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Posts posted by Socialism

  1. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    The irony :).

    For many censorship is when they are censored. When they ban themselves it is free speech (because its their platform).
    They only complain about censorship when it is about them, but then censor you the second you post something they don't like, or does not fit their agenda. 

    I am also sure everyone who complained about unfair removals of messages here  WONT complain about unfair removal of hachi content on that channel. 

    Which channel and what was the comment?.  Hachi censored himself on the reddit thread when he decided no one liked his comments.  

    Also a key point your missing here is the youtuber's content is free.  Yours is not.  Do continue to compare apples and oranges tho.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    And even though guys aren't original BLACK members, they joined after the wipe.   Pretty much only ones I know still playing is @Simon Cadete and @The LoneWolf that was members pre-big wipe.  Every one else moved on to other games or for the AUS guys the pings so bad they just gave up.ns?  

    Simon is in VCO.  Also most of BLACK quit when you started running the show on global.  I remember a few melt downs on TS.  

  3. DLCs after release have potential to be rather game breaking with you think about it.  Hit the tutorials, grind for 15mins and you're in a pretty good ship and have years of experience.  Any new players will get slaughtered and either be forced to buy the DLCs or be at a severe disadvantage trying to figure out crafting and getting through the permit wall.  A new player who just shelled out 40 bucks shouldn't have to purchase DLC content just to be on the same footing 1 week after launch.  

    • Like 1
  4. 41 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I said it many times in the past they need to do in game surveys cause most of the players never get on the forums. You want the best feed back than ask in game.  Just have a pop up when they log in and ask a few questions and be done with it.


    There is a little saying I been hearing a lot in debates between certain political groups which goes something like this.  "I don't care about what hurts your feelings.  What I care about are the facts and your feelings are no fact."   We need to remember this when debating on here about game mechanics and also remember not all of us are native speakers so there is a very big chance of lost in translations when talking with one another.  I'm just a stubborn former Navy and Oilfield hand so I tend to be very blunt and to the point.  It's gotten me in trouble a few times with the devs when I don't think I deserved it, but even other times I had to keep myself in check so not to get any one butt hurt.  Keep the discussions to facts and not your feelings and things will go a lot more smoothly.

    What really gets me is players who don't use these forums or on steam have ZERO idea things have changed.  I sank a player on the US coast the other day who couldn't figure out why I tagged him in the reinforcement zone.  He had zero knowledge that things had changed.  Most games will have a little window when you log in displaying a summary of the changes or a list of the patch notes.  None here.  That player was pissed and said he was quitting.  I wonder how many similar situations have happened and could easily been avoided with better communication.  A simple poll or survey in game would alleviate quite a bit of crossed wires and give actual feedback not biased on the forums.    

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  5. To be fair....They were baited out of the capital area into battles that they could not swarm into.  Frankly I think it’s preposterous that you can’t join battles within sight of the capital, but then I’m jn favor of an expanded capital zero battles zone.  Not in this thread though.  


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  6. If you want to shut down communications and just listen to an echo chamber, by all means, go right ahead.  These forums are rather mild as far as online development ones go.  Rather than address the issues, some valid.. some not, your solution is to just shut things down.  Which in essence is the exact wrong reaction and why you have these issues in the first place.  None of this is new and you have had negative review bombs and forum angst before.  Remember the wipe and kicking of US players off PVP 1?  What is new now is players are reporting you to stream and you have some heat from youtubers.

    Why not address the elephant in the room? Why are people angry?

    - Going back on guarantees and promises. XP and no lineships DLC drama. 

    - Radical design changes that seemingly no one asked for while not addressing real game components that have been broken for years.  Permit wall.  No RVR changes etc 

    - Recent forum user bans, some deserved...some not.  Inconsistent moderation.  Some players can insult who they like on these forums.  Others can’t even post in the meme thread.  

    - DLC crazy.  Soon there will be 8 or 9 DLCs out or planned for a game that has yet to be released and that was not F2P.  People are tired of them and view dev focus is just pumping us for cash rather than release.

    - Release angst.  I think the base is tired of waiting overall.

    So this will prolly get deleted, but I think there are some valid issues here.  Address some of these and acknowledge that maybe... just maybe some folks might have a legit bone to pick and work on correcting it.  Or just shut it down...

    • Like 7
  7. 5 hours ago, Zlatkowar said:

    Not willing to sound like a sith lord but I sense great fear in your words and those of your like. Fear that consensual PvP on PvE might drain the last bit of players from PvP server. And if my interpretation of your messages is wrong and you have no fear because you are all having a great time on PvP, then let me ask you why are you even commenting on a thread that will have zero effect on your PvP Server routine?

    Right now PvP server benefits from 100% of the content this game has to offer, under unbearable conditions for the regular PvE crowd. If they made that extra effort to bring all of the content on PvE under acceptable conditions for the regular PvE dude (as in consensual PvP, AI Port battles, no force fed ganking where you lose everything you got) there will be a lot more to do for a very stable (and growing) playerbase. None of us has the right to exige changes to the PvE server, but it would be dumb not to make suggestions that would improve life on PvE, just as it would be dumb for dev team to ignore such suggestions.

    Either way, I fully support OP's suggestion.

    What fear?  This game is going flounder shortly after release regardless of the server.  Admin and the dev team struggle to deliver anything other than DLC content these days.  Do you think they are going to independently develop different content for both servers?  Lol.  Up until recently the majority of my PVP kills was solo, as the US and Spain know well.  Ganking or not ganking doesn't bother me.

    PVE server has seen a huge (huge being 200 players) uptick in the past couple of weeks which conveniently coincided with admin stating that their crap won't get wiped.  Over the past 2+ years I've been playing, the PVE server very rarely cracked 100+ players on at a time despite radical changes to ROE, RVR and various other mechanics on the PVP server that has gone back and forth through development.  Players dying to ganks isn't new...expensive ships isn't new either.  What is new is that the server is immune from wipe.  Until that promise gets revoked too. 

    You mention content.  This game has very little and up until recently, majority of it was beyond stale.  Which is kinda why PVE / Casual minded players have abandoned the game in droves.  Which is also why the PVE server has never been populated.  Has the community suddenly done a huge about face and swapped servers because of mythical toxicity or super ganks.....or is it a recent promise of keeping all your stuff.  What do you think?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Zlatkowar said:

    Is that a crime? Just asking because you seem to want pvp on your terms and your terms only as well.


    1 hour ago, toblerone said:

    iI you do not like PVP in "my" terms, you can stay on war server with PVP in "your" terms. No?

    So I bet all your bitterness is cause you just fear that - in case peace server gets this system in place - quite some people will leave your beloved gankadrome. Am I wrong?

    All I know is that if you were a merchant running cargo back in 1803 you didn't have the option to have "consensual" warfare and continue sailing on your way if you ran into a Privateer.  Majority of the ships lost in this time period were not in single ship actions and most of the fights were in what you would call unfair numbers.  Only fools fight when they can't win.  I'm not sure what some folks signed up for when they chose to play a 19th century age of sail MMO, but commerce raiding, warfare and battles certainly come to mind.  

    All that said, I don't begrudge players leaving to the Peace server.  If you've followed my posts on here over the years you'd have noticed I'm a fan of safe zones and protections for new/casual players.  Gameslabs has done a piss poor job keeping that base happy and shockingly enough.....they've left the game in droves or moved over to the Peace server.  However, if you've decided that the PVP on war is too much, too poor or just tired of it.....you should have to deal with the fact that there is none on the PVE server and live with that decision.  Lobbying to make the war server better seems to be choice of developers time rather than having to develop 2 servers differently.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Hullabaloo said:

    Admins attitude is that: DLC creates more fights, and that more fights means more fun, and that easier access to PvP attracts more players. Your earlier posts echoed this a bit.

    To sum this up.... Cheap ships = more fights.  Expensive ships = less fights

    If NA is hell bent to continue down this path of expensive ships that should be crafted "solo", but yet can be lost 10mins away from port, then we need to bring back duras to most ships.  Otherwise expensive ships that are easy to lose and labor intensive to craft....will simply sit in port and everyone will be on DLC ships. 

    Maybe that's the overall intention because folks will have to buy the DLCs.  Either way, the game won't sustain a population for very long as we've witnessed since the UI / Crafting patch.

    • Like 3
  10. 27 minutes ago, admin said:

    Sorry, but your ITS A GAME statement is not relevant to games keeping some content behind group activities.
    You cannot get high end BOP gear if you don't group up EVEN In casual World of Warcraft. No chance - you must raid with others.

    Unlike WOW you can do everything solo (it is just slower). Want it faster? Join the company. Wars were not fought alone. Or steal from others. All ships can be captured from players with 0 crafting.

    Technically World of Warcraft has queued raids where players can queue solo and then get assigned into a raid group.  Same with most of their dungeons.  These players don't have to join a guild to get BOP gear.  But they do have to do these activities in groups of other people.  Actually this is why wow has had many players quit.....casual level content is easier than going through the effort of a guild.


    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, admin said:

    We can and might add premium vessels up to the 3rd rate (or maybe 4th) - we never promised any specific classes on steam page or store page.
    What the fuss is about, can you explain to me?? Is it just a linguistic discussion (What is a 4th rate)? Or people only use search when it suits them ignoring other statements on the same matter.

    People are upset because a DLC lineship is game breaking.  The DLC 5th and 6th rates that were introduced ruined RVR for quite a while.  Some share the opinion that they've ruined the game completely.  Of course this DLC ship will be slightly OP relative to it's competition...because you want to sell it.  You also told your players that you would not introduce a "lineship" DLC here on the forums.  People have, and perhaps wrongly, taken you at your word.    

    People are also upset because.....well....lets call this what it is....a cash grab.  Yet another DLC, right after you just released one last week, on top of the 5 others that have already come out....for a game that has yet to be completed.  You see the drama right?  You also have another 2-3 planned by your own admission in the near future before launch.  Making what? 9 or 10 DLCs current and planned for a game that has yet to be released.  People view this as excessive and maybe even exploitative.  

    To add another log on to the fire...the current patch is anything but complete and there are still glaring issues, some that appear to be being worked on, some that appear to have been ignored.  Many think think the current iteration of the game is unplayable.  

    Just finish the game.  Enough with the DLC content.  Fix the issues, put out a playable release and then pump us for DLCs.      

    • Like 12
  12. 1 hour ago, jodgi said:

    I'm just being practical about it. I saw the numbers for wargaming, they made peanuts off bling but sustainable cash off grind acceleration and premium tanks (also grind acceleration). I know Fortnite makes cash from bling, but what is their target audience?

    We should probably take the high road and remember that some people enjoy the eco thing ;)

    Eh, we probably won't see eye to eye on this Manny, but I still love you.

    Wargaming is free to play.

    54 minutes ago, Gringo69rus said:

    I will say this. Do you want to receive money for your work? And why @админ and the team should not receive money for their work?

    They received money for their work.  Naval Action wasn't free.  

    1 minute ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    Act like a child get treated like one....

    Oddly enough, Banished's post was well constructed and anything but childlike.  Childlike behavior would be akin to your meltdown about 9lb cannons yesterday.  

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  13. 1 minute ago, Vizzini said:

    wasn't that the restriction though ? Or was that what we were told before ? I have no idea as to whether DLC's are usuable in PB's so I am just asking

    If they are . and then they are the best of their class, i can see your point. If not, then I wouldn't worry too much, for me it's a moot point as I won't purchase any DLc pre release for the simple reason i want to see what we are getting first

    They are allowed in PBs and the requin in particular has been ruining them since it was introduced. 

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