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Posts posted by akd

  1. On 10/8/2017 at 8:24 AM, LeBoiteux said:

    In game, the irl 4-pdrs on the QD/fc are replaced by 6-pdrs. That explains my chart and akd writing :


    In the case of Alcmene, IIRC her QD/FC 4pdrs were replaced with 6pdrs in British service after capture.

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  2. On 10/2/2017 at 6:26 AM, BungeeLemming said:

    Working title? My suggestion:

    leadded seas!

    With the ammount of shot flying around if all the main and secodary gun batteries are going at it? dam thats gonna be crazy.

    And I really really like the idea of designing my own Batleship. Ive seen such a game bevore on youtube but cant possibly remember its name.. It was a really old title tho..

    You are possibly thinking of Rule the Waves from NWS, already mentioned above.  Really not that old (2015), but sacrifices graphics for having just about everything else you could ever dream of in a wargame / sim for this era.  Really the only things missing are beautiful 3D ships (with first person bridge  and gunnery views), seas, coastlines and weather conditions. (hint, hint Gamelabs ;) Small order, right?)

    Here is a nice overview of previous PC games for this era:


    p.s. title suggestion: Rise of the Dreadnoughts

    • Like 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, LeBoiteux said:

    Given the facts that :

    • there is 7 frigates already implemented in game that carry between 38 and 42 guns : the Surprise, the Cherubim, la Belle Poule, the Pirate Frigate, the Essex, Santa Cecilia and the Hermione,
    • the initial poll 2017 showed no love for light frigates (32-36 guns) among which there was only one 9-pdr frigate (that is what we really need)
    • the frigate that is the most voted in this final poll (for now) is the Venus that carried 40 guns
    • there is no 32-36 gun frigates in game (gap #1)
    • the French Hermione is said by Boudriot to carry, to be built to carry or to have carried (?) only 32 guns (26 x 12-pdr + 6 x 6-pdr ) :


    Can't NA devs make the Hermione carry 32, 34 or 36 guns by removing her 16x9-pdr guns on the weather deck and replace them by 6, 8 or 10 x 6-pdr guns  ?

    Source : J. Boudriot, History of the French frigate, p. 156.

    Devs will always put a gun in every gun port and even some places with port lids that aren't gun ports.

    • Like 2
  4. Hard choice, but more diversity in the 3rd rates along with a port battle system that encourages their use (BR and battle group based) would probably be most beneficial for the game.  As such, I'm leaning towards Montanes or Temeraire.  A third rate line-up as follows (using game armaments) would be ideal, and allow for restoration of historical armament on Bellona:



    Deck 1: 9pdr / 32pdr carronade

    Deck 2: 18pdr

    Deck 3: 32pdr



    Deck 1: 9pdr / 32pdr carronade

    Deck 2: 18pdr

    Deck 3: 36pdr


    Temeraire (Pluton variant):

    Deck 1: 9pdr / 32pdr carronade

    Deck 2: 24pdr

    Deck 3: 36pdr


    Dutch Wreker is pretty awesome, but doesn't seem to fit with 3rd rates in game terms.  Really more a 2nd rate, or 2.5 rate in terms of armament and crew (and in fact some in the class were refit as 2nd rates).

    • Like 2
  5. 9 hours ago, Sven Silberbart said:

    Riskless gankings kills population and with that the whole game.

    Current system absolutely favors attackers. As a result hunting groups terrorise the enemies capitols.

    Victims: New Players, Unlucky Players, Casuals, ..

    Winners: Veterans


    System favors people who are aware and exercise initiative, not people with poor situational awareness who only want to play reactively.

    • Like 2
  6. Who cares?  If you are near own port or free port, legit escape.  If you are near enemy port you just get put in front of enemy port, and enemy players know you are either there or logged off.  Only thing I don't like is smuggler flag allowing entry to enemy ports on traders after TP, but that is already a problem with TP to nearest deep port and one of many problems with the bogus implementation of "smuggling."

  7. On 7/18/2017 at 5:31 AM, Skully said:

    Revenge fleets are a symptom of low population server. 

    If there is ample folks in a region, then raiders will still be (rightfully) ganked and gankers be cloak warping onto puppies.

    Why introduce asymmetrical easily abusable mechanics to combat a symptom?

    Folks willing to spend 90 minutes for a gank will do anything to make it happen. Better to counter revenge/gank them instead.

    Revenge fleets made medium population server a low population server.

    • Like 2
  8. 20 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    if the basic cutter is immune from PVP it needs to have it's cargo hold removed so people can't use it to transport items.

    Then they put trader ship in fleet and continue as before.  Plus, looting AI traders and gathering repairs off AI in missions is probably the best way for a player stuck in a basic cutter to dig themselves out of hole.

  9. 2 hours ago, Vllad said:

    Revenge fleets have existed as long as I have been playing this game a year ago February. They will always exist as long as we have instance combat. They are actually a good thing for RvR and PVP as long as you adapt and use them appropriately.

    Not until most recent big patch were you held hostage to the game with no option (even if it was a gameplay blocking option) to avoid instance camping exploiters.  This is not just about "revenge fleets" and you are just as likely, even more likely, to get hello kittyed if you make a legit escape (or maybe even win) against a much superior force.  This has driven a large number of players from the game and OW PvP is now in terminal decline (thus the voices of PvE port huggers are coming to dominate forums).  This is not a "I wish this was improved or tweaked" issue.  When it happens to you, you uninstall and walk away from the game. No one will submit to a game that holds them hostage after the actual experience.

    • Like 1
  10. PvE grinding is driven less by ships and cannons and more by RNG upgrade drops and ship knowledge.  I can replace the former through PvP, crafting and trade, but if I pursue the latter through PvP I will just fall far behind the PvE grind and be entirely excluded from some benefits.  PvP mark value was only compensation for that and they destroyed it, even setting at the conversion rate at a level to intentionally insult / punish PvP players.

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, Slamz said:

    The theory as I see it:

    Endy speed advantage is still an advantage because if you want to speed cap a Connie you have to cripple it. We'd need to do the math to be sure about this but I'm betting that if you got a Connie up to 15 knots it would be by making it fir/fir, putting several speed mods with various negative effects on it and maybe even reducing its guns.

    In the end, you would have a total piece of crap Connie that's mainly good at running and is terrible at fighting.

    Meanwhile you take an Endy, build it and mod it with SOME speed improvements but also with SOME tanky features and you have a 15 knot ship that is actually worth a damn and can still fight.

    In summary, yes, I bet you can make a 15 knot Endy and a 15 knot Connie and the 15 knot Endy would totally kick the 15 knot Connie's ass.

    This would be true if it were not for the massive, illogical speed nerf to Endymion close-hauled.

  12. modified my compromise proposal to address ROE and battle camping:

    2 min to join battle, unless you have signal perk and are attacked by a superior force.  Signal perk should be a balance of time open vs. BR ratio reinforcement allowed (the higher the reinforcement ratio, the shorter the time to remain open). 30 seconds invisibility on exit.  Also 2 min invulnerability after exiting battle, but only if you don't move.  When you log back in, you are visible, you can be attacked, but you cannot attack for 5 min. Could reduce after battle time by 5-10 min. Effects:

    -no hiding in port to join battles, limits on hiding out of view to join battles.

    -signal perk allows home defense fleets to respond directly to ganks of solo players, with probability of help increasing in proportion to proximity of friendly, populated ports.  Battles will either start "fair" or become "fair" if there is a home defense fleet available (yes, "fairness" will always be subjective).

    -2 min invulnerability would allow you to log-off at sea in the face of revenge fleet, but 1.) you must commit to logging off almost immediately on exit and 2.) cannot try and run first.  If you want to run, you have only the 30 sec. invisibility.

    -if you log-off, opposition has successfully removed you as a threat (home defense success) and knows exactly where you will be if you log in.  Home will be defended as long as home defense fleet remains a fleet in being.

    -opposition knows whether you are logging off or running.  No fog-of-war about people hiding in finished battles or teleporting away (other than to nearest port, which if operating in enemy waters is again self-balancing).

    -long no attack timer on logging back in makes log-off after battle less useful for ambushes.

    -you don't get to retag players near their own ports over and over if they legitimately escape, because they can also use 2min to TP to nearest port.  Almost useless for (non-smuggler) players sailing in enemy waters, so abuse potential is low.  Teleport should be modified so that deep ships go to nearest deep port and shallow ships go to nearest port.

    -under this system "vengeance" following a fair battle or retag griefing may temporarily block a player from play, but it is not going to make them lose all their shit and almost inevitably quit.  Getting blocked from play sucks, but is a reasonable consequence to getting outnumbered.  Being held hostage to game and forced to play for an unlimited amount of time or lose all your shit is a fatal design flaw.

    -if necessary, all protections could be removed when exiting a severe "gank" that did not receive reinforcements

    TL/DR - if in friendly waters or near a free port, you have a post-battle risk removal option.  If in enemy waters, you cannot remove post-battle risk and must pay time tax to avoid revenge fleet and reduce (but not eliminate) risk.  Most importantly: no one is ever put in a position where they have to keep playing for an indeterminate amount of time.

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