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Posts posted by akd

  1. Is there a possibility for a nation to remain neutral, or return to a neutral status? Will nations that have not yet entered an alliance (because they were not top choice for another nation) and don't have a mutual enemy be considered neutral to all (other than pirates) or enemies to all? Is picking a mutual enemy but not an alliance an automatic alliance?

    • Like 1
  2. I fear the massive Bucentaure giveaway is distorting the crew cost issue. Yesterday I helped separate and capture a Bucentaure from a big pirate fleet. This Bucentaure:

    -was very undercrewed because of lower player rank, which means player had 100% of his crew on board

    -didn't surrender and let me board him

    -was carrying 5x small medkits in his hold

    Don't undercrew larger ships, investing all of your crew on something you are more likely to lose. Don't carry medkits in your hold for PvP. When you need them most is when you are going to lose them if they are in your hold. And finally, use surrender if continueing to fight is going to make no difference to the outcome for you or your team.

    We can see how things work out over time, but I currently have zero sympathy for people whining about crew cost. Too many are refusing to adapt how they play. Pointless (not glorious) suicides are still routine. Medkits market is still developing, but should have much greater participation (use those labor hours).

    • Like 6
  3. Yes, they should have been moving nonsensical, stacking physical upgrades to officer perks, but instead what we get is officer perks that stack with existing upgrades and even more new, drop-only stacking upgrades. Combinations of stacking upgrades and officers perks are becoming so powerful that they are arguably must have (and must grind) and heavily tilt a fair fight between two players from being determined by player skill to being determined by acquisition and selection of upgrades and officers, or so tilt the game toward easy fight avoidance that seeking fair fights is pointless (either gank massively or don't even bother trying to engage in combat).

    All "human" upgrades should be officer perks.

    All "handbook" upgrades should be officer perks.

    All non-sensical physical upgrades should be officer perks or eliminated where redundant to officer perks (e.g. Steel Toolbox).

    • Like 2
  4. part 1 - no. you will leave your officer on shore, then go on suicide missions to take lives off of other players' officers.  Everyone should have to stake their officers in combat.


    part 2 - not quite in this form.  you will just have one officer with the best perks for every ship and every activity, making the choice of perks (which are powerful to the point of being bordeline OP) meaningless and just obligatory grinding. I would, however, like to see the ability to build a retinue of officers, each officer being a specialist and drawing from a unique perk pool.  Specialization comes with huge benefits, but also opportunity costs.  However, you shouldn't be locked in forever and should be able to change your specialization by dismissing and hiring new officers, or by "respecking" an officer with some form of point penalty.  You can change everything, just not on the fly.

  5. Yes, I am hoping a British version will have smaller guns on weather decks (6pdr / 24pdr carronade), less crew, but somewhat better performance / handling.


    edit: note, however, that Hermione and her sister ships always carried more than 32 pieces, but some were carronades and not counted in her rating.  Ships in the class had 38 guns / carronades, which may actually accord with what is in the game already, not counting chasers (which were seldom / never carried as permanent guns).  But none carried 9pdrs on the weatherdecks.

    • Like 2





    AFAIK, this is the only contemporary image of Bucentaure (note solid bulwarks on poop deck), and the plans used for the model in game were from the Guillame Tell, which has the open rails seen in game, but no cabin on the poop deck.  While I know these cabins were a thing on many French ships, even during wartime, I am curious as to the basis of inclusion in game.

  7. At the moment the vast bulk of people who can see the fight let alone hear it can't join because of the 2 min timer.

    Nonsense, or someone out there is very consistently playing the wind against you and your friends.

    "whelming strength and numbers at any given location" is traditionally the decider in RW conflict

    And achieving that in RW requires logistics and concentration of force to the detriment of other locations that are irrelevant in game. It also seldom works reactively in real life. If you are able to concentrate force, then you should use it proactively in the game: either attack the enemy or provide a deterrent defense.

    • Like 1
  8. There are multiple issues that this perk will cause - for example this perk + Rattlesnake can keep, for example, a 1st rate in combat for forever for greefing purpose - tag and just tail him for an hour in the battle. After battle is over repeat.

    The bigger problem is that we seem to be fixing universal issues with optional perks. I do not understand that.

    Very glad to hear ships will be less slippery upwind. Does this change include a reduction to jib / staysail force? I am very tired of watching square-rig ships runaway into the wind (45° or even less, totally impossible in reality).

    • Like 4
  9. Trader's Brig and Trader's Snow are faster than frigates?


    And it's not enough to be faster. So long as you spawn within chaser range, your are dead (if the pursuer is competent).


    So you either counter-tag or you lose.


    No one sails in Trader Brigs or Trader Snows any more.  It is either trader lynx / cutter or LGV / Indiaman.  In those cases, what Prater said applies in most situations.  And nothing with chasers can catch trader lynx / cutter, your only chance for those is either a close tag or massive gank (and coward trait just makes this worse).

    • Like 1
  10. I am in agreement with Wison09. If you've read any age of sail book or have watched any age of sail movie, then you are well aware that Captains spend a fair amount time in their cabin or below deck while at sea.

    If Wilson09 or any other player wishes to turn his chair, prop up his feet and read a good book to kill time during long voyages (AFK sailing) couldn't this be looked upon in the same way as the Captain of a ship retiring to his cabin? I believe so. Wouldn't that Captain then be alerted by his crew of any impending danger? Yes, of course he would.

    Earlier this Spring I suggested that a 'Drum Beat to Quarters' cadence be activated, accompanied by a bosun's whistle, when a player comes under attack. This would alert the player to return to his duties as Captain. The alterative to this alert is the sound of the first broadside fired into the AFK players defenseless ship. That seems very unrealistic to me.

    This is a PvP game. You are asking for the AI to play the game for you while you are AFK to detriment of a player who is actively playing game and searching the horizon for enemies. There are very few areas where player skill can be vested in a sailing game, and one of those is situational awareness. You have direct control over the most important aspects of combat: finding the enemy, maneuvering against the enemy, destroying or escaping the enemy. This is not a management game.

    That said, if it were implemented as a officer perk with % chance of failure based on range and light conditions rather than something automatic, I would be okay with it, as the more active player would still have the advantage.

    • Like 2
  11. 1) Changes to surrender inlcuding no money and xp if you surrendered

    You propose punishing people for engaging in PvP in a PvP rewards thread. I am confused. Why would this even be considered? All that needs to be fixed is surrending while sinking / burning. It is neither in the spirit of the age or of better gameplay (encouraging people to fight by knowing they have options to mitigate their loss) to place additional punishments on players on top of current loss for surrendering.

    Surrender should be a viable option that lets one party exit with mitigated losses, but without at the same time denying the victor gain. Having surrender as an option for people who chose to fight has improved battles significantly, leading to both quicker / more natural battle resolutions and much less trollish I lose / you lose behavior. The only problem is allowing players to surrender and minimize loss while at the same time denying the victor gain. There is no other issue.

    • Like 8
  12. What a funny body plan.


    Threedecks claims that she carried a total of 32 12-pdrs, mounting them on the quarterdeck as well! The British replaced them with 6-pdrs, of course.


    Probably a simple mistake: 32-gun 12pdr frigate becomes 32x 12pdr guns.  I believe she actually carried 26x 12pdr and 6-10x 6pdrs.


    10x ports can be seen on QD/FC in her "as taken" plans.



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