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Posts posted by R.E.B.Blunt

  1. I would like to see the possibility of:

    1. Creating my own orders of battle from a pool of possible units.

    2. Being able to assign these units to a battle as I wish.

    3. Merging Brigades when they become weaker than I'd like.

    4. Assigning Regiments to form Brigades; Brigades to form Divisions, and Divisions to form Corps.

    5. Assigning Generals to formations as I wish.


    I think you will have to wait till they allow us to Mod this game to add different battles, different brigades, and different ideas in general. Until then you are stuck with Gettysburg. Not Lannes custom battle :)

  2. great game but Im having a bit of trouble getting my troops to stay in one place for longer than it takes to fire one volley(usually they fire one volley and run) 

    Need tips/advice please :) (can be emailed to dougbiv@gmail.com) thanks. happy 4th :)   


      If you are having problems getting your brigade to stay in one place, then its because you are overlapping brigades one on top of the other. Try spreading your brigades out farther apart. Your Brigades do not like being stacked so close.They do not like even touching a little bit. If you have no choice and you want your brigade to not run if they are stacked on top of each other then you need to click the HOLD button. Warning though if a Brigade is in Hold and they fight to both Morale and Organizational exhaustion then it is really hard for them to regain strength to fight again. The Fallback is just as important as the hold. Do not be afraid to use it.


      You do not need to have all your troops on the firing line. I know we all want as much damage given as fast as possible and you think the more brigades you have on line the more they can fire, but that does not work. Instead try keeping some brigades behind your line. Place the Brigade battle line at the base of the hill and then put another brigade behind on top of the hill that way you can have one fire over the heads of the other brigade. This works for two reasons one you can have two brigades fire at once and second reason so you have a fall back brigade if your line routs. You also always need reinforcements when one brigade wants to rout away you can fill the gap with your reserve or fall back your battle line.


    Hope this helps you.

  3. Not all Cartridge pouches were made the same. Some were worn on their belt others on a strap. Some were larger some were smaller. Some were handmade most were factory made. Some soldiers even carried two pouches. Especially the Confederates. No two Southern soldier were dressed in the same garb. The only uniformity was that there was no uniformity.


    All these suggestions people keep rattling off all of them could be true if and when Game-Labs / Darth allow us to mod our own games. Say hello to every thing you asked for. Plus more. ;)

  4. In my opinion which really is not that big a deal, but I think that they need to focus on couple other main issues and forget about the graphics the game is already gorgeous. Instead the three issues are:


    1. Artillery, targeting and movement while you are trying to lay down fire on the enemy and the damn guns want to move around. Instead let us click a target to fire at, while still keeping the Artillery in a Hold position. That should fix the problem


    2. Routing Units, I understand the want to not surrender entire corps when surrounded because the next battle will be a cake walk, but common give us some more realism. Let us at least kill all the blue bellies if we can't capture them. Also they should not be allowed to rout through a stationary line without taking MAJOR damage. As of right now its extremely discouraging to have dumb Brigades run through my lines without so much as 100 men loss then form up behind me and attack my cannons...


    3. AI Difficulty, The game is to easy. For both Yanks and Rebs. I find myself holding back my Brigades. Fighting with my hand behind my back because its the only way to get a challenge. I won't even bring up my entire army to fight anymore. The AI needs to focus more on attacking the high ground and bringing up their cannons once they take the ground. Right now they just kind flounder about. If you can beat back their first attack they don't try and maneuver or anything. They just sit there and rest then launch another attack in same spot. Its so predictive.

    • Like 2
  5. So far as I know only two units reached the stonewall. Remnants of Armistead's division and a few men from the 2nd North Carolina. 

    The most impressive Southern attacks of the battle I'd say were Ewell's near capture of Culp's Hill on the second day and Hill's near capture of Cemetary Ridge on the second day. 

    I'm a better historian then I am RTS player so I think I'll leave my comments at that. Except to say that though I absolutely agree with everyone that routing forces should not be able to recover in enemy territory, I think that the Rebs are plenty strong enough despite some nerfing. 

     The 11th Mississippi was part of the Davis Brigade but was given the duty to guard the supply train on the first day. So they never arrived till the second day.


     July 3, 1863 during the Pickett/Pettigrew charge at Gettysburg, the 11th Mississippi had 386 men present in the ten companies and regimental staff. The 11th suffered a total of 336 casualties during this charge (87% of the men fell). The 11th Mississippi Regiment sustained the highest casualty percentage of any regiment at the battle of Gettysburg, North or South.


    It is a widely believed idea within my Civil War re-enacting regiment the 11th Mississippi, That small elements of our regiment charged the stone wall and placed our flag on top the wall in a symbolic act of rebellion. Before being cut down.




    The 11th was the last regiment to enter the fight at Gettysburg. It was also the last regiment to cross back over to Virgina in the retreat.

    • Like 1
  6. Your current claim that, "...the [Pickett's Charge] battle plan itself was devised by Pickett and the Brigade Generals.." is inaccurate as well.



    The orders came down from Lee to Longstreet to attack the center. Hood would of been the next in line to take command but because of his injuries Pickett took command of the attack. Pickett did draw up the attack plans with his generals as I said before. The plans for this attack, to attack the patch of trees of at the base of the stoney wall were done by Pickett and his Generals just before the attack. Lee and Longstreet gave the orders to attack not how to specifically do it. I stand by my previous statement.



    I'm not clear what you mean when you say I've missed "some key things". Nor have I drawn any conclusions on my own. I'm simply documenting primary sources that demonstrate that your statements above are inaccurate.

    Please share your sources regarding Pickett's involvement in planning Pickett's Charge. I'm very interested to learn more about Gettysburg and I'm unaware of any sources that supports your statements regarding Pickett's Charge.


    Pickett's Charge: The Last Attack at Gettysburg

    By: Earl J Hess



    Among other books I own but this one is the most detailed.


    The key things in the previous statement that have I have been trying to say but have fallen on deaf ears.


    Make a few things clear I never said "you drew your own conclusions", only that you missed some details.


    Details being Lee gave Longstreet the orders to attack. Longstreet being very depressed of the thought of the attack. The Attack would of been handed down to Hood but was wounded in the attack on the Round Top. This fell on the shoulders of Pickett. Pickett then just before the battle set the plan of the attack with his Brigade Generals, to mass attack the group of trees at the base of the stoney wall. Hence the battle plan itself WAS created by Pickett. Why it is also called Pickett's Charge. Not Lee's Folly or Longstreet's mistake or whatever name.


    Also I am sure you have full sources for your statements you have obviously spent a lot of time copying and pasting trying to write this post to discount me. Be nice if you shared your sources just as you asked me to.


    Seriously I have no idea what you are trying to prove.

    I stand by All my previous statements.

    Can we move on now?

  7. The game for me is getting boring. I have unlocked all the different maps. I can beat the game as Confederacy on Hardest difficulty with no issues. As Union I can Slaughter the Confederacy before the end of the first day on hardest difficulty. In fact I can beat both armies before the end of the First Day, no problem.


    It is far easier to play as Union than Confederacy. At least for me. They get more men, they get Better Guns, and they get the high ground. Used correctly the AI is just not smart enough to counter this.


    I do like how the reinforcements come in at different times depending on how you are doing in the battle. Adds a sense of unknown to the game.


    Instead of Set VP's it would be nice if there was a Random generator that picks different spots within the map to set the VP as. Would give the game more replay ability. As of right now there is only so much you can do before you do everything.

  8. Although units standing in front of  friendly units will prevent the rear brigade from firing. Cannons standing within a Brigade sphere of influence and to the front row will fire. Cannons directly behind a Brigade will NOT fire unless up on a hill a few degrees above the Brigade.


    I have 48 hours into this game and I have not ever seen friendly fire. I have even held my cannons fire until I used Canister Shot. Shot through my own Brigade and into the enemy Brigade. My Brigade took no damage but the enemy ran away afterwards.

    • Like 1
  9. R.E.B. Blunt, You stated, "In the real battle Longstreet was offered the Command for the attack, but refused it cause he knew from the start it would not work. He delegated it down to General John Bell Hood. But he was wounded in the Battle for Round Top and then was delegated down to Hoods most capable Divisional Commander Pickett. Hence why it is called Pickett's Charge."


    I'd suggest you take a second look at reliable historically accurate sources regarding Pickett's Charge.  General Pickett's name has been lent to a charge in which he commanded about one-third of the men and was under the supervision of his corps commander throughout. 


    Longstreet was ordered to attack the center of the Union line at Lee's council of war on the night of July 2.  Longstreet was in command of Pickett's, Pettigrew's, and Trimble's Divisions with two of Anderson's brigades protecting the right flank.  Pickett's Division was fresh and did lead the charge.  Modern historian are frequently using the name Pickett-Prettigrew-Trimble Assault (or less frequently, Longstreet's Assault).


    Yes but you are missing some key things here and drawing conclusions that are not true.


    It is true that Longstreet was in command of the Attack called Picketts charge.


    But the battle plan itself was devised by Pickett and the Brigade Generals. Longstreet was distraught and wanted no part of the attack. He knew almost prophetically what the outcome already would be.


    The next in line for the attack was Hood but because he was wounded the leadership role fell to Pickett. Hence why its called Pickett charge.


    I have no idea what you are trying to argue about...

  10. The issue is if Darth wants this game to be as Historically correct as possible or if he wants to make it a Indie game.


    The Developers have not been very clear on this issue.


    If Historically accurate than each soldier should only be allowed to carry 100 rounds per battle. 100 rounds is a lot to fire. Each ammo box the soldier wears can usually only carry 80 rounds. They would carry another 20 in their Haversack or pick up from dead or wounded. 100 is a fair number I think.


    Cavalry could carry more. Maybe 200 rounds cause they can have their horse carry it on the saddle bag.


    If it is a Indie game, then you really don't need ammo limits.

  11. I know what your saying.


    Advice I give is keep your artillery close to your Brigades at first till Pettigrew and Brock arrive. Focus Davis and Archer north into Oak Ridge. Then pull your skirmishers to defend Herr's ridge. Then mass South and attack Seminary.


    But I do think they should allow Brigades to detach Regiments or Companies.

  12. Have not experienced the 3-4 sec freeze anymore.


    I have had the game two times Freeze (Where mouse cursor spins as if loading, for over 3 mins) and have had to; Control, Alt, Delete to end it, will then lose game.


    Crashed to desktop once on separate occasion. Attached File.


    All the problems were when I was Union. When I play Confederate I have had no such issues.


    Will do some more testing have the day off work^

  13. First Crash to Desktop


    Just had my first crash to desktop.


    Had just got done completing a campaign as Confederates. I won a Major Victory on Dynamic difficulty. Killed 5k the first engagement. Surround and slaughter 1st division killed 8k second engagement. Decided I had the Union on ropes so I launched a third attack still on First Day against Union reinforcements just focused on VPs and took them. Gave me a Major Victory after 3 engagements.


    Decided I was frosty so I started a Union campaign right after, this time on Determined difficulty attacked and fell back a few times and  with my skirmishers and cannons exhausted the rebs routed Archer and Davis back to Herr's Tavern  and 1st division arrived. Took entire Buford Corps south to wait for Rebels guns as they arrived. Brock and Pettigrew arrived first and I advanced 1st division to intercept and then rebel cannons arrived I rushed my 2 horses and 3 skirmishers to the guns to kill them. As soon as my horses hit the cannons game crashed to desktop.


    Could not save file.



    Dell XPS 630i

    Intel Quad core Q6600 2.40 GHz

    4.00 GB RAM 3.25 usable

    Dual GeForce 9400 GT

    Windows 7 Ultimate

    COMODO Internet Security Premium

  14. AI Artillery is still charging like tanks. Not sure what difficulty I was on I pressed random. Also they seem to rout much easier. My cannons didn't take any rifle fire. They were behind my Brigade Line on a hill and they all routed at same time under Union Artillery barrage. I was watching different part of map. Went back to check on other side and my entire line of artillery guns were running away. They had same number of men within the Battalion so they didnt lose men just lost morale under enemy cannon fire. Thought that to be weird.

  15. Right now the game is a Indie game.


    For it to be a Historical ACW simulator it would have to change a lot of things that make this game unique. I have mixed feelings. At first when I played this game I wanted it to be more and more like Sid Meiers Getttysburg. I wanted more Generals in the game. I wanted Brigades to surrender. I wanted to be able to detach regiments from Brigades. But the more I play it I don't really care about that anymore. I love the nostalgic feeling it has. It is not perfect but nothing is.


    If I could get one thing in this game to make me shut the hell up. It would be a awesome detailed After Battle Report. Describing the kill/death ratio of every Brigade from the first day to the last. Be awesome if I could after the Battle of Gettysburg if I could see how much ass I kicked or how much I got mine kicked.


    When I spend hours on a game I want some kind of reward. The way it is now it just plain sucks You win, You lose. I am telling you if you guys added some kind of script that did this I would never ask for anything else again! :D

  16. I do have one other question, is there anyway to encourage the recuperation of morale and condition, or can that only be achieved by pulling the brigade out of the line and allowing them to rest? 

    Thanks again for all the help!



    I am not a designer nor am I a tester. I am simply a player just like you.


    The way I have figured it was that to encourage recuperation quicker your brigade must be not in combat and it goes faster if the Brigade is within a Corps General's radius. It goes even faster if that Brigade belongs to that same Corps as the general. But from what I am told all Generals will give a boost.

    • Like 1
  17. 1) Detach Regiments from Brigades.


    2) Retreat.


    3) Form Line, Double line, Skirmish and Column.


    4) Rotate the map so you can see the hills more clear.


    5) Capture Flags when surrender.


    6) A detailed after battle report.


    7)  watch a replay of the entire battle after the battle is over.


    9) More Generals and Generals get wounded.


    But then the game would just be a copy of the most magnificent game SMG and not its own...

    So kinda a catch 22...

  18. Agreed. Changing names of regiments first would suffice. Uniforms are not important until the more important matters are done with.


    Unless something changes I do not for see them even adding regiments to this game. Unless you can detach a Regiment from the Brigade. Like say the First Regiment of each Brigade can be detached like... Davis Brigade would have the 11th Mississippi Regiment (My re-enactment Regiment!).

  19.  How do I stop my line from being flanked though? Would I just rely upon interior lines to move brigades if the enemy shifts his attack and rely upon skirmishers and flanking artillery to hold the enemy back until my line infantry arrives? Or do I draw my lines at angles and give up the majority of ground until the enemy is to tired to defend it. 



    The only way to stop your line from being flanked is through maneuver. When ever you see the enemy Brigade moving on Column formation you know that their destination is a good deals away from their current location.


    If you can, do not follow with the brigade w/ that which is on your farthest flank instead bring a brigade or two you have in reserve sitting in back of your line. As the enemy brigade marches in column is the best time to attack. As soon as your men open up fire usually the enemy will stop marching and form a line to defend against you. Instead I like to tell my brigade to charge when they get close as fast as possible and smash into the enemy as they are still in column. If you hit them while in Battle line and they are in Column they will rout.


    Does the high ground make a difference in this game though. I know it acts as a superior artillery platform but does it have any effective on infantry? I haven't been able to tell.


    Yes, standing on the high ground does give your men an advantage. It takes more energy on part of the enemy to launch an attack up hill and push you off than the energy you will spend telling your Brigade to hold the hill. While on the hill it is easy to get over-confident and not pay attention when 2 or 3 brigades hit your 1 brigade guarding the hill. If your Brigade is being attacked on their flank and you can not bring up any reserves to counter, you should fall back. Its better to lose the good ground than have your Brigade drained of Morale and Organization all because you wanted to hold a hill. Your brigade will be worthless if it has 0 Morale and Organization. Better to fall back and keep your Brigade a viable fighting unit.



    Also, you mentioned the greater difficulty in attacking, I agree with that prognosis, I've just been obsessing over the defensive lately. I don't suppose I could bother you for some sagely advice for taking the offensive? 


    When attacking I follow the same rules as I do when defending. I form 2, 3, and even 4 lines of Brigades one behind the other. Instead of falling back. I will leap frog my Brigade and inch my Battle line closer and closer to the enemy. When I am close enough to charge I like to do so with a FAT Brigade rather than a smaller one. Armistead or Law or Barksdale to name a few that are good at charging. I will keep one or two of these FAT brigades in reserve and will not use them and let them rest while I press the attack with my leap frog tactics. Then, when I am close enough I will advance my FAT brigade you do not want to tire them by running them instead I will walk them until they can see the white of the enemy eyes. Then I will charge.


    When the enemy begins to fall back or retreat I will tell my charging unit to HOLD. Then I will begin to leap frog my Brigades again and repeat the process. Even if you have taken the VP and have won the battle. You still want to press the attack. Kill as many as you can. Because unless this is the final battle you will have to face those Brigades again and better to kill as much as you can and drain their morale and organization and the next battle they will be much weaker.


    Also a good tactic is when ever reinforcements arrive. Unless your battle line is crumbling you NEVER want to deploy a brigade where another brigade exists. Instead either Extend your battle line and try and Flank. Or hold that Brigade in reserve behind your lines.


    Hope this helps.

  20. On Sid Meier's Gettysburg I was easily top 10 ranked Multiplayer Generals. In the CSA clan you may remember me as CSA_Robertson. On Mplayer I was SOF_Sweitzer and towards the end of SMG Multiplayer I was R.E.B.Blunt. I still have my log books that I kept my records. There were only a few I could not beat.

    If I can remember their names:






    That should bring back some memories for a few!!!

    • Like 1
  21. Defense is far easier to master than attacking. The key to defense is setting up a proper battle line and moving units from parts of your battle line that are not being attacked to parts that are.


    A good ideal battle line will have your Brigades 3 Brigades deep as long as you can stretch it in the part that the enemy will mass troops, Staggered and with Artillery placed up close, far behind and on your flanks (side of your battle line). Artillery on the flanks can decimate an enemy Brigade before it ever gets close to your battle line. It is worth it to send a Brigade or Skirmisher to the far flank on a hill and have him guard as many guns as you can place up on that hill that faces your flank and let the guns just annihilate the enemy as they press the attack.


    The key to defense is the Fallback. What you should do is where the enemy is massing troops you need to bring up Brigades from parts that are not being threatened. Do not place them all in a straight line this is a recipe for disaster. Instead stagger them like I said before. When the enemy attacks the first line wait till the enemy makes contact with your Brigade and they start Hand to Hand. Then have the first line fall back behind the next line. This will allow constant fire from the Brigade behind your front line to keep fire up while your men fall back. This will drain the enemy of Organization and Morale. They will then keep pushing and attack the second line of Brigades. When they begin to Hand to Hand again you fall back behind your next line of Brigades. If you have 3 or 4 lines of Brigades staggered so that they are not side by side but offset a few feet so one brigade further down the line can hit the flank or turn their line as they press the attack. This will drain them faster if you can shoot up their flanks. Also Artillery, Protect them at all cost. Do not put all your guns on the front line. One or two batteries on the front line is all you need for canister shot. If the enemy begins to march around your flank you need to fall back as fast as possible and maneuver your Brigades so you can intercept them.


    If you follow this strategy do not worry if you lose a VP the enemy will be so tired it will be impossible for them to hold it and when you notice them waiver press the counter attack and do not let up till they are on the run.


    If you play a strictly defensive game with this strategy on hardest difficulty you will win.

    • Like 2
  22. Not really.


    Your tactics are wrong. Instead of holding the ground from the start you need to set your Brigades up one behind the other. In at least two rows. A good distance away from the VP. As the Confederates advance you simply fallback one brigade behind the other. Then when the Rebels advance to the next brigade you do the same. By the time you do this 3 or 4 times the Rebels will be exhausted and you can tell your men to hold. They should have more Morale and Organization than the Confederates and then the Rebels will run in fear.


    I can destroy the game as Union on Hardest difficulty. Its not that hard.


    Its far harder to beat as the Rebels. Once the 5 different Corps arrive on the field. The Union have far better cannons and If you have not gained  Culps Hill its almost impossible to win as Rebs.

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