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Posts posted by Hethwill

  1. 1:1 scale even if with a more restricted area map, say Bahamas, or Eastern Mediterranean, or even just the Lakes during 1812 war.

    Simulation of actually taking advantage of the wind by controlling the rig as much as possible considering tech possibilities, not abstract accelerated speed. Same with gunnery. Would love less of mmo MP and more of simulator MP even if it means losing the great open world. Even if at the expense of being a big MMO but becoming a "big online war server" like other simulators running for 250 players and resetting at the end of the "war".

    Technically it is totally possible. Some projects being developed already do it at a grand scale of 1:1 scale and tens of thousands of unique connections at one spot, or anywhere in the world without time dilation ( eve ) or true instancing ( most mmos ) but actually being seamless.

    • Like 5
  2. 13 minutes ago, John Hill Regard said:

    In fact the main problem is that the game give reward for kill and not for capture ....and that is really innacurate ...During sailing age Ship were to precious to be sinked and the capture was more rewarded than sinking .....

    It was like that during a certain time in EA ( patch 10 ). I loved it. Majority disliked it :( :( :( 

    Trade goods and more important, crafting resources and materials were the main cargo being transported. Same with warships - capturing them was challenging but truly rewarding. And would deny your enemies a ship ( and time and materials involved in building them ) while providing your own nation with a new vessel.

    Alas the drive towards less than realism approach and more gameplay mmo type won the heart of the designers.

    Still the game can be very fun, albeit flawed in a "simulation of the grand age of sail in the caribbean".


    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Gilles de Rais said:

    There has to be another factor too because f.e. you dont get a Catfish every times ... catfish chance is 1.0 ...

    Conditional ( like many roll games ); either get one of the less than 1.0 and if roll fails, get guaranteed 1.0 results.

    Roll.... no dice on the chance items. Roll again to see how many catfish and jacks and salt you get.

    That's a possibility. And it is used in many games, whatever media used ( board, pc, etc )

  4. 9 minutes ago, van Veen said:

    Wow, this thread really got off track!

    Where are the Great Battle Results? 

    Taken shortly after I suddenly exploded ( fires can be really nasty :) love it ), affecting 2 Empire of Russia ships to my bow quarter and 2 unfortunate Dutch across my stern. Managed to get the kill on Ram Dinark when he boarded Aussie then switched to his ship.


    • Like 1
  5. If we backtrack to the test of woods distribution we see the root. Is all about "get out and take port if you want the resource".

    System has evolved to - build whatever basic resources and rare woods you want in whatever port you control - and predominant "rare items" became the port bonuses, which is all about "get out and take the port if you want the bonuses".

    In essence is all about fighting to control something rather than handing out everything to everyone equally.

    I'm biased so I cannot support a "everyone has access to everything without fighting for it" most of the times, but in this case there's a odd rift between accessibility of resources ( very little resource transportation in the OW ) and ship refits ( extreme excessive gaps in performance, from 10% to 25% above standard, and comparing exact same qualities ).

    So the question remains - do we want to fight for resources or do we want to fight for bonuses ?

    Or maybe the question should be - do we want to fight at all ? ( in the sense of 'meaningful' fights, not the fight just for the sake of combat mode )

    • Like 3
  6. 6 minutes ago, Thonys said:

    will,.. do you have some results ?we need at least more than 3 results to come up with something .

    Sure. Do it as many times as you wish. :) 


    3 minutes ago, Miaowi said:

    Hethwill my friend. I'm not saying that the differences between a 0/0 vs a 5/5 ship is negligible. Your test would prove the disparity

    What I'm saying is that there usually a myriad other factors at play that are more deterministic than your test tube example. Naval action just doesn't work as per your test in reality. 

    1v1 noob in a 0/0 bucket vs a 5/5 spangly toy


    Is not about 1v1. Is about 25v25 as much as 1v1, hence 2 tests - ability to change tack ( fleets often have to do it ) and ability to repair to get into line again.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Miaowi said:

    By the time you take into account player numbers, player skill, wind and knowledge slots the additional port bonus of the ship facing you is often negligible. 

    Do two tests.

    1. Normal blue quality, no port bonus versus normal blue quality, full port bonus for sailing and agility. Same modules and books for both ships. Do a tack - from 65º to 65º. Chronometer time and register recover speed ( at opposite tack 65º )for both.

    2. Normal blue quality, no port bonus versus normal blue quality, full port bonus for crew and repairs. same modules and books for both ships. Do a repair - register cooldown timer and amount repaired for both.

    Report results. Thanks a ton.

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, qw569 said:

    Fish are caught on average every 160 seconds.

    Thus, in one hour, you get 22 messages about fishing.

    Now let's look at the loot table that applies to fishing. For example Atlantic Bays Fishing Loot Table (id= 580 )

    Item Chance
    Catfish 1
    Bull Shark 0.05
    Barracuda 0.2
    Drum 0.3
    Eel 0.05
    Needlefish 1
    Smooth Hammerhead Shark 0.05
    Sealed Bottle 0.013
    Salt 1


    My record is about 40 hours without sealed bottles (AFK fishing).


    To simulate this, roll two D10 ( one is dozens, the other units ) 22 times, every time you roll a 100 ( fairly close to 0.013 / 1.000 ) you score a bottle.

    There's no guarantees of ever rolling a 100 but it might happen.

  9. 5 minutes ago, MassimoSud said:

    hethwill this SoL thing is simply bullshit!  By now we have left the EA, NA has been released and (should be) a finished game!  instead we continue to turn around!  The devs don't have a plan, they just make us believe that they want to improve the game, instead their only purpose is to make money by telling us stories!  There are so many things that the players asked, but no they do things that nobody asked for!  Result we had a wipe and after two months the economy, crafting and RvR are of no use, there is still a bit of OW pvp fum for me, that s all!  Too bad this game could be a masterpiece and instead it is an incomplete work by an artist without a precise idea (perhaps the idea is only to make money without investing time and resources).  You've been in my clan and I liked playing in your company, but frankly your attitude on the forum I can't understand!  too often you look like the champion of the devs even when it would seem impossible!  Forgive my bluntness, but you know I am like that.

    Fair wind

    For sure. I loved the harsh hardcore times, the simulated age of sail was tremendous. Asymmetrical wargame was beautiful. With a reset it would shine. Many did voice against it. Can only respect their views even if i don't agree.

    Alas ... here we are again...Respect is all.

    Fair winds.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

    It is simple. Just dosent cut it in RvR, unless all you want of RvR, is what the Britts got today. If all RvR is, is that, Well then we will lots of great pb’s in the near future.

    Sadly yes. All Risk games end up with 2 players fighting each other.

    The way I see it, and if it would be "total elimination" gamemode, we would end with only 2 teams after a while.

    The gap between what is possible to do in OW, as a small nation, to counter a bigger enemy that relies on PBs was lost long ago. There's no more denying the enemy their ship building parts because you go out and sink their transports ( thus making them lose valuable time and resources ).

    So now the strong become stronger, even with the "all ships capturable". True that.

    In a ideal scenario...Remove all mmo gear and suddenly even NPC captured grey ships might become useful. But alas... hard to let go of the gear.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

    Nothing to do with deny. Did you read what I wrote. I spend my time on the fights that bring me fun. Unballanced just don’t.

    oh, I fought lots of fight, where I thought it was lost. Alone ore along with the few ppl I play with. Everytime we just say to each other, lets atleast get one kill. Often we actually end up getting out on top.

    I don’t do RvR, because it just isent made right.

    Go out and fight. I do nothing less, once a week, 2 hours trading, and move crafting ressources. Rest is spend on PvP. Just not RvR, because it is imo just not worth the time.

    Make RvR right again and I will spend time on it, until then I spend my time where it is fun, and it is not RvR.

    That's what the average player does. A couple hours day in day out, some day PvP, some day eco/craft.

    Honestly doesn't sound that bad, being a newcomer and reading how you do it.

    Plain, simple and without fishbones.

  12. 9 minutes ago, henry.fouchet I said:

    You know what is missing...3 years we say it..now…. it s your problem..GOD.... not us...you judge like a god...play like a god now hetwill…. GL HF

    I was being honest. You aren't. Seriously, what is missing ? Insta arena mode ? That's not NA, that's some other game. I'm talking NA.


    2 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

    Why should the reason be fear, that ppl dont sail out?

    I only sail up to 5 rate because it is the only ship I can afford to craft. Cant afford to put upgrades on my ships. I still Daily go alone to the Swedish Capitol. Fear of losing a ship, nope.

    So why dont I do RvR. I simply can’t grind enough to replace a lost 1 rate. It would take me around 3 weeks. So why dont go in a capped 1 rate. I could also go to a Pb without repairs ore cannons. It is a question of balance and to me fun battles. To me there is no fun in just to show up and get slaughtered, as it neither is fun just to role over an enemy. To me fun is close and hard fought battles. This solution is not that.

    True. Better deny the enemy a kill that attempt a kill ourselves. Gotcha.

    In your mind you lost even before the battle takes place :) 

    C'mon people, get out and fight.

    • Like 1
  13. Grab ship. Sail out. Do damage to enemies. Maybe sink them.

    If get sunk.

    Grab new ship, capture npc, buy from store whatever.... Sail out again. Fight more.

    Practice and become better.


    War server in a nutshell.... or as it should be.


    The last time before we could capture all ships we didn't have >>> teleports ( only 1 every 4 hours to capital), outposts, production buildings. All was done by contracts and sailing. There were dedicated crafters and blueprints of ships would drop by crafting ships.

    NOW We have everything o make it easy to go out and PvP, make damage to fulfill PvP Hunts and gain Admiralty currency that buys very good modules to equip your "babies".

    We have access to everything necessary, including teleports everywhere at any time, to practice combat against other players, and become more efficient with this or that ships. Groups of players can practice fleet command and control by usage of captured ships of the line.

    Everyone gains XP (  more than mindless killing AI ) and opens knowledge slots.

    Even on a solid loss, damage done will yield a lot of XP. A hard fought lost battle can yield 1,600 XP easy, example of 1v2, Cherubim versus Trinc and Wasa.


    Seriously, what is missing so that players do not fear sailing out and FIGHT! and practice to become better individually and as a ship in the line / squadron ???


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  14. That's why i try to counter weight with the opposition.

    I'm not a fan of clans by any stretch, mind you. I was and will always be a Nation man and at the same time, by having participated in every single change i know and remember the entire road to here. But alas, I play the game as is so Clan it is ( until it changes ).

    I do suggest stuff, same as anyone ( i'm a player same as everyone else ), but obviously more aimed to a more simulated world and less a mmo game which have came to conflict with many.

    Your suggestion here is fine, but all i said before was that the drive for clans to control their holdings against "poison" from alts was a very strong request by many. And yes, innocent suffer now.

    Your suggestion is fine and wasn't at all my intention to be read as antipathetic to the suggestion. I merely refered the fact that many did push to clan control.

    So, we, as a whole, will never suggest and support the same ideas hence why the true game designers, the NA GameLabs team, are the ones making the calls. Same as happens in other games. I think many got lost in what "strongly build upon community suggestion" really means :)

    Again, i really dislike clans and i'm all for nation.

    Your suggestion is too complicated and reverses to the state where alts access stuff they aren't meant to - as per design of clan control suggestion.

    So... we want control or not ? The answer "yes but...." is invalid.

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