirable property for command or capture from an enemy captain (as Endymion in real word was). Maybe we need put in the ship a sort of serial number for this ;)


    Don't flame wars please, is only a set of suggestions in a game.

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