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Posts posted by i64man

  1. On 11/19/2017 at 3:27 PM, CSX4451 said:

    Figured I’d make its own thread incase the developers come here from time to time. Hopefully I’m not alone and the responses will show them the interest is there.

    I for one got every pennies worth of my money on this great game. I hoping the updates and added material are for from over but no doubt I would gladly pay for future additional battles, both large and small, that would be added to the original game. There are so many battles that could make the campaign of UG-CW even batter and give the game a even longer term playability . 

    Im sure I’m not the only one who would easily purchase further addons to this great game..... that clearly has so much more to offer. Heck.... I’d easily pay again what I already paid for the original game to add further content. There is no doubt money to be made here and the ability to make a great game even greater!!!!!!

    And just like CSX4451 said, I couldn't agree more. Excellent game, in depth, strategic and fun. I would pay for more content hands down. But since for the Devs the game is finished and it seems that they are going to focus on the next game, whether is a sequel or a complete different era all together, I am sure we all will be looking and waiting. But, just out of curiosity, does anyone have an idea on what the next game will be?

  2. One strategy I used before is to sneak a unit of scrimishers with sniper rifles on the right side of the map  across the river and snipe them from there while pounding the unit at that position with artillery. Once they break, rush 2 bde forward and take over their position and wait for their counter attack. Once I have their attention I move another couple of units next to the first two and expand the front. Once they break, I swing two more from behind my line into the woods and sweep right to left.

  3. On 8/15/2017 at 6:04 AM, Captain Hutch said:

    My force is ~70k on MG, I'm about to fight Chickamauga. past maxing politics and medicine...focus on learning to use cover and flanking to your advantage at all times to be able to limit your own casualties and inflict maximum on the union forces, especially in the minor battles. Check out Col Kelly's Legendary campaign videos, you can learn a ton (I sure have)

    Just like Capt Hutch says cover is key... I have 3x corps with 4 division and 6 brigades each... each corps is around 33K plus each and starting my 4 corp for the Washington campaing as the CSA. One thing to consider in your initial setup, for my CSA campaign, I concentrated in Politics, Medicine and logistic and putting points into Army management until I got to 2K men brigades. Max medicine works wonder when you pass Malvern Hill and start the bigger battles and logistic ensure that you have plenty of ammo for you cannons and infantry. Te rest is conserve your manpower and utilize cover. By the way, I am playing on Brigadier General.

  4. I am going to start by saying something everyone here already knows, the game is awesome and addicted. I completed the whole campaing for both the CSA and the Union at Colonel level and currently playing as CSA in Brigadier General. I have been reading the forum constantly and seeing what people say about scaling but I thought it couldn't be that bad, until I beat the Union at Gettysburg on day 1. So you have an idea how I have done so far on the major battles only starting after the 2nd Bull Run:

    Battle                          Union Infantry Losses        CSA Infantry Losses

    2nd Bull Run             29,842                                    8,448

    Fredericksburg        45,288                                    12,902

    Stones River            41,415                                    23,759

    Chancerllorsville     24,602                                    11541

    Gettysburg               17,023                                      6,701

    After this battle, I see their strength increase to something between 122K to 127K before the Chikamugua (sorry for the spelling) battles. After the battle:

    Chickamugua        52,570                                    25739

    Now, I am getting ready to start CH and notice that their strength increase again to somewhere in the neighborhood of 152 - 157K. I only have 3 corps with around 31 - 33K troops total. Any suggestions on how to tackle CH once I finish the ancilliary battles will be appreciated. 

  5. Alucardpg,

    I have been playing the game for a while and although by no means I am an expert, I am also no a rookie. I will share my two cents worth on your questions. 

    1. I have seen that weapons do carry over from battle/campaign to the next. The question is for how long. On my first campaign as CSA, I had the option to by 150 Withword Sniper rifles, I didn't and don't remember how long after that, the option disappeared. So, if you can buy a weapon, buy it and it is on your armory for when you need it.

    2. I think so; going back to the sniper rifle, In another campaign, I saw them, bought them and use then. I was able to fill a whole Skrimisher unit of 500 with those weapons

    3. I disagree in the same that it does make sense capturing the enemy supply wagons, because you can use them during your battle. What I do is, as soon as I start a battle, I place my supply wagon on do not issue mode and save it for when it is needed. As soon as I capture an enemy wagon, I start using their supplies ensuring that my units do not run out of ammo at critical moments.

  6. Does anyone has an idea what the next patch will address? For example the resupply status on the next day of a multiple day battle? Or as some of you point out on the Arty batteries effectiveness when max out?.... just want to get an idea.

  7. I used the same tactic as Buford, only that I start on the left, and once I have their attention, I start pushing from the right so they must divide their forces... then I cross the small stream with 2 bde and all my arty and usually routed the units in the open field because they do not know which way to go .... and keep a unit in each side continue up into the upper woods so they move into the objective

  8. On a previous campaign as the Union, I got frustrated as well.... but on the next play through I set a screen of 3 brigades with all my arty behind. Then on the left side of the screen, set up 2 more brigades to pin those CS units in the woods. Then on the right side of the screen, I took the bulk of my units. Set a screen in the woods and run 3 or 4 bdes on the far edge until you pass the woods and are on the road.... detach some scrimishers to scout for CS units. When you have at least 2 units on the road, swing to the left and start pushing towards the victory point. At the same time slowly bring the screen units from the woods on the right side and start going up the hill into the woods. Keep the pressure with your other units... It is a hard battle as the CS is well position on the woods.

  9. 2 minutes ago, William the Drake said:

    False. I teach history. In the south. We teach that the road to Civil War was in fact paved with numerous causes. However, what we must combat is the very nonsense that slavery was a non-issue in the culmination of war. Six confederate states mention slavery as a reason to secede in their articles of secession. Four say it is the MOST important reason. Three mention white supremacy:
    "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world." -2nd line of the Mississippi Deceleration of Secession. 

    William thanks for the correction. I am corrected. 

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  10. 57 minutes ago, CSX4451 said:

    This is no way directed at anyone and hastily written on my iPhone but figured I'd voice my thoughts because every coin has 2 sides.

    The CSA of the 1880-1890s would be what most conservative Americans are wanting for America today. A smaller federal government, less federal intrusion, with stronger state and individual rights with freedom for all. Slavery was dying on the vine and would never had survived to the turn of the century due to the advancement of the industrial technology and men realizing the immoral wrong of it. Human progress in humanity alone was gonna end it. Now I won't minimize the hell those 2 generations would suffer under before it did died on it own. We also know that a vast majority of CSA soldiers barely owned a plow much less another human being. They fought for their homes and family or sadly to ignorantly keep a rich man rich.... guess something's don't change. Read the narratives of Union soldiers from that time... most of them weren't fighting to end slavery, they were there to preserve the union, fighting for their side, or forced to fight once they arrived off the boat from Europe with no real knowledge of why they were fighting. No doubt there were those who's conviction was to free their fellow man and willing to die for it.  The CW was a meat grinder on both sides and the bravery of both armies is almost immeasurable by today's standards. This from a veteran of 2 wars myself that pale in comparison to what the veterans of the CW endured. With that said,  I often wonder how different things might be in the US if slavery had died on its own versus at the barrel of a gun and how different America might be today with our race relations. In places where slavery ended from its own weight of being wrong and accepted as wrong, the relations between the races are much better then here in our country. The population assimilation well and acceptance is much more positive and productive. We are the greatest country on this earth but we seem to be the only country to have a lasting effect of slavery 150 years after it ended......ever wondered why?

    With the narrative being pushed by today's millennial education system the real truth of why this war was really fought is gone forever. Again, history is written by the victors......now with a liberal twist.

    Off soap box and back to playing a wonderful game...... which I hope has many more updates and additions to come. 

    The only thing I can say, being a veteran is that regardless of the point of view CS or Union, that was a war that pitted brother against brother, friends against friends. It was bloody and at the end for the next several years, there was resentment within those selected few that lost "their way of life" in the south. But in the end, wounds heal and we came out stronger as a nation in the 20th century. We are indeed enjoying the game and feel free to discussed the civil war and it's effect more than 140+ years latter and have an open opinion on what was right or wrong. And like CSX says lets hope for more updates to the game.

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  11. I think the game engine would be great to recreate basically any European conflict in the 19th century. German unification wars, Napoleonic period, Russian wars. Most of the conflict during the period, were pretty much linear formations and cavalry and arty....But let them first finish this game.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Hjalfnar_Feuerwolf said:

    There is always a reason to learn German! ;)  *caution, sarcasm* Aller guten Dinge sind drei, third time's a charm, as we like to say.:P

    And one more thing, your language ALWAYS get better with the more beers you drink, and boy do they have some excellent beers! Prost!

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  13. 26 minutes ago, civsully1 said:

    I guess I have a reason now to learn German! :)

    Good luck with that, the Germans have a phrase to indicate how difficult to learn their language " Deutsche sprache, schweresprache" which means German language, difficult language. I being living here for a long time, and I have more bad days talking than I do good days.


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