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Posts posted by akd

  1. 24 minutes ago, Ikahime said:

    In speed basics 2, I scored some hits on the DD's rear 5 inch guns. I assumed this would prevent them from firing back at me, but while their forward turret was unable to rotate backwards, they had two magical 4 inch guns which appeared to be able to fire through the superstructure and funnels.

    I also noticed that when I had done enough damage to them to allow me to catch up, my guns seemed to stop firing even though I was at point blank range. It wasn't until the enemy fixed the flooding and tried to run away again that my gunners decided to go back to shooting.

    Both seem like bugs to me.

    Currently, if the bridge tower on a destroyer hull is placed behind the forecastle rather than on it, weapons mounted on the forecastle will have unrestricted 360 degree firing arc (or rather, restricted only by other weapons mounted on the forecastle), including directly backwards through the bridge tower and funnels.  Has been reported.


  2. It’s trying to circle around to the back of the line, but yeah, poor choice of direction to turn.  I usually immediately detach and give separate orders to any ship that take significant mobility damage as the automated AI behavior almost always causes problems.  Much better to make a small turn out of line and stay on parallel course until line passes, then reattach (or just give follow order) at back of line.  That avoids the sudden turns that often throw lines into chaos and confusion.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    The fire modes were meant to be on the division level too, but we left them to be individually managed to check what players wanted for them. We will make them too in the division level, for consistency.

    We really need options for both, especially when it comes to torpedo behavior.  Lead ship may be in a very good position for torpedo launch while trailing ship is in poor position.  Forcing change in torpedo fire control may lead to some torpedoes wasted.  But in other situations you may very well want the entire to division to launch to create a better spread.

  4. Well, this form of indirect fire was really just within a division sailing together, not using a distant ship which introduces a lot of additional problems.  Also, it feels really off when a single enemy ship in a large fleet spots your ship and the entire enemy fleet simultaneously opens fire on you.  Having one distant ship control the fire of another already presents a near insurmountable fire control problem (perhaps it could be done in exceptional circumstances), but having one ship control the fire of an entire fleet is just insanity. 

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  5. 29 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    We will expand more this function. It expands the radius in which ships gain an accuracy bonus from the flagship. Beyond a certain distance away from this range, accuracy penalties apply.

    When radio communications become available, this communication range becomes very large so that ships are more effective at long distances between them.

    Would love to see a more sophisticated implementation of this, along the lines of:

    • malus for multiple ships firing on same target (aka "concentration fire")
    • offsetting bonus from being within command range and firing on flagship's target, but only the most advanced radio and central fire control computer combination would completely offset the "concentration fire" malus
    • ships not within the flagship's own division would never gain sufficient bonus to fully offset the malus regardless of tech level

    Some associated techs:

    • gated by visual communication range:
      • range clocks - large range dial at masthead of flagship facing aft to visually relay the range the flagship is currently firing to to next ship in line, relayed in turn to following ships in division by same
      • bearing marks on turrets - same purpose, but for current bearing of guns
    • gated by radio communiciations
      • dedicated divisional fire control channel for communicating firing data
      • fire control computers able to automatically incorporate firing data from other ships in a division into firing solutions
    • probably others I am forgetting right now 😉
  6. 1 hour ago, ExGavalonnj1 said:


    4. The sliders need tuning. There should be speed restrictions for curtain classes. Ex: PreDreads should't be able to go over 20kts.  

    In the campaign this is more naturally limited by technological progression.  Some of the boost technology options in Academy unlock tech from beyond the pre-dreadnought era and allow you to apply it to these earlier hulls.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    The AI does not cheat. It uses the same visibility mechanics as the player. The AI though can react faster than the player, since player will need some precious seconds to spot the incoming torpedoes by eye.

    In fact, only the player can “cheat.”  Simply watch reload status on selected enemy ships for torpedo launch.*  If you begin evading at the moment of launch, torpedoes have near zero chance of hitting unless very close or fired against a disabled ship.  Spotting torpedoes in water does not matter in that case.


    *you can also listen for the (relative to gunfire) very loud torpedo launch sound, but that is not quite as reliable.  Still, circumvents torpedo spotting mechanics which is the only way the AI can avoid torpedoes.

  8. 2 hours ago, JANXOL said:

    9. Allow us to mount secondary guns on top of main battery turrets. It was often done on early dreadnoughts.

    Disagree with this.  Anti-torpedo boat guns were mounted on top of turrets under the expectation that they would not be in action when the main guns were in use, and vice versa.  There is no way these guns could be used at the same time the main turrets were firing.  They went away when it was realized that torpedo boats would not only be attacking under the cover of night / poor visibility against stationary ships and that both systems would need to be fought at the same time.

    Or do you mean the fixed secondary guns in a housing on top of the main turret like in the Kearsarge class?  I'm not sure "often" is justified in this case as it was failed design arrangement.

  9. There can also be very big differences in how far a ship can "see" depending on the main tower selection.  My personal opinion is that the differences in distance a target can be seen and engaged should vary much less within a broad class of ships, with tower technology driving the ability to effectively engage a target.  A pre-dreadnought should probably be able to see just as far as an advanced dreadnought, with visual range driven by conditions, not technology.  What it can't do is shoot effectively even if it's guns can reach to or beyond visual range.  Radar is, of course, a game changer, but the advantage here should be more in the ability to ignore restricted visual conditions, not such an absolute bonus to the ability to see at all.

  10. download;jsessionid=35F35FF07458F859FF45

    This collection of articles on naval artillery has a few entries that are of particular interest:

    • “Hitting the Target: Naval Fire Control 1860-1900” provides insight on, and corrects some misconceptions about, the state of gunnery fire control aboard ships before the post-1900 “gunnery revolution.”  A lot of interesting detail is also tucked away in the footnotes.  Unfortunately there are some significant typos, including a rather important “not” that seems to have been left out of the conclusion, so be wary.
    • “Thoughts on the Naval Technology Used in the Battle fo the Yalu River” provides an analysis of this 1895 battle from the perspective of the opposing technologies, quite a few of which were being tried in combat for the first time.
    • The volume also includes a huge database of the ballistic characteristics of rifled guns for every nation spanning the entire era covered in UG:D.
    • Like 2
  11. Really beautiful, but the relative scaling does give an odd feel, and might subvert authentic tactics to some degree (too easy to sail huge ships right up to coast and disembark huge numbers of troops without having to endure fire from land batteries).

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  12. Looks like NA and Ultimate General had a baby, and it is a really, really beautiful one.  This is shaping up to be a dream game come true.  Few comments / questions after perusing the new site:

    • One thing that seemed very off in the battle video was the sail animation, with speed reduction seeming to go from topmost to bottommost sails and ships often left fighting with only main sails set. This looks very strange. The main (lowest) sails should be taken in first, then topgallant (highest) and finally top (middle) sails.  It is arguable that ships should even fight a close action with main sails set as this greatly increased the chance of fire (could be an interest mechanic / trade-off for using full sails in combat).  See “battle sails” as below: 


    • Will there be European and Continental American environments also?  Everything shown so far seems to be tropical / Caribbean.
    • More smoke please.  Lots more.
    • Will shallows, reefs and other underwater topography play a role in battles?  This was a huge influence on ship-to-shore operations and could offer up a great deal of tactical variety in gameplay, with smaller (or shallower drought) ships being required in certain circumstances.
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