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Severus Snape

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Posts posted by Severus Snape

  1. 24 minutes ago, RyebreadMike said:

    Fair point, I think I reached my limit of negativity there and went off :)

    There's negativity and then there is constructive comments about the release.  Try not to confuse the 2.

    MOST of us here want a successful release and a playable game in the months to come.  Some of the changes that have been proposed would help towards that end.....but there has been relatively no development comments in regards to them.  This is concerning to some and the lightspeed of the scheduled release guarantees that things, perhaps important things, will be left out. 

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, admin said:


    The rumours of evil devs pushing the name-change dlc by keeping names are overrrated as you can just delete your character and immediately recreate new character for a new nation.

    But what of other evil dev rumor?  Such as bringing back raid or an alliance system.  Or tweaking port bonuses and BR.  Adding in paints that were promised.   Are those rumors just wind?

    • Like 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    Agreed.  3rd rates should be the work-horses of the vast majority of fleet actions. 

    Just my opinion, of course, but 1st rates should be almost national, if not full-clan, efforts.  And SHOULD hurt to lose.  

    But then again, I also think conquest should be a lot more of an process, as well.  I think hostility should take days....  but needless to say, they would need to implement raids to make that palatable. 

    Doubt we'll see raids with this race to release for summer sale cash grab

  4. 40 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    Remember when they said repeatedly that they wanted SOL’s to be the rulers of the seas.  I think there’s clearly a correlation between THAT and making them hard to obtain via slow progression.  

    Honestly, if people are in SOL’s a week after release, there’s something seriously wrong.  

    *Qeue Intrepido telling us that big ships are the only ships worth sailing in 3......  2....... 1......*

    There needs to be a fine line though.  I'm cool with them being hard to attain.  I'm not cool with how quickly or how easily they are to lose however.  Hard to attain and easy to lose does not create a healthy environment to promote PVP and said usage of the 1st rates.  One does not promote the other.  Frankly I feel like all first rate battles should be about as common in NA as they were IRL.  Not very.  They should be you're hard to kill flagship that you bring out occasionally.  Not the mainstay of every port battle because of BR.  The current system is flawed and I have a hard time seeing how it's going to be fixed prior to a rushed release.  

    The current blend of in game mechanics will continue to create zergs and monopolies of most regions by the lucky dog who gets the first crop of big dicks out there with port bonuses.  And it will stay that way.  If any game was susceptible to the winner take all snow ball effect...it's Naval Action.    

    I'd prefer a game where third rates and the occasional 2nd were the bulk of the larger PBs...with frigates being the more popular class overall.   But I don't see that happening.

    • Like 6
  5. 23 minutes ago, Potemkin said:

    Lmao, whats sad is having to whine about your feelings being hurt because you didn't get a "sorry". But dont mind me continue with the salt bombs, its getting interesting. Oh and btw, reasonable input is one thing, demanding things be implemented, changed, or done a certain way (your way) and then throwing temper tantrums when they're not is quite another.

    I've only heard relatively reasonable arguments on here from the individuals you claim are whining.  No temper tantrums or "salt bombs".  The only irrational comments in these pages are yours or the other folks saying "get over it".  

    I'm curious how you feel about this post.  I noticed the "everything is fine" crowd is noticeably absent from it.  Do you think given the DLC money the devs have received from the community is being invest back into this game?  We can't even get a website that's been updated in the past 3 years.  Tragic really.  



    Anyway, you have your expectations and standards and some of us have others.  If yours are met or satisfied with the recent developments, well then by all means keep doing you son.  Some of us feel differently and make constructive criticism towards that end.  If you don't like that, cool...tell us why.  Constructively.  Your comments thus far have not been.  Time to class them up.  I know you can do better.  Apply yourself. 

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  6. I fail to see why one wouldn’t expect input from the community on important decisions in an early access game that advertises “community driven development” on it’s main page.  

    You call it entitlement, we might call it basic customer service and accountability.   I don’t care about a wipe.  I’ve been a gamer long enough to deal with beta to release transitions.  I do however care about promises that we’re made and that have since been “revisited”. Folks bought extra accounts, DLCs and invested hours into a game under a certain degree of expectation and when that expectation changes without so much as a sorry, people should be upset.  If you don’t understand that...well I suppose that might be why you’re the guy telling wraith to “get a life bro”.  Sad.

    • Like 2
  7. Peace server shouldn’t be immune from the great wipe at all.  If we’re going to wipe PVP to be fair to new players then we should be as fair to new players who start in the PVE server.  New players will take weeks if not months to grind up the ranks that the vets will start out at.  Take even longer to get those ships and books.  PVE server gets the same tester rewards as PVP....that should be enough 

    fair is fair right. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Macjimm said:

    They should probably update the statement about pirate mechanics, and nation.

    But .... I think it might be a little naive to expect a Game company to present their product fully accurately.  In the NA promo videos, there is no UI, no text over ports.  All of the scenes are camera view and not what a player would see from the third person view above the little boats.  There are no video segments of the open world sailboats, or trading, or port UI.  Most up us know that a company will show the game highlights, and often the promotional; description, and videos, are misleading. NA self-promotes the game inaccurately as realistic.

    It doesn't really matter what the game showcases in their marketing, because each buyer can get a refund if they are dissatisfied.

    EDIT:  I don't expect the hamburger that I see in an ad for fast food to look the same as the real thing in restaurant.  If you want to receive a beautiful looking burger you need to go to a nice restaurant and the food costs more.

    It's Naive to ask a game development company to update their product's website after 2+ years?   It's been just about 2 (maybe a little less) since Russia and the impossible nations were introduced and well over a year since outlaw battles were removed.  That ship list also hasn't been updated in well over 2 years.  The NA community has put up with quite a bit over the years and has funded a considerable amount of DLC content that clearly isn't being reinvested back into this game.  The fact that the game's main website hasn't been updated in however long is honestly a bit disrespectful.   

    I mean the end goal here is sell copies of the game.....one would assume right?

    • Like 2
  9. http://www.navalaction.com/

    With the launch seemingly around the corner a quick glance at the NA website seems to promote mechanics that are no longer in the game and does not list all the nations accurately.  


    While I'd personally love to have outlaw battles back on the table and less nations.....I feel like the game's website should at least accurately reflect the current status of the game.  Especially 1-2 weeks to launch.  The ships also need to be updated as there are more than 10 now and the trinc has been completed for oh...3 years.

    Also should maybe update this.....kinda makes the game look dead.



    While I can sympathize certain omissions by a small dev team....the rush to launch, lack of release updates and an outdated website does not particularly bode well for this games release and continued support.  I feel like our DLC money should at least be able to fund a website that was updated within the past year or 2.  Kinda sad honestly.

    What do you guys think?

    • Like 11
  10. 5 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    Did you really expect anything else after the total wipe news?

    Or blatant disregard for user suggestions or opinions regarding port BR, permits, front lines, raids.......the list goes on.

    "Hi we're releasing this game before steam sale even though you've expressed over and over again on the forums that changes need to be made"


    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Hullabaloo said:

    Not by everybody. There are many players who have no interest in sinking noobs, and routinely let them go. But when they are forced back into an arms race to get CM's to get the books they want/need there will be a lot fewer that are inclined to do that. 

    You hit the nail on the head, players will be forced into patrols and will get slaughtered.....just so they can get permits to craft 1st rates.  Such an absurdly bad system that didn't work the first time.  Everything in the latest patch is simply just grind content designed to keep players busy without providing any valuable content.  

    Folks will stick around for a month or so and I bet we'll even see decently high pop numbers, but the front line system, winner take all mindset and absurdly high BR ports will eventually kill it off.  

    • Like 3
  12. I don't really care about the books, but the ship knowledge is a bit of a slap in the face.  That's the real pain in the ass while grinding.  I feel like retaining that would have been a nice little bonus to us testers who have seen a couple wipes, major fluctuations in game design and various promises walked back from the team.  

    While the above is annoying, I'm really more concerned over the radio silence on various issues that have been brought up over the past month or 2 that we seem to have not gotten any answers on.  Alliances?  Front lines system that makes sense?  Outrageous port battle BRs?  Permits?  If this game releases mid-week like the patch did it will screw over US based players.  I remember admin making a comment about working out a more fair solution.  Will that be revisted?  What about the promise of additional paints for the DLC that were coming within 30 days.  It's been 2+ months.  Another broken promise?

    Maybe it's just me...but this game does not feel ready for release.  This is in my main concern.  Now it seems we're going to have an incomplete game rushed to launch just so it can benefit from the steam summer sale.  I'm happy waiting a bit longer for a more polished game.....I thought all the money that was raised through DLC purchases was going towards continued development, not rushing out a release.  

    • Like 13
  13. Ignorance is bliss for some I suppose. 

    I'd prefer the devs to focus on ways to increase player count, not spend time hiding it.  Preferably through suggestions here on the forums, there's been quite a few good ones...If only they were to look.  Hiding player numbers is a bandaid...and not a very good one.

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