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Civil War Tester
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Posts posted by R.E.B.Blunt

  1. Is there any way we can distinguish the Napoleons cannons from the Smooth Bore Cannons then also the Howitzers??


    Because in the real battle all the cannons were not the same. Some were made for long distance sniping, others had thicker width and shorter barrels and were made for double canister for close combat while another group would launch howitzer shells over the heads of their units only to come crashing down on the enemy. Is your gameplan just to have all cannons universally the same with the same qualities?

  2. Oh ya, I did play a new game on the new update as Union on Dynamic difficulty.


    I really enjoyed the new Artillery mechanics. It does make the game more enjoyable when my artillery does not roam around and actually targets what I click it to target. Great Job!!!


    It was a bit of a learning curve to have to remember I do not need to babysit my Cannons any longer. HAHA!!!


    One thing I did notice and can't remember if that is new or how its always been or how it is suppose to be, but when I click my Cavalry to attack a unit if that unit is not in my Cavalry line of sight the Cavalry unit will not move to attack. They tend to act like the way the new Cannons feature acts (They just sit there). In order to get my Cav to attack my target I need to click and drag towards the enemy and then I can target it. Not sure if that is meant to be or what, Skirmishers do not face this problem and you can click and they will attack. Brigades the same you can click and they will attack.


    Even though I captured all the VP's on the first battle. I wanted to play a more Historical game so i fellback my Brigades through town and set them up on Cemetery Hill and Culps Hill Anchoring with Iron brigade on my far right and bringing the new reinforcements into the center and left just as they did in the real battle. I just let my skirmishers and horses run defense while I fell back.


    When the Confederates launched their attack I was ready. Rebs attacked my right flank and the Iron Brigade never waivered. I was able to easily push Johnny Reb back. 1st Corps was still in tact with majority of the men still alive. Standing on great defensive ground and with my cannons on strategic hills and flanks with a few at the center of each mass of confederate attack. Have not played the final battle as of yet its getting late and I have work in the morning. Will finish it soon but I have high hopes the Rebs will be defeated in the end.

  3. I would love to see a mod community arise from this game. Before we go planning on what we want, I think its best we at least wait until Ultimate General Gettysburg is a complete game first, we do not know what other surprises Darth will add to it yet! (Holding back my excitement)...


    But... I would love to see this game with Regimental control instead of Brigades only. Would have to re-write the script for unit description and size. Detatch Brigade Generals and have them be separate entities but connected to specific Brigades for it to work. But with the current control of click and drag having Regimental control would be amazing. It would leave us with chances to modify the looks of specific Regiments just as they would of appeared.


    Like South Carolina units wearing Light Blue, Mississippi units would have red dash mixed with their Grey and of course Virginia in their Dark Grey.


    We could also perhaps show at the center of each regiment with their own specific Flag....


    How amazing would that be!

  4. If you provide some specifics on how the, "Iron Brigade were outfitted better than normal soldiers" I'd be delighted to change my opinion.  

    Are you talking about the Hardee hat?

    What other equipment that was superior to other units?



    Many of the veterans who would be promoted to Corporal or Sgt. Would save their money and buy and outfit their own weapons. By the time of Gettysburg (1863) a large percentage of not just Iron Brigade but many regiments and companies within the 1st Corps/ Bufords Division veterans had Sergeants, Corporals and  even Privates armed with the (1860) Henry Rifle, (1819) Hall Rifle and the (1860) Spencer Carbine. These weapons were vastly superior to the Rifled Musket. These weapons were far more common for Union soldiers in the battle of Gettysburg than most suspect.


    On a side note Custers Brigade or better known as The Michigan Brigade in fact had two entire regiments all armed with the Spencer.


    Hope this helps with some of your confusion.

  5. How does saying, "it is not impossible to win with Auto", or "done it many times" help answer PiyRe's question?


    Just giving him other options instead of Micro-managing your guns, that can be tedious and is not necessary for victory.




    "Auto" does as much damage to the artillery firing at long range as it does to the enemy target unit.  

    "Auto" targeting is really dumb - it will fire on skirmishers/videttes until the artillery routs.

    The impact on the skirmishers/videttes is minimal - especially is the target units are in "cover". 

    "Auto" will crash the "morale" and "condition" of your artillery resulting in them routing.

    "Auto" was an attempt to free players from artillery micromanagement.

    "Auto" simply makes artillery to fire until they rout - then you don't need to micromanage them.

    "Auto" is ridiculous and a disservice to new players.


    You can't avoid artillery micromanagement in UGG - and expect to do well in UGG.


    You can do well in UG:G while using nothing but AUTO targeting. I've done it, it is possible is all I am saying.


    Although you are correct in all your observations including how AUTO targeting will crash "Morale" and "Condition" if you can win your battle before Day three and become decisive in your actions. You do not need to bother trying to keep your guns alive for longer than Day 2 if you do as I said.


    PiyRe requested help regarding:

    1. How to effectively use artillery, and

    2. How to preserve the condition of artillery.



    While using nothing but "Auto" The goal is basically good placement of your guns on key ridges in multiple angles. Keeping guns in reserve also helps. I find no need to bring all my guns to bare. Other than its funner than hell setting every single one of my guns on my front line and watch them blast away!


    Usually if you are in Day 3 and you are Confederates you are drained on Infantry numbers anyways. Having a couple extra guns in your arsenal because you spent past battles micro-managing does not help that much. Is it really worth all the extra work? Sometimes it is I guess, But for the most part I don't think it really is...

  6. Tom that was my initial reaction also.. but REB is talking about the historical scenario you can choose, not the ongoing campaign, its labeled ''historical scenario''.. i can see how it would bother some but i just see it as an oversight.


    Bingo, I thought I made it clear I was talking about the HISTORICAL game... Guess some do not know how to read. :)


    The brigade is already very strong the way it is in the game. Just because it performed very well historically doesn't mean we should represent them as super humans. They were not, and should be able to be destroyed the way any other human beings can be destroyed. Flanking is devastating to any combat unit. Holding a magnifying glass over a particular unit or general would set the entire battle off-balance. What so great about this game it applies a common fighting system over the entire battle. Too many "special rules" will destroy this game. No more Total War heroics, please.


    No Idea what "Total War Heroics mean's", Maybe just a derogatory term. Still makes no sense to me.


    The Iron Brigade were outfitted better than normal soldiers. Had better training, Superior leadership and in many occasions while the rest of the Union army were in flight away from battle the Black Hat boys stood and fought against clear odds, even when surrounded. In many battles they did this.


    I do not want to see supermen but I would like to see them stronger than they currently are. It is just my opinion.


    I find playing as the Confederates its incredibly easy to wipe the field of the chicken neck blue bellies even when they have 6 brigades and like 5 skirmishers and cav. (No idea why people keep saying the Yankees are too strong) The Iron Brigade should be able to with-stand anything Heth can throw at them. Seeing as he was a Competent General at best. Reynolds was far superior to Heth... In my opinion.

  7. I did. I think it was a great lecture but I do not agree with the speaker's conclusion that Lee's motivation was to destroy the Army of Potomac. I pointed to that video because it provided some great insight. For example, the North's vast superiority in industry, economy, and manpower. I watched that video quite a while ago and that's what left an impression. I obviously forgot about his conclusion because I don't agree with him. What's the point of destroying yet another Union Army when you take the North's material advantage into consideration? I believe Lee's objective was to destroy the Union's will to carry on. To do that, he must win victories close to Washington DC, and cause panic and discontent in the North.


    In this case you are wrong. The point of the Battle of Gettysburg was to DESTROY the Army of The Potomac so he could have a clear way to march on Washington DC and force the Union Government into a peace treaty.


    After the failure of the Battle of Gettysburg, Lee change his strategy to focus on destroying as you say "The Union's will to carry on". This was not the point of Gettysburg. If you read the Order of Battle reports from Lee before his march north he clearly defines his motive was to destroy the Union Army and then march on Washington. Afterwards he clearly changes his overtone. To one of sapping the Union will to fight and just to allow his army to survive. Towards the end of the war he was even thinking of creating a guerilla war. Running to the mountains and using hit and run tactics to destroy the Union will. Before he could do this he was surrounded, starving and with little ammo at Appomattox Court House. He decided enough was enough and they had lost.

    • Like 1
  8. You do not need to ignore "Auto" targeting. You can simply hold some units behind a ridge or behind a obstacle of some kind.


    When I play and I do not feel like micromanaging. I simply only bring up like 2/3 of my guns keeping 1/3 in reserve. Ill put half of those up front on my battle line and the other half on ridge tops. A couple guns on the flank that can cause enfilade fire on enemy usually the fattest Batteries I have. Guard them with a Skirmisher or a brigade so they do not die. I will let them all sit on "Auto" only one or two i will drag forward and use canister. For the Confederates the key is not losing your batteries early. Then second goal is to kill off as many Union batteries as you can as soon as you can. As your cannons rout you can bring some up to replace them.


    The Union have a much larger group of Infantry and Artillery. If they can survive past the Second day they are almost certain to have victory. If you can rout the Union guns early you have a much better chance surviving through to Day 3. The Union just needs to play defensively fall back and keep your units in-tact.


    It is not impossible to win as Rebel or Yankee on Determined and never change targeting from "Auto".  Done it many times. Although you can keep your Batteries alive a lot longer if you control their firing manually.



    Using a military strategy makes impossible for the CS to capture all VP in phase 1. However, using some tricks of a strategy... game player it comes possible!


    About arty: the best way is to keep all units together. Until the rest of the Heth's Division arrives, there is no point to advance fast because later you'll be found outnumbered by the Union I Corps. The primary objective here is to secure McPherson Ridge protecting your arty units. When Pettigrew and Brockenbrough arrive you can launch your main attack. Also, when the last arty reinforcements arrive keep a couple of them on Herr Ridge (advancing the rest with the main force), loaded permanently with cannister. Also pull back the Heth Skirms, or even better Archer if the he has suffered heavy casualties. Then just pray that hostile units will do maneuver to attack Herr Ridge, because they will have no chance!




    I  like to take my first two Brigades (Archer and Davis) with all the Artillery Batteries and swing north and capture Oak Hill and leave Herr's Tavern Vacant. The Union will rush to take it and be surprised when my other Two Brigades show up and now I have them on two sides. Pushing South with two and East with the other two Its very easy and fun to catch the exhausted Union in a vice and squeeze.


    I think its far harder to be restrained in my attack and only do limited attacks so I can try and unlock the different scenerios than it is to just crush the enemy as both Hill Billy Yank or Johnny Reb. It also does not help that some of the scenerios you will encounter are NOT the same title as it is in the custom battle screen...

  10.  Second cent is the black hats seem to be over powered- causing a lot of casualties making the Confederate troops retreat way to fast during the first day's battle when they appear around the middle of the map.


    The "Black Hats" or Iron Brigade was one of the Best Brigades if not THE BEST the Union had in its entire Army. I would argue that they are weak in this game. When you flank them they tend to run just as easy as any other Brigade. I would like to see them actually be stronger and with-stand more than they currently can. Even with 4 Brigades and one Skirmish unit beating the Union on the first day as Confederates on Determined difficulty is still rather simple. As long as you can keep the Union in front of your line and not let them get around your flank its so easy to keep pushing them back.


    What I still find silly is seeing Reynolds of the 1st Corps still alive on the Historical Second day. That is anything but Historical...

  11. You must be new to the forum. We have asked and asked for this in multiple threads. Does not look like Darth wants to add Surrender to this game. Best hope we have is that they allow us to eventually MOD the game and let us add it ourselves.

  12. You need to create a sandbox mode, scenario creator that lets you create any type of scenario you want.



    Will add that too the Poll for what you would want to add to UG:G



    Also what if you could have a campaign mode where you fight the whole civil war?


    This has already been suggested.


    Check out the poll and vote on what you would like.

  13. For strategy Sid Meier's genre of games are more strategic. More things going on. Different things to watch for. Boost of morale when regiments are attached to their Brigade, When Commanders of the Brigade are standing near by, When Division, Corps and Army Leaders also standing nearby. Standing in Rocks or Woods. When Other regiments and batteries are standing either behind or on the side. The map could move, rotate zoom in and out. You could disable trees. Oblique for gods sake. Artillery can auto target Infantry or Artillery allowing you to generally focus your guns quickly. Generals could be wounded. Units could hold fire, Volley or fire at will. Brigades could change formation.


    It doesn't mean that UG:G is not strategic. This game still takes a tactical mind to evaluate the battle and initiate a battle plan. The improvement in maneuver. Ability to group units together. Timing of attacks is superior than anything you could do in SMG. Graphics are much crisper and clear than SMG.


    People will always be judging the new against the old. We also must remember that this game is basically in its infancy. I have full faith that over time after the bugs are worked out and that further installments of UG:G will not just rival SMG but surpass it. Perhaps allowing us to create our own mods we can develop the game further than what Darth has time to do on his own. Just how Darth turned Medieval Total War II into the BEST Total War game ever.

  14. Sorry - this is not even close to what I experienced.  At nightfall on July 1, the confederates held Culp's Hill, had Archer and Davis' units in the town of Gettysburg, arrayed along the southern edge.  Starting the next morning neither Archer nor Davis were even on the battlefield.


    I'll do as you suggested and send the data - but I did report a bug inside the game when I restarted the battle on July 2 - so you should have some data.



    I have had the same issue but do not think its a bug I thought if a unit uses too much Morale and Condition and get totally exhausted they will rest next battle and not fight. So of course you would not see them. This is what I thought anyway, I could be wrong.

  15. The arrival of reinforcements is triggered on a pre-defined random time, around the historical one. For example if Union I Corps arrived at Gettysburg at 11:00 am, it will enter the field on a random time around 11:00 am. If a previous battle has been delayed, the arrival of reinforcements in the next battle will be delayed accordingly.    


    Are the reinforcements triggered only by "pre-defined random time's" or do they trigger when you cross a certain point on the map as well?


    Because I have noticed if the Rebels on the first day camp on Herr's Ridge and do not move forward. It can delay the Union Reinforcements. But soon as you approach the next line of hills where the Union starts the game the Union reinforcements will trigger. But this will not affect the Rebels because their reinforcements will come after a certain period of time no matter what.


    Am I just imagining things?

  16. Just finished a game on Offensive AI. I was Union.


    My first battle I was able to hold all VP's and even pressed the attack after Rebels became exhausted to capture Herr's Ridge. Four Brigades against my 6 Brigades plus Skirmishers and Cavalry = no contest. Repeated charges with Cavalry and constant fire from the Skirmishers until 1st Corps appeared. Moved the Skirmishers to flanking positions and the rebels could do nothing but fallback. (No idea why people say Confederates get the upper hand on first day. I seem to be able to do just fine).


    The second battle I allowed the confederates to capture all the VP's except Cemetery Ridge from which I fell back to on purpose. I did not engage any Brigades and allowed my units to fully rest.


    The third battle the rebels attacked south and west towards the Round Top hills. I never allowed them close. I intercepted the Rebels before they got close. Brought half my cannons to the front line and the other half camped on top of the Hills. Set up multiple lines of defense. When rebels attacked I fell back behind leap frogging my Brigades behind one an other. This drained the enemy of Morale and Conditioning before they could even get close.


    The fourth battle I decided to attack the Rebel center. The goal was Seminary Ridge. I pressed the attack. The rebels countered with Longstreets Corps. I fell back and brought up all of my Cannons. I placed them all in front of my battle line. In one giant line of Artillery. I let them pound the crap out of the center of the Rebel Army.After a while my guns began to rout from exhaustion, Then I did my leap frog technique and advanced my Brigades one after the other. Pressed the attack after the second Rebel assault pushed past the rebel cannons. Pushed them almost to the edge of the map before the game ended. It was very simple I had no close moments and I was in control the entire time.


    I won the game in a Major Victory. 12,000 Union Deaths: 19,000 Confederate Deaths give or take a few and the majority of the VP's captured.


    My conclusion. Though I find it lacking in challenge. No matter what the difficulty I play on the AI is very predictive. I would like to see the AI use the HOLD ability more often. They press the attack but still do not hold the ground. They just advance till they are exhausted and then fall back. If I can keep up the pressure I can push them back indefinitely. As well they are not careful in protecting their flanks and allow me to set up one or two Brigades on their flanks and engage in enfilade fire. This does not last long cause they will then soon run in terror.


    All said and done I love this game though!

    Can't wait for Multi-player. I Just hope you add more than 1v1. I wanna do some Team Battles.


    "Brigade, Support Arms"

    "Brigade, Fix Bayonets"

    "Brigade, Support Arms"

    "Brigade, Right Shoulder Shift"

    "Brigade, forward march"

    "Brigade, Port Arms"

    "Brigade, At the quickstep"

    "Brigade, CHARGE!!!!!!!!"

  17. I think if this were to ever come to fruition it would be better to stay away from Total War and just create a new Campaign mechanism from scratch.


    One idea that comes to mind is instead of having all your army march as one and enter the battle as one unit like they do in TW instead have them string out in line formation as they march long distances. Assign units Order of Battle 1,2,3,4,5,... So say just a couple brigades start the battle but as time progresses units arrive to support the army. Say you are at point A and you want to get to point B, 30 miles away. You could have a choice to march in single file down one road or railroad or your army would spread out and take multiple roads to point B instead of marching together to get there faster. This is how real armies would march and something lacking in ALL Totalwar games. Once you reach your destination you could have a choice to wait and gather troops in stealth and hope you are not discovered or launch a attack as soon as possible.


    Also a focus on Blockade runner ships from Europe containing Weapons and Clothing could be a huge boost to unit recruitment. Capturing enemy trade ships and bringing them to port could boost your ability to wage war. The problem for the south was not the amount of recruits they could muster but outfitting them with working weapons and gear.


    An emphasis could be not capturing and holding land. Instead destroying each sides ability to wage war. Burning of Cities, looting of goods, Destruction of Railroads. Escaping slaves as they were the South's only work force at the time could play huge roles.


    As I said in the previous post, Secret Societies could undermine each sides ability to enact laws or edicts. Assassinate people of rank. Destroy factories or ports with bombs. Hold populations in state of fear. Recruitment in enemy lands. Create men of loyalty. All things that could be taken into consideration.


    In the Western Theater it was more of a Bushwacker behind enemy line type ordeal. In states like Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Iowa  though claimed to be Union states they had large populations sympathetic to the Rebel Cause. If units could reach these populations by traveling north with out getting caught they could then have recruits they could bring down south and turn into soldiers. Good source for recruits when populations in the Southern States are running dry. Also populations on the Frontier states came ready equipped with Guns and ammo. Being as it was a way of life for them to begin with.

    • Like 2
  18. This would be a great idea.


    I think instead of city building you would have to focus on Brigade recruitment with maybe a General Promotion scheme to lead Armies. Maybe borrow from AGEod's American Civil war unit building scheme. You would have to take into account Army Supply when out of home territory. Would have to drain food supplies from enemy area's as you march through kinda like Sherman's March. Units in low supply would lose morale or organization faster during battle than those in good supply perhaps. You also would have to take into account Navy units. Ocean going and River. Both played a huge part in the American Civil War. Secret Societies could also throw in another element that people would love. Espionage, Diplomacy, Trade, Assassination, Bushwackers, Railroads, Laws and Edicts, Recruitment on both homeland and enemy land. Both the Slave element and Native American could be taken into account.

    • Like 1
  19. After finishing the game on Defensive AI personality. This is my run down.


    Of course the game is still too easy, AI personality seemed to want to HOLD position far to long than it should of. This exhausted them and actually made it easier for me to rout them, with very little skill on my part. Simply putting a Brigade on their flank They would stand their ground when they should of obviously fallback. Letting me shoot the crap out of them, untill they are running like banshees screaming in horror. Once I would take the ground from them and set up my defensive line. They would try and launch counter attacks but it was futile. With no Morale or Conditioning they were mostly sacrificing their men to the UG:G Gods.


    Still issues with Cannons not firing in their line of sight when I click a target for them. Instead they like to rush like a tank. Forcing me to tell them to Halt. Not sure if this was on the the issues you were trying to fix the description you gave for the Quick fix was kinda vague.


    Going to keep trying different AI personalities. Hope this helps.

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