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Posts posted by akd


     (using his original combat ship as fleet escort). He has to just have a free fleet slot.


    He would lose all his mods on that ship, so no, he probably won't do that (especially if he has drop-only mods onboard).  For captures with large loot the only practical thing to do is to repair the prize with repair kits, teleport your combat ship away and hope you don't get pulled into an instance trying to escape (but mostly likely you will wait at least an hour in the end battle screen to reduce this risk).


    But of course Smithy's original point doesn't matter, because a 1 dura ship is not lost on capture like he seems to think.

  2. You can add that ship to your fleet right there if you have crew. it will provide some minimal protection. 

    in the future you will be able to use fleet cargo too, it will work better then too. 


    Can you add back in ranked repair kits to stores or crafting?  Ranked repair kits are the only way to take command of a captured ship and have repairs available if subsequently pulled into a battle. As it is now, you can repair the damage sustained (with standard repair kits), but until you reach port, you will have zero in battle repairs.  Not having battle repairs on a captured trader just encourages people to sit in the end battle screen after capturing one with significant loot.

    • Like 1
  3. You wouldn't put the Constitution into a line of battle.

    Why not? Baltic nations that used 64-gun ships also put heavy frigates in the line. And RN stopped putting 64-gunners in the line, so you could as easily say that at the time they were contemporaries, neither would be put in the line of battle by the RN.

    What separates Napoleonic era 3rd rates from 4th rates (apart from pure guncount) is that 3rd rates have 2 heavy gundecks (18lb and up) where 4th rates only have 1 heavy gundeck.

    So? NA rating does not have to be rating system from then or from any other period. And what does Agamemnon gain from it anyway? Rating it 3rd rate (3 duras) is just a nerf when Constitution with stronger, larger hull and greater broadside weight of metal is 4th rate (4 duras). As a 3rd rate in game she can only fill her historical role from Napoleonic era: obsolescence.

    Even if Agamemnon is smaller than the Constitution and carries less guns per deck (as does the Bellona), this is still a distinctly more powerful ship.

    How so? I'll take that spar deck of 32pdr / 42pdr carronades over the 18s in most situations in NA. Rather than "distinctly more powerful" I'd say it is circumstantially more powerful in certain situations, while the Constitution is circumstantially more powerful in others (probably most others).

  4. Her broadside weight is equivalent or less than Constitution and she carries a smaller main battery of the same weight.  She is smaller than Constitution.  In game terms she is a 4th rate.

    • Like 1
  5. I think 64 + Crew will make it a 4th rate. Also, I would remove 2nd deck for NA and make her only 24x12lb Trader.

    Venguer was a 64-gun SoL.

    Vengeur was originally built as an East Indiaman for the French East India Company. Her plans, however, followed military specification, as she was suppoesd to be able to integrate a naval squadron if necessary.

  6. Galleys were never used in the caribbean, and they were used within our time period only by archaic navies that did not adapt and are also not part of our scope


    Galleys would be torn apart in a single broadside. If that doesn't sink the galley, it severely hampers it, which allows another broadside to finish it off.


    Rowed ships against heavy broadsides, even a 6 gun broadside, are extremely outclassed. All you need is to send one ball through the bow or stern, along the oar deck, and now that galley has had a severe disruption of its motive power (rhythym disrupted, sweeps shattered, not  to mention scores of dead to clear from the benches) and it cannot maneuver effectively until its oardeck is reorganized. Which will never happen, because another broadside will hit it long before.



    There is a reason why galleys went extinct in any serious navy after the first few battles with effectively armed galleons and sloops.


    If you mean Mediterranean / Baltic war galleys, then probably, but all sorts of rowed "galleys" were used up and down the American coast, and surely the Caribbean also.  Regardless, the conditions for galleys and gunboats do not exist in game currently.

    • Like 1
  7. "Cacafuego" is literally "Shitfire" or "Fireshitter."   I don't think any ship was ever christened as such, but the Spanish galleon Nuestra Señora de la Concepción captured by Francis Drake in 1579 was apparently known by this nickname.




    Also, Patrick O'Brian fictionalized the Spanish xebec-frigate El Gamo as "Cacafuego" in the novel Master and Commander.

    • Like 1
  8. You cannot increase distance from join location because of land in battles. What if your join circle is mostly in the land, with only the inside edge available to join? Applying a distance ability to your join location would place you in the land.

    What you could do is apply a spawn time penalty and leave late joiners to watch battle while their spawn timer counts down, but people would just cry, cry, cry.

    Proposal to decrease "attack" circle and greatly increase the "pull" circle with battle closing immediately is the best solution to multiple problems, but it would be messy in its own way.

  9. I think same way and vote for it, but there is one BUT.

    It's clear if we choose 2nd option, that perk should keep fight open, untill it become equal or at least close to equal, for attackers and defenders. But if we talk about ganker squad, it will be easily manipulated by choosing attacker. If you want to gank someone, man without perk will tag, if you feel, there will be resistance or countergank, you let guy with social to tag. I think it should affect group, not single man, but it means lot of rework needed.

    Why? The player getting tagged may or may not have the perk and there is no way to know unless you've encountered them before (and as long as perks have unlimited reset, no way to know at all).

    I personally think it should be removed entirely as fundamentally changing ROE with blind perks is just asking for endless grief, but if not then it should keep battle open until BR is near even and should be a 6 point perk so that it can not be used in conjunction with speed boosts.

    • Like 3
  10. Well you have also take into account that not everybody uses the british pound. I know for a fact is that the dutch had generally 36 pdr Dutch on the lower deck which roughly translates to the 42 pdr british pound on most ship of the line and a few other nations use a different pound than the british which makes it heavier or lighter


    Dutch 36pdr is approximately 39 pounds English, just like French / Spanish / Russian 36pdr.  This is why English 42pdr was substituted for 36pdr on lower deck of Santissima, Bucentaure and Pavel in game.  Now they have added "36pdr" (which is presumably 39 pounds English for purposes of damage scaling and penetration), but they didn't plan for this when class system was made, so it is same class as English 42pdr despite really being in a class that should fall between 32pdr and 42pdr.  This isn't really an issue with the current ships, as arguably all these 1st and 2nd rates could probably also handle 42pdr, but it would become problematic if a French 74 with a 36pdr main battery were added.

  11. They may have backed themselves into a corner with the class rating system of guns.  All guns would need to be reclassed to leave 42 pounder as class 1 and make 36pdr as class 2 (restricted to current 1st and 2nd rates), then 32pdr becomes class 3, etc.


    Alternatively, they could use the special exception that is currently applied to the 36pdr in regards to Ocean on the 42pdr instead (restricting it to use on Victory).

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