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Posts posted by Socialism

  1. All I know is back in pre-wipe and even post wipe outside Carta, the huge 25 on 25man 1st rate battles where nations were losing 50 ships a week was immensely enjoyable and the server was more vibrant and active because of all the action.  Better access to the "rare" woods and cheaper ship production made it so we could lose a few ships a week and still want to go out there and lose more.  In the current economy this is not possible and even discouraged.  This is bad for the game.  The current model is unsustainable with 400 people, I could only imagine 1500 post launch.  Something needs to be done.  Even if NONE of the discussed changes happens prior to launch....the woods situation needs to be addressed beforehand if you want anything resembling an active RVR community.

    Easy access to woods + cheaper ships = more fun.

    • Like 11
  2. 18 minutes ago, Teutonic said:

    It is odd.

    The county capital should be one of the last ports to take in a county - not the first. Would create a more fluid tug-of-war style.

    Yea it should be reverse.  All the small dots should be captured before the big dot.  That is the essence of island hopping.

    10 minutes ago, Capitalism said:

    Alternatively, we can just pay a friendly, foreign clan to come out in a fleet of fir Rattvisans and let us sink them a couple times to grind hostility in front of one of the county’s noncapital ports without a timer. ;) 

    But I agree on the fine woods 2.0 problem. I think it needs to be addressed through significant bumps to “gathering” via PvE traders and capping and breaking down AI.

    Make sure they have cannons

    • Like 8
  3. 8 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    We shouldnt go back to the previous values either.

    Forts and towers are atm mostly useless (only good in shallow water pb).

    I was able to tank a fort while I sink an enemy inger in my pavel. The fort was quite close to me and still I managed to do that. The high dispersion of their shoots makes them quite uneffective against the hulls of lineships.


    And the mortars are absurdly OP against forts. Once the mortar begins to hit the fort it falls in only a few minutes.

    Towers / Forts were recently buffed and do a little more damage.  They also take a lot longer to kill now.  I think it was 250 mortar hits in our last PB.  Killing them is no longer a cake walk, especially if you have a counter MB.....which itself is an issue.

    I'd like to see forts give no points and offer a strategic hurdle that must be overcome.  Currently they are not.

    • Like 1
  4. @admin

    You now have 6 pages of comments from players here in this thread essentially all telling you that most of us prefer crafted ships and that the permit costs / lack of rare woods availability is significantly hurting our ability to make these ships.  Crafting should be an important part of this game.  

    DLC or “imported” ships have their place in the game, but they should not replace crafted ships as the bread butter of what’s being sailed around on the water.  

    Any thoughts on improving the crafting to make it more viable in the future?  Permit walls and pop up rare woods spawns aren’t really features anyone asked for and seem to be universally disliked.  

    • Like 2
  5. I think you missed a key reason why DLC ships are so popular.  Convenience.  It’s not that players don’t want to do the Econ side of things and craft, it’s the fact that it’s 15 combat marks for crafting a surprise when you only receive 2 or 3 for sinking one.  It’s also the fact that better woods are now more costly, more scarce and more time consuming to get.  You’ve essentially made DLC ships the only viable option for quick and carefree PVP.  Especially with a looming wipe.

    I made a suggestion on Hachi’s thread the other day to achieve the best of both worlds.  

    Redeemable DLC ships are locked to one or 2 wood types and base 3/5s. Like oak/oak Players have the OPTION to redeem a permit and craft their ship for a chance at a 5/5 and premium woods.  Both are locked for 24 hours.  I feel this would be a happy medium. 

    • Like 12
  6. I honestly don’t get the rare woods exclusivity thing if we’re making permits hard to get also.  Why does it need to be THAT difficult to craft these ships?  I miss the days when I can go lose 2 1st rates out screening and then come back to port and crank out 3 more with ease.  

    Granted I’m not a math teacher, but the formula of   rare woods + hard to get permits + easy to lose ships = more PvP doesn’t seem to check out. 

    • Like 3
  7. @Kala4 per your original post, was my info fake?  If not I'd like an apology.  I am not spreading fake info, just merely repeating lines from the man himself.  Your interpretation of the word "lineships" might be different than mine.  I use historical reference where 3rd rates and even 4th rates were included in lineships.  Since this is a historically themed age of sail game, one would presume that the same references would apply.  

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ships_of_the_line_of_France (they only counted third rates and above)

    So again, was my info fake?

    A more proper response to my original post would be that suggest that I did not have all the info and that admin made a more specific quote 3 years prior.  Not to call my words, or anyones for that matter, fake news.  If we are going to be shifting to the new community moderator system as detailed the other day, our community reps....meaning you....should be able to convey information back and forth accurately and without bias.    


    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Kala4 said:

    You have full freedom to get unhappy,  upset, very upset, or outraged about the DLC.
    You are not allowed to post fake info about other people words here.

    DLC for 3rd rates are promised in 2015.  

    Here is the quote you can use in the future

    Quoting developers with  "no third rate DLC" you are spreading fake information and incite people to rage and get upset (because DLC is an upsetting subject, some might believe you).
    We were instructed to give first warnings publicly from now on. Consider this a public warning on Rule 11 of the forum rules..



    1 hour ago, Potemkin said:

    Christendom twisting people's words and flat out making stuff up? Nothing new there. 

    Wipe everything. If the game gets an influx of new players no one should care about not having their books...unless they suck without them, in which case the salt will be hilarious. If we don't get the influx it probably wont matter anyway.




  9. 2 hours ago, HachiRoku said:

    ok since you have still not provided evidence I will link the forums my profile. I just need to prove what kind of compulsive lier you are. I won't hide the fact I have a topic on reddit that would get me banned on these forums and damage the relation ship we have so far but since I want to prove to everyone what kind of character you have I will link it.  This is what got you banned before right? Making up random nonsense that suits your non existing argument. 

    Maybe I did delete a post I really don't know but If I did it wasn't about naval action because my first naval action post on reddit was http://prntscr.com/n7jbpl

    No worrys it is only a 10 post/2 topic profile and you can do the maths yourself if you know how the karma thing works. 


    that comment is no longer in the the thread.  take a look.

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