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Civil War Tester
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Posts posted by R.E.B.Blunt

  1. Well, I'm 2 star Lt. Gen. and held ranks 4, 3 and 2 with it.



    Yes, I believe it is based on the ratio of players who have joined the game. As more players join more people can become a 2 star Lt. General. When the game first came out only #1 player could be a two star. I know for a fact cause I held rank #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10. When game first came out and only the #1 had the 2 stars Then after a couple of months it moved to #1 and #2. I am assuming as more people join the game more can be 2 Star Lt. General.

  2. Once you get to Lt. General rank with 1 star the only way to get the other star ranked is to beat a top 1 or 2 rank person. I am pretty sure only two people have the 2 stars in Lt. General and they are the first and second rank people. Whats really awful is that if you win a battle against a low rank person you can go down in rank if you are ranked in the top 10 so its really hard to stay there.

  3. I have had instances where the game ends abruptly with no warning before the timer runs out and I lose even when I was clearly winning the game. I do not know what causes that. I have also had instances of people disconnecting their internet cord while in game so they do not lose rank when they have clearly lost. Some people are just clearly pathetic. Send me a invite if you want a real challenge but be warned I will murder you fair and square lol. Steam name; REB_Blunt

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  4. Morale is really tricky, Some key tactics I suggest are this.


    1) Place units next to other units. Units fight better when fighting next to other units.


    2) Fall back when units get below 15. if you stay and fight any longer you risk having your Brigade rout and you will have hard pressed time getting that brigade to fight worth anything if they rout. Your number one goal is to NEVER let a Brigade rout. Fall back even if you lose a VP.


    3) Never attack long distances, press forward in short spurts. Rest your Brigade then press forward again in short marches. When you do move forward bring up your entire battle line. If you march units forward without support on their flank they will lose morale very fast.


    4) Press the attack when the Enemy begins to rout from battle. When the enemy begins to Rout move your units forward. Your troops will gain Morale when the enemy begins to run away. If you press to far though you will lose morale so do not get greedy. Fall back when you begin to lose morale.


    5) Flank where ever possible. A unit on the enemy flank and shooting enfilade fire down the line will gain Morale knowing they are inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. But if they are too far from your battle line they will lose Morale. Its a fine line on how far to flank.


    6) Bring up your General to the area that is in heaviest conflict. Your General will give your army a slight boost when ever a Brigade is within the circle of influence. This slight boost helps, also the better the general the better the boost. Not all generals are equal.


    7) Bring up your Cannons to support your line as you move. Place your cannons on both your left and right flank place some in the rear and place one or two in the front line. Do not group your cannons in one spot. Using your cannons is key to watching enemy morale sink and yours soar.


    8) Anchor your Army around your strongest Brigade. Lead your attacks with the 3 star Brigades. Place your army around them. Use your 3 star brigades like elite crack units. Do not waste them and get them killed for no reason. If they begin to rout your army will soon follow.  If you have 3 or more enemy brigades shooting 1 of your brigades fall back keep falling back let them chase you. They will tire out running forward way before you tire out falling back.


    9) Units will gain morale faster if you DO NOT use hold. Have your Brigade fall back far enough they can rest without using the Hold. Only use Hold as a last ditch effort to hold ground while you bring up support. If you do not have any support coming. Never use hold. Fall back your Brigade and save their strength let the enemy press the attack they will weaken. If you fall back properly you can counter attack and retake lost ground.


    10) Use high ground and trees accordingly. They give your men a boost of morale standing on a hill or in woods. Standing in open you will see your men crumble. Use terrain and you will hold your morale longer.


    11) Only charge Brigades forward when you are about to break the enemy. Never charge into a fresh enemy brigade. Never charge if the enemy is not close to routing. I only press Charge when I see the enemy begin to waiver. Charge is meant to be a shock to cause waivering units to flee. Not Fresh units. Also use the charge button to reset the time. If the timer is running out and you have not yet won. Simply click Charge then click Halt this will reset the timer and allow you more time before the match ends.



    I hope some of this helps. If you need more help PM my steam account REB_Blunt and ask questions I am always ready to help people, teach different methods and techniques. Be open minded too. Every battle takes different ideas to overcome and achieve victory. Good luck and see you on the field of battle.

    • Like 4
  5. Well after my adventure of the rank bug issue pushing me to rank #1,800. It took me a month to get back up there. Send me a invite if you want to play. I am always up for a game I never turn down anyone.


    I would like to see some Win/Loss added to the rank not just a rank number; That way we can see how many battles people play, How much they quit, how much they win and how much they lose legitimately.


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  6. Cavalry attacking single line brigades is actually historically proven to be devastating. That is why Infantry created the Square formation to defeat Cavalry. But since there is no Brigade formations in this game I think the only fair thing to do is scale back Cavalry. Now for the Fantasy what if's I think it is fun to have Cavalry battles but something a bit more fair not some un even Cavalry fiasco.

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  7. RH Lee,


    I think you also need to take into account that the Battle of Gettysburg was fluid and not Static. Point in fact after the First day Union 1st Corps was retired to Culps Hill and Cemetary Hill after defending Seminary Ridge. After each action you choose to either attack the right or left flank, Your army of course will move accordingly. Then hence forth will not be in that same location. There are also other times the enemy will attack you and your army will have to counter to react to his movements or risk being out flanked.


    Also in civil war battles usually after the battle of fierce fighting and units were worn out and ran out of ammo. They would retire a distance away from the battle to be refitted with ammo and fill canteens, rest under some shade and tend to their wounded. Its very hard to be resupplied when your entire Brigade is still on the same exact location that you just fought.


    So actually from the historical perspective this game does give a very good portrayal of the American Civil War battle of Gettysburg. I dont see what the big deal is.

  8. I like when units flash white and start to retreat. If I am standing on top of them or near I like to follow them around like a Lion chasing her prey, Picking off the weak and sickly till there are no units left or they are battle ineffective and they retreat for good from battle. Its a bonus if it is a 3 star Brigade and I can murder them for good, Its very satisfying. As many of you can attest from Multi-player It helps with my score at the end Muahahahahahah!!!

  9. After some extensive testing I do have to say with all honesty that for all the maps released on multi-player both Union and Confederate are pretty even. Union it seems does tend to need a bit more micro-managing. You need to be aware of your Brigades morale at all times and need to fall back accordingly. But as the Confederates advance if the Union fall back correctly without having too many of your Brigades Rout. The tide of the battle can turn very quickly. You can sap away the Rebels morale and when your Yankee reinforcements arrive you can flank and roll up the rebel line with ease. I have found no problem using this tactic on any of the maps and winning with the Union. But again the key is to fall back before your Brigades rout. If you have too many of your Union Brigades rout from battle you will find a hell of a time trying to have your units hold the rest of the battle. Do not be afraid to lose a VP cause they will not be able to hold it long.


    My suggestions for battle placement is to set up two or three rows of Union Brigades. NEVER place your entire Army in a single line of Brigades. As Confederates advance fall back. Once your units have fallen back march those troops to the rear of the line behind other Brigades giving them time to regain Morale. Fall back before you rout your army. Focus your fire on only one or two Confederate Brigades. When the Confederates begin to waiver then you need to flank around the sides of their battle line and roll up their line. If you flank around to early you will give up your advantage and the Confederates can counter you. Do not Flank to early in the battle. You will be surprised how easily you can destroy even the best morale Brigades using this simple tactic.

    • Like 1
  10. You must be new because this argument has been brought up extensively mainly by myself. You can check old threads on this forum. Yes this game does not offer as much variety as SMG. You do not see as much control and micro managing as you would of seen in SMG. No control of Battle lines. No detach Regiments. No surrender. No injury of Generals. The map could rotate. In many ways SMG is superior it was the true American Civil War Simulation game.


    But this game is not that. It is more of a Arcade, grab and go quick play. The graphics are crisper, battle movement and flow is faster. But I have grown to love this game. It is the reason many SMG veterans are turned off because they expect this game being decade older than the previous should have all the things that one made it great. In time I do believe it will once and if the developers allow the game to be modded. You could very easily add Regiments to Script instead of Brigades. Add independent brigade leaders and Divisional and Corps Commanders. But for now the developers are still in the creation stages and it is in its infancy. Let them work out the existing bugs. Help them by finding issues in the current game. Let them bring this game to fruition and then we can begin to mold it and shape it to better suit a true American Civil War Simulation game.


    The major problem with SMG now is that you cannot play it with modern Graphics Cards and Operating Systems. You have to remember it was created for Windows '97. That might as well be the Bronze age of Computers compared to today. My operating system will not even play SMG anymore. I have tried. Even downloading the XP and Compatibility patches still wont work. Because of that reason we have to take what we can get. This game is a great game but you have to look past what made SMG great and accept this game for what it is. Not for what it is not.


    Do not distress asp11001. I too was in your shoes when I first discovered this game. But give it time you will grow to love it as much as I have. Trust me from one SMG vet to another.

  11. Just played REB on the Devils Den map. He was the CS and won and I was union. I had 4 brigades get stuck soon after entering the map.

    I recall Candy and Kane getting stuck but early on the brigade that enters with McCandless getting stuck really early on which scuppered my northern flanking attack.


    I did not report bug in game as i was not sure if the game would lock when i did. I tried a screen shot with PRTSCRN but nothing interesting was in the buffer at the end.


    Ya I had two Brigades get stuck soon after they entered the map as well. It was still a good game. I swept south with my entire army. Hit the round top from the south and pushed north. Richard threw back my men a couple times but when Rhodes arrived two of his brigades froze on edge of map Richard did not know this and he put couple of his Brigades out to defend against my frozen units diverting needed attention away from the battle. The remaining Rhodes Brigades hit Richards left flank and rolled up his army I pushed north with 1st Corps and captured the Round Tops. He counterattacked and routed most my army but the damage was done and He could not take back the Round Tops before time ran out. Right at the end of the game it ended abruptly no Victory or Lose screen just went straight back to Main Menu. But I obviously had won the day.

  12. The problem is a dedicated lobby costs a lot of money and servers to run and people to run administration on them. I agree the game would be a lot better with a dedicated lobby, but I understand also the logistics of this as well. Maybe Darth can set up some kind of Donation program where people with lots of extra money to spend can donate to help Darth with some of the costs...


    -My two cents

  13. Really when people say Random Map Generator. I do not think they are speaking of creating a entirely new map to fight on. Instead I think they just mean. On the current map of Gettysburg. Random Spots on the existing map, That battles were not actually fought over will generate VP's and Random Corps will fight against on another. (I could be wrong.)



    So as an example. Put the VPs in the Town of Gettysburg itself. Two on either side of the town and one in the center. Then have a random Generator to chose what Army Corps face off against one another. Maybe the only option to have the person choose is how large they want the battle to be with how many Brigades, Divisions or Corps. Have like a option of 8k - 15k Troop Small Battles, 16k - 30k Medium Size and 31k - 60k Large Size battles.


    Can you imagine a large size battle fought over the little small town of Gettysburg itself, that would be so epic seeing all those troops in such a small area.


    That would save you guys the developers a headache of trying to creating new maps from scratch.


    -my two cents


    Maybe add in the future as the battle progresses reinforcements will appear on both sides. Giving fresh units to throw into the fray.

  14. The thing I do not like is that the Unit ranking system is not based on what the units actual degree of skill was, but is based on how that unit preformed at the Battle of Gettysburg. Everybody has a bad day (Or 3) they shouldn't be judged on that but on over-all skill through out the entire war. Point in fact basically Robertson's Brigade is every bit as good as a Brigade as Archer (My opinion better than Archer) or Iron Brigade. In this game they are only given 2 stars. Very disappointing in my opinion.

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  15. When forming your lines depending on what size brigade you are moving. You would want to space your brigades 3-6 inches apart from one another. Also you should never deploy units into the same location as before unless your battle line is collapsing. Always extend your lines, force the enemy to follow you.If you press an attack and it begins to fail, fall back till you are no longer in contact with the enemy before you are at 0 morale and you retreat in panic. Then if possible swing your brigades to a different location force the enemy to follow you and launch your attack in a different location. If more than one enemy brigade is attacking a single brigade do not press forward. Fall Back conserve your strength. The enemy will usually press and follow you and it will drain them of Morale and you in turn will gain morale. One of your brigades can easily destroy multiple enemy brigades if you fall back and they press forward. Use your skirmishers on the flanks or to protect your cannons.


    Hope this helps.

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  16. my pet peeve is damn charging units that are routing running in circles like this picture. The Iron Brigade in particular was routing before they charged me first they fell back then they circled around and ran through my men, then the other two Brigades were routing as well and still charging me...GRRRRR


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