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Earl of Grey

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Posts posted by Earl of Grey

  1. Can somebody give me an example where this will improve Something? 

    In Portbattles? Or you mean in OW? So when im sailing alone with my 1-slot-Ocean (BR 800) and i meet Ram Dinark in his golden 5-Slot-Ocean (BR 1000). Then my battle stays open so my friend with his Essex can jump in and Help me sink Ram without opening the Battle for Ram's friends ... ? You mean that?


  2. 32 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

    I doubt the future of this game is the war server. But do thing with a little effort from devs, the peace server can boom in pop.

    Best would be to make a (big, 25-50% of the map) pvp zone on peace Server. But i fear the hard core PVEers would defend their 100% PVE-Status as obstinatly as the "hard core PVPers" their "this Game is made to deliver easy prey to hunters, go Peace-Server If you dont want it" on War-Server.

    Best would be a third server from the release on ... but this train has departed ... now only a few would change servers because of made investions, clan loyality and friends ...

  3. Tja für mich kommt der Aufruf Grade zur rechten Zeit, hab vor zwei Tagen beschlossen das Piratenleben an den Nagel zu hängen und die Nation zu wechseln. Die Probleme die viele hier genannt haben sind sicherlich da (insbesondere Ferdinand hat die m.M. aktuell gravierendsten Probleme des Spiels gut auf den Punkt gebracht) und es scheint mir auch fraglich ob man wirklich als einzelner deutschsprachiger Clan eine Portbattlefleet von 20-30 zusammenbekommt. Andererseits wer weiß schon was kommt, ich denke eigentlich dass die devs (gibt es wirklich mehrere oder nur einen?) bald irgendwie reagieren werden, vermutlich wieder mit irgendetwas was niemand vorausgeahnt hat 😁. Dann sind eventuell auch die kommenden port-raids ein Ding das zusammen mit einer kleinen Flottille Spass machen kann ... 

    Ob man jetzt wirklich eine kleine Nation zur Größe führen muss und kann ... vielleicht kann man auch eine Rolle in einer bestehenden Nation ausfüllen ...

    Tja man sieht schon ich bin vielleicht keiner von den ganz Ambitionierten sondern wäre schon mit kleineren Brötchen zufrieden 😁

    Jedenfalls bin ich dabei und finde mich demnächst auf dem Discord ein ...



    • Like 2
  4. 19 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    To simulate this, roll two D10 ( one is dozens, the other units ) 22 times, every time you roll a 100 ( fairly close to 0.013 / 1.000 ) you score a bottle.

    There's no guarantees of ever rolling a 100 but it might happen.

    There has to be another factor too because f.e. you dont get a Catfish every times ... catfish chance is 1.0 ...

  5. 9 minutes ago, Karthago said:

    Haste mal versucht auf den Desktop zu wechseln  ( alt und tab ) , hatte bei mir bei so einem problem früher geholfen. Dieses ist aber seit einigen patches weg.

    Auch nix geholfen. Nächstes Mal probiere ich noch die Grafikeinstellungen zu ändern um so einen "reset" der Ansicht zu erreichen ... 

    Irgendwie hängt der Fehler aber mit dem Chat-Fenster zusammen, er tritt nur auf wenn ich schreibe ... 

    Aber danke für den Tipp. Wundert mich, dass dieses Problem nicht häufiger Auftritt, hatte das jetzt 4 Mal in den letzten 3 Wochen ...

  6. 6 hours ago, Atreides said:

      Clan USUL (my clan) has 6 shipwrights with level 3 shipyards in Salamanca producing blingy ships.  Now during some afternoon port battle, I rage at Mr Harkonnen, who was not paying attention and he rams me during a fleet tack and I get stuck in chains and get rage boarded and I lose my full health gold 5 slot super L'Ocean.  I rage at him calling foul names, he rages at me calling me worse and so on.  He removes USUL as a friendly clan and EVERY member of my clan lose all crafting bonuses. 

    With the system you are advocating,  such petty squabbles would not nerf the power of a nation's crafters, on the whim of a clan leader. 

    Very good example. How many players will just scrap their shipyard and rebuild it somewhere else (given the Nation has another crafting port where he is in the friendslist) ? Bet 8 of 10 players just quit ... maybe they returns after weeks or months ...

    • Like 1
  7. Actually its true, portbonus make strong clans even stronger. Some big clans are nice to other smaller clans, truely support their Nation and new Players ... some clans rule like dictators...

    So how must this look for a newbe? He knows that almost everyone (so it seems to him) has much better ships than him and the only way to reach better ships too is to kiss a lot of Asses or serve as a slave.

    So how does it look for a member that leaves a big clan for whatever reasons. Very often a clan react like a disdained Lover when a member leaves ... 

    On top: a clan can get removed from the friendslist of the crafting port only because his place in the friendslist is needed for another Clan that has maybe made a better offer ... 

    I only know for sure i will need a game break for months If this happens to my Clan ... 


    • Like 1
  8. On 9/6/2019 at 1:32 PM, Guest said:

    Nein. Ich hatte das auch mal. Ich habe einfach das chatfenster (egal welches) geöffnet und dann wieder minimiert  danach konnte ich wieder zoomen 

    Hatte den Fehler gestern wieder, leider hat das öffnen/minimieren von Chatfenstern nix gebracht. Das einzige was hilft ist in den Hafen zurück fahren und wieder ablegen ... dann passt es wieder.

    Danke trotzdem. Bug Report habe ich natürlich gemacht, mal schauen ...

  9. On 9/7/2019 at 1:19 AM, admin said:


    We will repeat.
    Steam and game rules say - if you bought the game and have not broken any rules you can play the game without any limitations. 
    This means if you have bought 10 copies you can play on all of them without limits unless you broke the rules (for example interfered repeatedly in the port battle activities)

    Alt = logged in player. We allow alts because steam allows alts. Attempts to present alts as bad should be directed to steam support requesting them to ban players for usage of multiple steam client on the same computer or from the same IP. Alts exist in all games (or twinks). 

    So for us - Alt is just a player. Unless he breaks game rules. 

    If a player sails to sink an npc and get a reward its allowed. 
    If a player sails to raid a port - it's allowed. 
    This event is for everyone = for every logged in player.

    They are the target in both cases and can be sank by others. If others wish to do so. (steal their chest)



    Now i think you misread the consequences word
    We said we will be consequences if the event will become popular. Which means lots of rewards will be generated lots of traffic around the area will pass making it useful to stop the raiders because there could be consequences for the PORT.
    For example if 1000 chests are stolen during the day - something will happen with the port on the next day. Something bad*. Meaning the server can really **** someone up if they gang up on the port (getting the reward increases - making raiding yourself somewhat counterproductive. 

    * who knows what that collective of raiders would do.. Morgan and Sores just burnt them.. 

    So reading this i have a question: can we get rid of this steam account binding? Or at least why only one NA-Client per Steam Account. Im pretty sure i would have an Alt if i dont need to Install some multibox program and dont need  a second Steam Account ...

    Beside this maybe we dont have the login issues when something from steam is " empty" dont remember the exact Error message.

    Just do it like Eve does ...

  10. Just a small little Wish: can we get some AI attacks on ports of inactive Clans? For example i try to contact a clan to get in his Friendslist for more than 2 weeks ... i wrote the clan-creator a message (i know His name by setting the clan on our friendslist) but No answer, i always ask in nation If there is somebody online of this clan ... No answer, everybody thinks they are inactive ...

    With the Frontline system it cant get attacked without capturing the regions capital ...

    Pls make AI attacking inactive clans (including clans that are online only 5 min a week ...)


  11. 1 minute ago, Staunberg said:

    You lose port bonus if you get removed, even if you have invested in it.

    Yep it was and by god did that give more pb’s. We also made ships expensive because it should hurt to lose ships. All actually make sence in a war game. Unfortunally only very few want to play a war game.

    Not correct, you keep PB for all already existing shipyards ... Only new shipyards dont get the PBs ... 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Sir Max Magic said:


    ...and dont forget that the big clans dont take everyone, you have to be "famous" to some degree to get an invitation...


    But even if they dont have to be "famous", i think we can agree that newer players never get a chance to enter the big clans and this way, they are excluded from a major part of the game: CRAFTING :( 


    Not my expierience ... They take almost everyone ... only thing they want is Activity and use comms at least in Battles ... 

  13. 5 minutes ago, Sir Max Magic said:

    Thank you for your response and your support of my idea :) 


    I also thought about your mentionend possible issue " if a nation has only one "good port" everyone will build his ships there even If this port has 100% tax and next best port has 0 or 10%" and came to the conclusions, that all big Clans want to have their OWN port, for which they can take care and which they want to prosper... :)

    Additionally, the big clans will always compete with each other to have the better Port...

    What might be, that the big clans will compete eventually for a lower tax with each other, to get a constant influx :) 

    Yeah but the problem is there are good ports and bad ports ... best ports have 55 Points you can Invest in Upgrades (every Upgrade use an amount of Points) ... There are only five (?) 55-point ports in the map ... so If a clan in your Nation has a 55-point-port he has probably a monopole ...

  14. 2 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Community asked for clan control so their infrastructure would not be "infected" by meta-alt gameplay.

    As with everything, it has benign and adverse results.

    If i remember right "Community", which means big clans, had a problem with alts buying there ressources at cartagena f.e. ... the argument was why they should conquer a port like carta If that only means that some Trader alts change the Nation and keep buying cartagena tar. 

    PB now lock out newbees and singleplayers from good ship crafting, but dont affect Trader alts, because the mains build their ships in their home port ...

    So the strike Hits the wrong group imho ...

    • Like 5
  15. 34 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

    Lots of players that are not in the owning clan also have invested in upgrading the port, what if they are removed, is it fair they also should pay a tax?

    And If they get romoved now? 


    34 minutes ago, Staunberg said:

    Persobbaly I think it would be better for the game to make shipcrafting depend on the player, and not port ore clan.


    Agree but PB we're introduced to make PORTS  meaningful i think ... 

    • Like 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, Raekur said:

    What about the reverse of the situation. Say a clan does some action that is against the nation (like aiding the enemy or opening a port near the shipyard port). What is to prevent them from continuing to use the port?

    What prevents that now? 

    5 minutes ago, Raekur said:

    Also, while I understand that yes this will give the solo / small clans some equal footing towards fielding ships that have a chance, but what is preventing the solo / small clans from just contacting a clan that has access to the shipyards and purchasing the ships?

    3 Reasons:


    If you Just buy the ship you will never have the chance of a magenta or golden ship (for the price of the mats)


    You will always need somebody who sell the ship you want at the time you want ...

    3. You lock out singleplayers and smal clans from a part If the game ... 

  17. Like the suggestion and See the problem for small clans and singleplayers same as you. But i think it will be too much reward for the owning clan ... if a nation has only one "good port" everyone will build his ships there even If this port has 100% tax and next best port has 0 or 10%. So this portowner will get half of the mats of almost every crafted ship in his nation ... No really clue, but this can mean the port owner clan gets 10 or 20 firstrates a day almost free ... OK permit and LHs still needed ...

    Think 10 - 20 % of the doubs a ship cost are enough Clan tax ... maybe clans shouldnt get this tax, the port pays of with other taxes a Lot ... Just give owner clan and his friends a discount of 20% of doubs a ship cost ...

  18. 2 hours ago, El Patron said:

    1. Einfach ein chatfenster öffnen 

    2. Geht schneller mit einem großen Schiff 

    Danke! Mit Chat-Fenster öffnen meinst du das "+" Symbol um ein NEUES Fenster zu öffnen? Weil ich habe ja während des Bugs gechattet ob jemand weiß wie ich wieder normal weit rauszoomen kann ...

  19. O7 Kapitäne,


    zwei kurze Fragen:


    1. Ich hab hin und wieder so einen Grafikfehler bei dem ich nicht mehr vollständig raus-Zoomen (sagt man das so?) kann ... Ich sehe also mein Schiff viel zu nah .. das kann soweit gehen, dass ich nur noch Segel sehe ...

    Ich glaube da gibt's ein einfaches Gegenmittel ... irgendjemand sagte mir das Mal und ich hab's aber vergessen ...


    2. Wie ist das mit der Hostility. Geht es mit einem großen Schiff schneller? Oder ist das egal? 


    Danke und o7


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