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Everything posted by mrfox1918

  1. Sounds like I would at that point be making 1/4th of a game for just a new hull at that point. Thanks for the response though! Really wish they would of just integrated some sort of easy modding (like how bethesda games have their creation / construction kits) but ah well, what can ya do.
  2. Is there anyway to import my own 3d models and textures into UAD? I've always wanted SMS Derfflinger and as built IJN Ise hulls and towers.
  3. Yep, HE spam has almost always been the meta... its very silly.
  4. Is it just me or does main gun accuracy seem really off in 1.8.3? Did a few 1910 and 1915 era custom battles. Built a 27,000 ton German BC with A,B,X,Y dual mark 2 12" guns. Would have a to hit chance/accuracy of maybe 20% or so at range. As soon as A turret fires the accuracy instantly keeps dropping to 0% making B, X and Y turrets have 0-2% accuracy during that same salvo. The gun recoil de-buff would spike anywhere from -80% to like -130% or -140% making only the 1st turret to fire have any chance to hit. I get gun recoil was a major thing but this just seems off to me. Seems to happen in both NAR and vanilla but I think its much worse in NAR due to the accuracy rebalancing?
  5. Is it just me or does main gun accuracy seem really off in 1.8.3? Did a few 1910 and 1915 era custom battles. Built a 27,000 ton German BC with A,B,X,Y dual mark 2 12" guns. Would have a to hit chance/accuracy of maybe 20% or so at range. As soon as A turret fires the accuracy instantly keeps dropping to 0% making B, X and Y turrets have 0-2% accuracy during that same salvo. The gun recoil de-buff would spike anywhere from -80% to like -130% or -140% making only the 1st turret to fire have any chance to hit. I get gun recoil was a major thing but this just seems off to me.
  6. I would be willing to play test the gun rebalance + resize mod with the stability and formation additions. Can give whatever feedback that would be helpful.
  7. Oh wow! Thanks Baron! Moding has never been my forte, you all make it look so easy with your skill!
  8. hello o Barão, had a sort of request for you. Would it be possible to have the information about how you were able to mod the ships Stability characteristics? Having much more reasonable bow, stern and pitch roll characteristics REALLY improves the ships and game overall. Makes Ai designs more useful and makes historic looking builds more possible and viable. I wanted to give this info to admiral snackbar for his mod. Was also hoping you could let him use the "all ships start battle in line of battle" instead of formations. This makes the battles in general 10 times better on its own. These 2 components of your mod make UAD 10 times more enjoyable and I believe all UAD mods and players would really apricate it being apart of both mods. Thanks again for your great work! I have been really enjoying playing both your mod and admiral snackbars.
  9. Is it possible to add the improved ship stability from the Naval Arms Race mod to your rebalance mod? It REALLY helps the AI out with having their ship designs be more useful as well as making more historic looking ships. (IE not being forced to stick funnels in the tail end of the ships all the time.) Been loving your rebalance mod tons of fun! Really hope you consider adding better ship stability, I bet a lot of people would enjoy something like that being apart of your mod too! Keep up the great work! Thanks for a great mod!
  10. Been LOVING this mod! Really makes the game 10 times better! The rebalancing of the de-buffs for bow and stern balancing makes historical and good looking ship builds 10 times easier! As well as improves the effectiveness of the AI ships not being 90% bow heavy. 111/10 amazing work O Barao! Any plans to remove subs? Or waiting to see if the UAD team dose it themselves with an option? Subs were a cool Idea for UAD but they are such a pain in the ass lol.
  11. any word on fixing the white flags that appear on ships during battles?
  12. Ships seem MUCH better holding battle lines and turning then reforming the battle line. Great stuff!
  13. Been messing with your mod with 1.3.1 noticed a lot of ships have very bad pitch and roll stats... Is this intentional? Here is a just basic DD hull, nothing changed or added and its pitch and roll is horrible. I get its early era (1910) I am playing, but this seems off? Also is it possible to make a version of this mod without subs?
  14. YES, would be super nice to have all the time compression options available. IF the player runs head long at x30 speed into the enemy its no big deal would rather that then a irl hour long stern chase.
  15. Same, ships still cant hold a battle line for snot. Main guns only firing sometimes also still seems to be a thing.
  16. Just fyi new update for live 1.3 broke your mod. UAD wont launch at all with it.
  17. I honestly can't remember the last time ships in UAD were able to even 1/2 able to hold a battle line...
  18. I have had this same issue forever. Even with low fire rate secondary guns OR if I just turned them off and mains set to aggressive fire, still nothing. I do not use mods and am on the build 14 for 1.3. Turrets also like to be stuck and place and not rotate or train to target. Have made in game bug reports for this issue with almost every post 1.2 update in game as well.
  19. I did not have them on avoid torpedos. Do player ships auto avoid torps with that option disabled? Also ships still really seem to struggle keeping a battle line still. Did a 3 BC vs 1 TR to test year 1927 range 50,000 km cut their speed down to 28 knts waited a bit then did a 15-20 degree turn. waited a while in game time for them to reform. They never did.
  20. Did a random battle to test something....1927 year. Had 3 of each class of ship aside from transports; ie, 3 BB 3 BC 3 CA 3CL and 3 DD vs just 3 enemy CL. Wanted to see what would happen to my formation if all I did was set all the speeds to 20knts hoping they would all stay in formation. After about 10-15 minuets in game time where all I did was change the speeds to set all ships to 20 knts... The picture presented is what my formation turned into... Did not turn any ship at all, did not change any formation orders or setting, did not change ANYTHING aside from setting everyone to 20 knts. Is the formation system intended to do this? For enemy context the 3 enemy CL are about 18,000 meters to the bottom left of the picture.
  21. My ships still zig zag and move sporadically when trying to keep a battle line. Still having the same targeting issues and guns not firing issues.
  22. Main and secondary guns on my ships and enemy ships are still often not firing and getting stuck trying to rotate to target....
  23. For custom battles, ships starting fuel levels seem to be randomly set? Is it possible to have all custom battle ships just start with 80% fuel instead?
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