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Everything posted by Lima

  1. Some details on сritical bug with non-working button in submarine battles There are several variants of this bug. You see the icon of a normal battle (3 SSC vs 1 CL for example), go in, and the enemy has no ships. I think this case is described above. At the beginning you see one thing (3 SSC vs 1 CL), and inside another (3 SSC vs 1 CL 2DD). This option often does not lead to a bug. The enemy is initially shown without ships, and there are no ships in detail screen either. Sometimes this is normal, the enemy will only have transports. This is a safe battle. In the end, pressing the button with options 1 and 3 (without transports) is guaranteed to result in NaN and a broken game. An example of option 3 is below. Sometimes after clicking the game freezes forever. The solution is not to fight in such battles.
  2. Let's talk a little more about AI But first let's have a little laugh >> 212 ships out of 218 destroyed, all US capital ships at the bottom >> 1811 VP In fact, it was probably the best battle with the doomfleet that I had. Earlier I said that AI can confidently control about 50 ships. In this battle, I can say that more than half of the AI fleet acted meaningfully. However, the doomfleet has a very big problem (as if it itself is not a big problem, but nevertheless) - AI practically does not update ships in it. The doomfleet seems to be something sacred to AI, it does not remove the old ships from it. Thus, most of the ships of the US, country with "Very Advanced" technology are something from 1890-1900 (and this is 1919). The same problem is present in smaller TF to some extent. And this is far from the first US war in this campaign (they probably had about 4 wars with Britain). As you can see, there were 3 relatively new battleships in this task force. Relatively, because the last British ships I fought with were much better. In my experience, AI is quite willing to scrap old ships, but because of the doomfleet, it cannot do this. Yeah, I want to say something about design, but more on that later.
  3. China was only at war with Japan when it broke up.
  4. It looks like this bug is not stable. In my current game, China has collapsed and the game is going fine.
  5. I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. Italy goes berserk my God. They didn't build ships during the peace so that no one would guess how strong they are.
  6. AI doesn't build ships Well, it was a very long campaign (1890-1916). But it looks like I won't be able to continue it. And the problem is that I do not know what the problem is. AI has stopped building ships. I looked at the old saves and the most incredible thing is that it started a long time ago, even before I started overwriting the saves. My war with Italy was very clean and ended in 1908, Italy built ships for two more years and then stopped. As you can see money is not a problem for them. The last country actively building the ship was China, but they stopped doing it at some point (again, this happened before I started overwriting the saves). It seems that most countries stopped building in 1912-1913, at that time the my war with them was actively going on. I mean, yes, France is building, but much less than usual. The rest at the same time... Welcome to the world of eternal prosperity, I guess. Edit: on the next turn, a world war broke out, everyone is fighting, including Italy. Italy even started building ships, but I still don't understand what prevented them from building ships all these years of peace. They have enough money and a crew. Spain/AH/Japan are still doomed.
  7. More bugs Some sort of submarine magic. Sub TF attacked one BB and this happened. I suspect that BB was damaged, but a turn earlier I received only 900 VP for a sunk BB. Also, if it was damaged, why didn't subs sink it? Then I immediately received a refund of my free VP. This often happens when enemy ships are from two different nations. In this case, CA was British, transports and TB were Spanish. Typical "Brother, I am stuck" situation. My submarines are stuck with a destroyer, a mission appears at every turn. They have orders to move away, but they are not moving. I'm not attacking because I don't want the submarines to die. Also you can see my fishing squadron of two destroyers nearby, they set records for fishing. Because the British destroyer can wait, but the fish can't. Let's skip to the end of the war...Yes, they're still here. As you can see, the AI is also trying to take the DD away, but it is not moving.
  8. I don't even know if it's a feature or a bug, so...I asked for 5 provinces, and got 4, no Gibraltar. Edit: ugh, again. Well, if it's a bug, that's good. If it's mechanics (and I guess it is)...This is terrible. Someone will say that this is politics that ruin everything and this is realistic. Yes, realistic. And incredibly infuriating. It's very difficult to get points in this game (my damn fleet doesn't generate missions). And then my hard-earned results go down the toilet. I would accept this if there were some kind of negotiation mechanics, some kind of _existing_ diplomatic system. I could make an effort to take the territories I need the most. For example, I am ready to sacrifice everything for Egypt and Gibraltar. I'm even willing to pay extra for this. However, we have just a RNG. I have no words to express how unbearable this is. I really can't remember a game in which my victory would be so devalued in peace talks (hoi4 border gore maybe at some sort). And now, when restarting, I have to figure out the moment when Britain will agree to peace and give me the necessary territories. Yes, after ten years of war, for which I simply destroyed their military and merchant fleet and economy, when they asked for peace a hundred times, they may not agree. There is not even a percentage RNG (hello EU4), some kind of constant coefficient. So, suggestions. Remove RNG on peace talks, please. If you do not remove the RNG, please make a transparent system in which I will see what is the probability that the AI will agree to peace (40/50/60%) and what is the probability of obtaining a particular territory. This can greatly improve the user experience. QOL: make it possible to move around the map and watch the territory during negotiations. I know geography well and understand where all the territories are located. However, I also want to know the port capacity, which can only be viewed in the game. Now I have to write it down.
  9. I confirm, China broke up because of "Losing home provinces" and the game is still alive. In fact, it's a very big mystery what happened. China was at war only with Japan, and Japan still has only one province. It looks like these guys were able to destroy China and not take Mongolia, surprisingly.
  10. Virgin ordinary ship TF: mwhat enemy? wher? Chad submarine TF:
  11. Nothing will change over time The only way to deal with the doomfleet is to fight it. And you need not just to enter the battle, but to inflict serious damage on them. Below is the German doomstack in 1914 (1890 campaign) consisting of 214 ships (they have 246 ships in total). Bonus: look at "Supply Port: Too far" near Germany. Also, this is the fleet of Austria-Hungary. It was almost completely destroyed by me, reduced to a dozen ships. However, doomstack has been revived. Now they have 100% of their ships in this fleet. I mean, this TF has a pretty healthy size, but if possible, the AI will put more ships in it. Proof for the number of ships
  12. I think I've talked about it before, but still. "I don't care" option is really needed here. It's actually amazing, These guys had a task to attack an enemy TF with BBs, but they love these 2 cruisers so much... If you click on the "select" button, nothing will happen. You need to choose a home port for each submarine separately.
  13. Death loop or brother, I'm stuck! I saved my task force from the death loop by making peace with the French, however... 3 of my submarines attacked this DD and that's how I found out that the British had depth charges. I ordered the last remaining submarine to retreat to the nearest port (Massaua). And she stays in this place for 7 turns, as well as the destroyer. A mission is generated every turn (I don't click on the attack). Here my submarines have caught two enemy TF and are attacking them every turn. The enemy is not moving. Damaged ships are sometimes sent to port, and some of them are sunk. Eventually these TF will disappear.
  14. Remember guys, don't take Mongolia Well, I took only Taiwan from China and the world is alive (except for my task force in the death loop of course). It seems that Mongolia and Kamchatka are connected. I think that Kamchatka's home port is located in Mongolia. It would be complete heresy to do anything with this sacred territory. Forgive me Kamchatka, I was such a fool.
  15. Three game-breaking bugs First - task force in a death loop After the battle, my task force went home with an order "Protect". The mission "We cornered an enemy task force" was generated. I don't need to fight, I'm going home. But there is no option to retreat (WHY?). All my DDs are damaged, I can't catch up with enemy destroyers. I tried auto-resolve. All ships received light damage. On the next turn, my task force did not move anywhere and the same task "We cornered an enemy task force" was generated. Eventually it lasted 5 turns. At some point, my ships started taking damage from mines. This is just nonsense, why are these 3 destroyers so important to you? Just go home. However, I can't say how it ended, because... Second - freezed submarine auto-resolve I pressed auto-resolve button (I mean, there are no other buttons here) and nothing happened. I waited 5 minutes, nothing changed. I went to the menu and loaded the save. The result was this. My prestige and unrest, scores with Spain become NaN. Third - when a country is destroyed, the game freezes forever Confirmation of what @Kane revealed. I took Mongolia and Taiwan from China, it was destroyed and the game freezes forever on the next turn. The biggest mystery for me here is why China broke up because of "losses of native provinces". I mean, Mongolia and Taiwan are not part of China right now, but China is still here.
  16. Submarines generate more missions in one turn than my entire fleet in many months.
  17. Task forces, doomfleet and AI in general First of all, I understand that making good AI is very difficult. So here I will describe how the situation with AI is at the moment. Doomstack. In short: doomstack is bad. This thing is still present. The AI now has more small task forces, but about 80-90% of the fleet is in one pile. The problem is that AI can control no more than 50 ships well (and FPS drops yeah). So most of the doomstack just sits and does nothing. Also, usually most of the ships in the doomstack have serious damage (engines). This is a common problem of all AI task forces - they constantly have heavily damaged ships and the AI does not care about it. It's not trying to send them for repairs. Also, after the first destruction of the doomstack, it will slowly revive. AI will gather a lot of ships in one task force. Of course, it will never exceed the original doomstack, but I have seen about 100 ships in the revived French doomstack, which is already a lot. You can say that you need to collect a lot of TB/DD/CL to damage large ships and that's right. However, AI is simply not able to control a large number of ships, that's the problem. Perhaps, to allow the small ships to prove themselves, they can be removed from the first phase of the battle (Clash of fleets) and used in the second (Struggle). Or just don't let the AI gather a lot of ships. Also, doomstack often runs out of fuel, it suffers a lot from mines. Strategic level. In short: its bad. The AI is very determined in sending its forces to the enemy's coast, and if it has one opponent, it will successfully park its doomstack and smaller task forces near the enemy's coast. However... Firstly, the AI does not pay attention to fuel at all. In the later stages of the game and for countries like Britain, this is not such a problem. However, when something like Austria-Hungary sends a fleet to the US, it will sit without fuel and the AI will do nothing about it. Secondly, the AI does not pay attention to mines at all. For the most part, AI has a lot of minesweepers and mines of other AI are not such a problem. But there is a player who can make a very large minefield, the AI just doesn't care and as a result, huge losses. Thirdly, in a war with several opponents, the poor AI simply can't cope. Task forces are starting to make useless circular routes on the map. For example, Britain in the war with the US and Japan constantly moved its doomstack along a circular route from three points in the Atlantic for about 3 years, until I caught up with it. And of course I have a golden example when the German fleet moved back and forth along the Suez Canal for more than ten turns, I don't remember exactly on which turn I was able to engage them. Fourthly, the AI often does not react to changes in the strategic situation. What is it, our homeland was taken into blockade? Pf, we continue to sunbathe in the Caribbean. I must say, in a war with one enemy, sometimes (like 1/4 probability) the AI moves its fleet to home. But as I said in a war with several opponents (which can be said to be constant in this game) the AI is just getting lost. Tactical level. In short: its OK. I've played a lot of similar games and I can't say that the current tactical AI is very bad. Sometimes it even makes very dangerous maneuvers. Also now the AI doesn't run away in every fight, which is good. However, I would still like to see improvements. For example, the AI attacked my convoy, but decided to retreat in battle, having superiority in forces. It seems to me that the AI should attack and run away only when taking damage. AI ship designs. This is a really good component. Now AI is building adequate ships and you can see the features of each nation. Sometimes there are problems when the refit turns out to be worse than the original ship (let's remove two turrets of the main caliber lol). However, in general, the AI, especially with "Very Advanced" technology, is able to improve its fleet taking into account technology and can keep on an equal footing with the player. Special: interaction of the player's operational groups with the AI's operational groups It's very difficult to get task forces to fight. I park my task forces in the straits, they have a diverse composition, but the AI passes the straits without problems. I no longer pay attention to the 1-2-3 ships, but the doomstack passing through Gibraltar in full view of half of my fleet are simply amazing. I take the straits as the most outstanding example, there are also hundreds of examples of my task forces trying to catch up with the enemy at sea. Do you know why I say that the British fleet has been circling for 3 years? Because, well, I've been watching it for 2 years and catching it for 1 year. I've even set up task forces in the places where they stop. Our forces constantly crossed, but there were no fights. Finally, by some miracle, I managed to catch them. I do not know how that time was different from all the others. What surprises me the most is that fights with submarines work great. My submarines are in the straits and constantly catching enemy ships while my entire fleet is fishing. I can also say that if you and the enemy have neighboring ports, missions will be generated very often, you will have fun and task forces are not needed. However, the map is very large, and for some countries it is not possible to fight without task forces. Conclusion Well, as you can see, the strategic level is a big problem. I understand it's very difficult to set up. Especially considering where the developers live. I could ignore most of these problems if the interaction between the operational groups worked. But now I have to chase doomstacks for months and I have time to observe all this. In the future, this game has a huge potential to be interesting if the AI is properly configured. For now I would just like to be able to reliable attack AI with task forces.
  18. I will beat those who beat the weak so that the world will survive. Oh, right, it's me. It's time for the US.
  19. I had it in beta, but I didn't know exactly what the problem was. It turns out it's time to stop beating China and move on to saving the world.
  20. There are so many bugs in this game that I do not know what is a bug and what is a feature. What's the difficulty? No, seriously, what's the difficulty? De facto, I'm just being thrown back to the very beginning. I just need to sink the enemy fleet one more time. It's not difficult. Also, I can reach 15K VP several times, peace will be concluded and I will not get Taiwan. Again. What a wonderful RNG, how interesting! I'm talking about the fact that now there is no way in the game to confidently get a lot of points without a long war (hello bug with submarines). And a long war can be easily interrupted by a wonderful RNG. I already have experience. During the game for Austria-Hungary, I twice lacked a few points for the Philippines. Twice my Government has made peace. It's not interesting at all.
  21. I would accept this system, a quick peace agreement is good. I did everything in my power - I destroyed their fleet, for this we should be given a lot of colonies...what, Mongolia? Yeeaaaaaaaaah, right, I guess. In general, this is very funny. If we win and can wage war, any country will try to get maximum profit. Just imagine how the US got a couple of islands in the Pacific Ocean instead of Cuba and the Philippines. And only Sakhalin would be enough for the Japanese. And anyway, if I don't affect anything, why bother me? The game should be fun. When politicians ruin all my work, it's incredibly infuriating. You'll say it's realistic, and it is. But games are not played to get annoyed. This RNG peace does not give anything good to this game. In the end, we need a system with a balance. If we win overwhelmingly, if the economy is good, the war should always be continued. If we have any problems, the war is not going in one direction or the economy is on the decline, there should be a chance of peace. And I will accept it. But now it's just incredibly infuriating. I didn't fight my way through doomfleet of 200 ships and a thousand bugs to get Mongolia.
  22. The good thing is that this time I strengthened my ass with a whole bunch of backup saves. It took me 7 attempts for France and China to simultaneously decide to continue the war. China refused 2 times, France refused 3 times and both refused 1 time. And I chose the option "continue the war". But it's completely random. I mean, I understand why they don't want to fight, they have less than 5 ships left. But I'm sorry, to get at least something sane (I mean, why do I need this Mongolia) I have to destroy your fleet 2 more times. These 15K VP for the complete destruction of the fleet is just a joke. Lol, you killed 50K sailors and sunk 200+ ships? Take Corsica, lol.
  23. @Nick ThomadisPlease, please, please fix it. Please. It just kills my desire to play. I chose the option to fight on. I had almost given up this campaign when the same thing happened with Italy. This bug has been in the game ever since the peace talks appeared. In the face of huge problems with VP, the inability to accumulate them is incredibly frustrating. I would like to continue, but it's just unbearable. Edit: ugh, bug inside a bug. Well, I made peace with France and China on the same turn. The result is a single menu for two countries. And the number of my money for trading corresponds to only one country (I had about 15K VP with each country, that's about 110000000$ in my experience).
  24. As soon as the ship is refitted, it will receive improved guns of the new model (if they are investigated). That is, you can keep the old guns, but together with the old ships.
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