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Everything posted by Null

  1. Why does the Help file have a detailed entry about the campaign as if it has already been implemented?
  2. Here are some of my thougths on the campaign: Leadership: If I am the HAIC (Head err Admiral in Charge) of a Navy, I am going to want to have the best people working for me, or rather, out there on the sea, working for the Empire/Republic/Junta. I think there should be a mechanic for looking over Personel Dossiers so that I can assign the Right Ship to the Right Captain, andt he Right Fleet to the Right Admiral and so forth. This wouldn't have to be all that involved of a feature. The Dossiers Should just show a little Portrait of the fella in his Dress Uniform. Off to the side a few lines could say when he graduated from the Naval Academy and what place he Graduated for that year along with his area of study. Under that there could be a line or two detailing the high (and low) points of his career. Something like ***Graduated 1911, 5th in his class, with two degrees (Engineering, History) Made Lt Commander in 1916, while XO of USS Example forced German U Boat to Surface in 1917, Promoated to Commander, Currently Awaiting assignment to his own Command in New York***** I know that this isn't reallyt hat big of an issue, I was just thinking this might be added somewhere down the line. I am of the belief that there is no such thing as too much Imersion, and you'd be surprsied how "the little things" can go a long way in a person's Imersion into a game Intelligence: There should be a small mountain of Intelligence bombarding the player pretty much non-stop, but of that intel, only a little bit is actually of any real, practical value. There could be a tab you click on and it will have different reports tagged for you to read. Something like, "While at Naval HQ Rear Admiral So and So practically runs into your office, after having called your assistant now less than six times in the last hour. Finally you relent and agreee to see him for "Five Minutes" before you have to leave for a meeting with the Joint Cheifs about the Jamacia Debacle. The admiral is beside himself, showing you picture after picture taken from a plane at high altitude on a rainey day, showing some sort of activity in such and such Naval base. Apparently the Admiral is grinding his "The French are plotting against us" Axe again and has decided to waste your time with this nonsense instead of adhering to the Chain of Command. Stilll...It does look like the fleet is putting to sea. Should you put some of your team on it or tell the Admiral that you will "Get to it when you can". I have other thoughts on this but This is getting rather long. Anyway, Good Hunting everybody.
  3. Hello everyone. I want to say, right off the bat, I really really love this game. I think the game that the devs are making is already quite superb. I cannot wait for the campaign. I've been playing this same for over a year now and I have had no complaints. All the bugs I discovered were already discovered by other people and so I remained quiet. I've had a bit of confusion as to when the Steam keys will be released, but I figure they will be released when they are released, so I'm not sweating that. One issue has come up, though, that I feel I must say something about. If this issue is already being addressed, I apologize. I loaded up a custom battle between American and Japanese forces during the year 1922. The US fleet consisted of Two Battleships, 4 Heavy Cruisers 3 Light Cruisers and 4 Destroyers. They faced off at 20,000 yard, 1 Japanese battleship 4 Battle Cruisers, 4 Light Cruisers and 8 Destroyers. Right off the bat I could tell something was not quite right. My fleet was divided all over the place. I like the new system, don't get me wrong, I just think it has bugs that need to be ironed out. I understand that the fleet is divided in this way for a purpose but it became very confusing. I had thought that at least the Cruisers and Light Cruisers would be in their own groups. I thought that the destroyers would be in one group. I know they are split up like this so that they can find the enemy better or something like that...but what happened next was pure chaos. I wanted to put the Heavy Cruisers into a battleline behind my Battlehips that would look like two battleships and four cruisers all in one line. Next I wanted all my light cruisers in one line about 3, 000 yards to port of the battleships. finaly I wanted the destroyers another 3,000 yards to port from the CLs. What happened next was pure chaos. Ships just went in whatever direction and speed they felt like. They seemed to be aiming to hit one another. My battleships turned in opposite directions, directly into an oncoming light cruiser that was way outside of where I wanted him. I started the sim over. Thi s time I would put the ships in place manually. one at a time, without AI. This would not work either. More chaos. Ships changing direction, speed, and grouping at will. NONE of them were being controlled by the computer. Has this ever happend to anyone else? Is there a combo of ships I should stay away from?
  4. First, I would like to say that I think this game is going to do well. For an Alpha, it is already quite playable and fun,. I really cannot wait until I can start a Campaign I'm thinking that the campaign will resemble the Rule the Waves Model, or something like that. If it's not, I'm sure it will still be GREAT Suggestions: The litlte dial you use to turn the ship...either lose it entirely or add a way to manually turn with precise control of the amount of degrees of your turn.. Have small interactions pop up that pause the game while you are in battle (at any time, really, when you decide to fight a battle yourself instead of having it simmed.) They would take the form of your first officer, or your COB, or Chief Engineer, essaentially some pool of commissioned and non commissioned officers. Have then present your with descisions about the operation of the boat, or what damage to fix and in what priority, or informing you that one of the boilers is malfunctioning, or to bring you tea, any number of things that could come up in a balttle to help immerse the player a little bit more and make him/her feel that their choices matter in the combat phase (other than guiding where the ship is going) You can do a lot of things with this method and I doubt it wouild be difficult to throw into the game...or maybe it would? I don't know rreally. I was just thinking maybe a picture of the officer and a text box next to him with a choice of answers. Also what might be interesting is handpicking a core set of crewmen,each with a set of skills and a short bio>? Sound wise, you are almost there I think. Really play up the sound of those shells traveling through the air. Make the smoke more black and less gray and twice as persistant. I know that it would slow down machines but it would look better What if you ship is unbalanced subtley and you need to change things around after a test cruise because the ship develops a wild rocking even in relatively calnm seas, or maybe she takes on water at the bow at high speeds--or always--and flooding is a problem you have even at the start of a battle. Or maybe your design causes it to roll over during heavy seas. O!H! and one last thing but important I think: Have a little icon that looks like a pair of binoculars and when you press a button you look through them directly at who you are targeting at, showing you a slightly zoomed in target picture, but more importantly you can more easily see how your shells are falling, and you can see the target ship;s damage readout. SOmetimes its hard to see how well or poorly you are doing during a long range duel. anyway, good work on the game. Keep it up.
  5. This is really cool. I am currently playing RTW, or Rule the Waves, and while it's not big on graphics at all, it does have a feature that endears it to me and that is the ability to design your own ships. Learning about the juggling act that went into every design has been very interesting and I can thank RTW for that. I am glad this game is taking that direction. I think you guys are right, I think a lot of people will enjoy this aspect of the game. Also....sign me up as a
  6. I would very very much like to be a tester. Currently I'm playing Jutland, and while Jutland scratches the itch so to speak, if you have ever played it, you would understand why I am currently jonesing for something new.
  7. Please sign me up as a tester. I bought all of you ur games so far and loved them and I’m gonna buy this one for sure.
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