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Posts posted by R.E.B.Blunt

  1. There are a lot of us who do Civil War Impression Battles. I think that is why we are such critics. Having marched the ground in brogans with all your gear on, gives us a special disposition when it comes to authenticity.


    ^great post by the way


    Thing I agree most about adding new to this game is a better After-Battle report. I want to see how many troops each brigade killed. I want to see how Kelly and Cross ran like children and lost their entire brigade. I want to see how Archer killed 2,000 men with only 470 men remaining. I wanna see who was hardest fighting unit. If I spend 2+ hours on a video game. I would like to see more than: You killed 22,000 they killed 17,000 you win kind of victory. I could care less about how many victory points was won. I want the meat and potatoes!

  2. I am finding it impossible to lose as Union on Determined and Dynamic difficulty. Confederates launch suicide attacks and end up draining their manpower. By the time of the 3rd or 4th battle Confederates are all but tapped out. As Union you just need to hold enough advance ground so that you can fall back and still hold the VP to win. This drains the Confederates and its so easy to win. Its almost sad watching all the grey's die from the blue bellies...


    For Confederates its much harder. Advancing past Gettysburg is the easy part. Its having to destroy the Army of the Potomac once you have them in the open that proves harder. Its almost easier to take Culps hill and let the Union have the other VP and the next battle you can annihilate them The secret I have found is once the Union begins to fallback you have to keep the pressure up. You gotta leap frog your brigades and constantly keep bringing up your artillery. Leap frogging your brigades keeps constant fire on the enemy. Second goal as Rebels is to kill Union artillery before it can take out your Artillery. Union has shit-ton of guns and you gotta start killing them early or by the 3rd and 4th battle you will have no guns left to support your army cause they will snipe yours.


    There is still problems with Artillery, when you give it a target, sometimes it does not want to target instead focusing on Skirmishers and Cavalry as a priority it seems. Especially when JEB Stuart and Custer arrive. Good luck controlling your cannons. LMFAO


    Enemy Brigades that rout into your own Brigade seem to only take damage to a certain amount and then it bottoms out. You have to let them regroup then attack again to really cause any damage. Be nice if they would surrender or lose men faster when I have them surrounded. Not very realistic,  they have no route to exit and they just rout through my Brigade not losing many men only to reform behind me. Like I wasen't even there.


    So for me the three biggest issues are:

    -Difficulty being to easy.

    -Artillery not targeting whom I wish. 

    -Routing units with body armor on.


    I know some say biggest issue is fighting a 3D battle on a 2D map. But I know the map by heart so for me that does not ruin the experience. I Guess that puts me in the minority.


    What about Historical Battles?


    Do you guys plan on having a historical replay of the historical Battle of Gettysburg?


    Or what about Random? Like what if Hoods Division arrived first not Heth's?


    When I look at games that for me top the list the number one issue I look at is Replayabillity. How much of this game can I play without getting bored. That's what SMG had. That's what Totalwar has. I really hope this game can bring that too the table.


    I would also like to thank the Development team who actually listen to the fans of the game. You don't see that from many games out there.

    • Like 1
  3. I had the problem. The way I solved it is I went into Options, Graphics then I lowered everything down to lowest spec. Then I gradually moved up till I found the best way my computer can support this game. I no longer have crashes.

  4.  Lee, contrary to what you say, was very well in control of his army that day.  He had 2 corps converging from two different directions on the town.  Granted the actions in the morning did not go as expected and Heth ended up with a bit more than he could handle, but that was only until Pender arrived and Lee inevitably smashed what was in front of him with a two pronged attack.  Having orders carried out "half ass" is a determent to the Confederate commanders who eventually made the very best of a confusing situation and ultimately carried the day.  



    What about the attack on Culps hill. Lee gave the order. It WAS carried out half-ass and did not succeed. It was not just Heth that bumbled orders but Ewell also used discretionary tactics and did not launch a full attack as he was ordered... So I stand by my previous statement.

  5. Please have in mind the Generals presentation as special units is not final. The starting plans included Divisions commanders as well. However, adding many such units with special abilities might affect unpredictably the gameplay, so we are in a slow course here. 


    There could be ways around this. Like allowing generals to be wounded, or killed. Making Divisional Commanders have smaller circle of influence. But you all are extremely capable in developing the right course of action without me telling you this. I am sure you have all discussed this.


    I know I may be beating a dead horse. But having the Human be Lee or Meade many things would have to change. Like for one. Lee did not know what the hell was happening the first day. He was giving orders and Generals would not follow them. The mere presence of General Lee would make his men climb to great heights. Meade on the other hand did not arrive till the night of the first day when the battles were already over. So in theory if you guys say that the Human is Lee or Meade. Then this should happen


    When Lee gives orders they should be delayed and carried out half-ass.


    For Meade the Human should not be allowed to control the game till the second day.


    This of course would make for a shitty gameplay. Which is why I ask that you would please reconsider putting General Lee and General Meade into the game...




  6. Cavalry units would be like the special forces unit in the Civil War. They could ride into battle dismount and bring to bear 2x the firepower (each soldier would carry one or two pistols and a rifle) and carry 2x the ammo (in saddle bags) needed to hold a position.

  7. R.E.B. Blunt,  2/3 of the troops in Pickett's Charge belonged to A.P. Hills 3rd Corps.  Why was Longstreet in command of the charge?  



    In the real battle Longstreet was offered the Command for the attack, but refused it cause he knew from the start it would not work. He delegated it down to General John Bell Hood. But he was wounded in the Battle for Round Top and then was delegated down to Hoods most capable Divisional Commander Pickett. Hence why it is called Pickett's Charge.


    After the death of General Stonewall Jackson. Lee suffered what many called a Minor Stroke. From which he never recovered and is prob why Lee fought the battle of Gettysburg in the first place. He was not in his right state of mind. Longstreet wanted to pull out of the battle and continue to maneuver around till they found more suitable ground to fight a defensive battle. Instead Lee had them on the Offensive.


    On Darths Question


    I like 1 and 3

  8. The hell to my Corps Commander. I'm just tired of seeing the 3rd Corps commander fighting with more brigade Commanders from the 2nd Corps than with the 3rd. Be nice to have Divisional Commanders. Or maybe General Lee? I have yet to see him arrive in any of my battles. Is he even in the game?


    I do have a question I would like answered though.


    For the Smaller battles where only one Corps Commander arrives to fight the battle.

    Does that Corps Commander who would arrive, give bonus to brigades whom are not part of his Corps, if he is only Commander present?

  9. Great game!  Exciting and fun, and 'feels' like a civil war battle.

    Suggestion for improvement:  Right now there is no 'order delay'.  As soon as you click on a unit, it immediately follows your orders.  This of course, is quite unrealistic, especially for a civil war battlefield.  Perhaps the developer could improve the game by creating an order delay function.  For example, if the unit being ordered is within the sphere of influence of the unit's corps commander (at this point the only leader units in the game), then there would be a delay of five minutes (in game time/speed).  This would simulate the time it would take for the courier to reach the unit from the commander's position.  If the ordered unit is outside the sphere of influence, then there should be a delay before the order is implemented of perhaps ten minutes.

    I'm looking forward to the various improvements as this game moves towards full release.  



    Never thought about that, but that would add another element to the game that would for us veterans of Realistic Civil Warism to love.

  10. I like what lotharr suggested, having a view mode where LoS would be drawn from the mouse cursor would be awesome and would let the player see where the high ground is and what positions can fire on certain areas. Also, surrendering units would be awesome


    Yes that is a good idea. But I was thinking why not use the Roaming Artillery to your advantage and once you click and place your Arty, it continues to roam around the general area till it finds optimum ground, Stops moving and begins to fire automatically that could be an idea. Kinda simplify the Human element we just put it in the general location and the computer takes over for the rest. Since of course its hard to find the High Ground on our own if you are not like us veterans and have the Gettysburg Memorized by Heart from countless hours on SMG.

  11. I will say this my mouse curser has been acting strange since the last update. When I click and drag my Brigades it is not as crisp. It is almost like a delay when I click and drag the arrow and route my unit takes is not exactly where my mouse curser is if that makes sense. They are off about a inch.

    • Like 1
  12. The problem is this game is not SMG, No matter how much we want it to be.  It is a arcade type game for now. It is not a full pledge  card carrying game yet.


    I understand both sides and I think both sides have valid points.


    In reality each soldier could carry about 80-100 rounds of ammo (thats a lot some ammo cases were much smaller could carry 50-80) before they would start picking up ammo from the dead. Now I do see how it can be silly when you place a brigade in a position that it fires non stop the entire battle killing well over 1000 and never running out of ammo. Then again this game would get boring really fast.


    Its also not very realistic when your Artillery charges the enemy like tanks. I like how the Arty finds best suitable ground. But sometimes they get retarded.


    Or when the enemy AI retreats through your battle line not losing many men when bumbling through a fat brigade. Only to reform behind the line and start attacking my Arty...


    I have finished well over 10 full games. The battles are very simple. I have to play on hardest setting and I have to play aggressive AI cause I do not want to sit through a camp-fest. This makes battle fairly predictable. The third day being the hardest. The rebels have the hardest job. No matter where you push them too, you can lose if you do not crush the blue bellies on the 3rd day. Yankees get it easier. They can just sit an fall back and keep falling back untill all 5 corps arrive. Then its over.


    Will forget everything I said when I can do 2v2 Multiplayer.


    Love this game.

  13. I agree with everything you said. There will be a multi player and hopefully they make it 2v2 or 3v3 at least. Not just 1v1 blah.


    I agree generals should be allowed to die. I laughed when I was in the third day having kicked the Yankees arse and low and behold i see I Division Reynolds and I bought laughed my ass off knowing he was spose to be dead.


    I also wish they would consider detachments from the brigade so you can leave a Regiment to guard some VP and not have to waste your entire brigade.

    If the map could rotate this game would be 100% better. Its impossible to build a straight battle line on a map with hills when you cannot rotate the map.


    And last a After Battle report to explain why I just spent 3 hours on a game. Other than you killed 20,000 they killed 27,000 you win...


    Still though if they make these changes it will be a top 5 PC game easy. If not just another Indie game that had a fad.

  14. Yes, Have your Artillery piece left clicked. Then go and left click the enemy you want to target. Your Artillery piece will move around a bit till it finds some better ground to attack your target you selected. Now with the Group formation you can put a shit ton of artillery into a group and you can left click a target and have your Gun Batteries light them up. If you drag your cannons too close to the fight they lose morale and organization quicker and will rout and exit the battle. From what I see any unit that routs and exit's the map you can no longer use for anymore of the battles within Gettysburg.

  15. Since the update my mouse curser is offset to where i pull and drag my brigades. So if I say pull it to the right, it will be a good inch away from where my actual curser is bringing my men.


    Artillery is now much better. Targeting and AI search and destroy is not great but is head and shoulders above what it was.


    Brigades are taking much more damage when routing which is nice.


    Love how my brigades are positioned at start of battles reflecting the previous battle.


    My hardest problem is not the difficulty but managing the large army for the last battle. I can beat the AI on hardest difficulty on all the battles except the last one, i have trouble managing all the different Corps at the same time. Turns into a click fest.


    I would like to see more Commanders Divisional and Corps and even General Lee...


    For the battles with only one General present. Does that General give bonus to other Corps Brigades if they are not in Generals Corps?


    Also the map is tricky since you cannot rotate the map makes it hard to see the terrain features. Beautiful map and unit movements.


    Also is annoying when i tell my double stack line to charge and they switch to column and charge... Be better if we could control the Brigade (Single Line, Double Line, Skirmish, Column) Ourselves. Maybe throw in an Oblique if you are feeling froggy.


    One last thing before I shut up. The game feels empty after each battle. Be nice if we could have a after-battle report explaining the kill/death ratio of each Brigade on both sides. Maybe a Hardest Fighting Unit choice???


    Great Game

  16. First of all I love the game- bought yesterday and tried straight off - huge fun but have to agree an abiklity to slow down so you can see what is happening would be good, or maybe a Combat Mission style replay?


    My question is - I kniw there is one save in Campaign - but how do you do it? There seems to be  obvious option.



    The game saves automatically when you leave game.

  17. AI is too easy need harder difficulty. I would also think if you could rotate the camera that would help a lot. Then you can form true straight battle lines. Regimental detachment from and to a Brigade would be awesome so you can hold VP's and leave with the Brigade or do flanks adjustable just like you would to save your line from being flanked. Also be great if you could capture Brigades not just kill them, have them surrender.

  18. I agree, it seems units give up and run too easy.Then you find yourself racing to turn each brigade and then hold so your line don't run away. Also having to wait till your Brigade arrives at its destination, then can you tell them to rotate direction. That gets annoying.


    I do like the Random personality AI. I wonder if there is a way to make each battle have a seperate personality AI, when you pick random. That would be interesting.


    I got Picketts charge and crushed the Union. I love how your Brigades prior Deaths/Kills are still represented on your Brigades after each Battle.


    It would be more rewarding if after you just won or lost a Battle a more detailed After-Battle report describing the Kill/Death each Brigade suffered in the entire battle. Perhaps a breakdown of each specific day and a total.  When you win the game it seems a bit of a empty victory cause you just vested so much time and interest in that battle and all you get is a simple After-Battle report saying you killed 20,000 they killed 20,000 You win.


    Also where are the Divisional Commanders?

    • Like 1
  19. First off I wanna say this game is Awesome!


    I have so much I wish to Ask and Talk about. This game has the makings for greatness!


    The real deal will be if you go Multi-player and how.


    For the really large battles I did not find that speed was too fast but that I had too much to do. Be nice if there was a Multi-player so you can have 2v2 or 3v3 games. That is what made Sid Meier's Gettysburg great. Not just playing against others but having a team to work together.


    Also I discovered with the way artillary is set up they work best spread out not bunched together. For some reason the guns don't seem to fire as frequently when bunched in one spot.

    Has anyone else noticed this?


    Perhaps a way to solve the changing of the Brigade formation problem would be to able to Detach Regiments from the brigade. When fully attached they are in double. But detach and you can make them into single. Realism is key I do believe. Create a max or 6 regs for each brigade. Instead of just one big Brigade. Like Davis most his troops did not arrive the first day. But in this game he is at full strength.


    Also I had one bug where on the Third day I started with only Iverson Brigade. But I could see the smoke from my cannons just could not see the cannons or move them or any more of the Army of Northern Virgina. I quit and restarted and they were there, but just wanted to say that happened to me.


    Also I have noticed If i kick the AI arse and push them back below Gettysburg too early in the Battle they lack the will to launch a counter attack and by the end of second and beggining of third day I just end up sitting there for next days watching them do nothing.


    Again this game has a nice breath of fresh air.


    Been Following you Darth since Medieval Totalwar.

    Keep up the great work Ill keep giving you my money.






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