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Everything posted by Bumsebiene

  1. Für dich ist alles eine Beleidigung. Ganz ehrlich, stell dich nicht an wie ein Mädchen (Mädchen sind taffer, aber egal)
  2. Meine Güte Knuddel, du bist aber nun wirklich auch ne Heulsuse.. Ich seh da nichts beleidigendes
  3. Bumsebiene

    Grape tagging Bug

    I can confirm this bug. I was the guy who was in battle with EliteDelta and i was able to jump out while he graped me all the time. I thought Grapes won't reset the timer at the moment. I was suprised that i can jump out, but i had to take this opportunity to save my ass. Sorry for that.
  4. Which browser do you use? I tried it in Google Chrome a dozen times and it worked all the time. On the first screenshot are the values of Santisima and the second are the values of the Victory. Strange.
  5. no that isn't right. With each Repair you will repair 20% of your ship (without repair Mods)
  6. After a couple month of testing i think perks will not affect the amount of repairs. But your suggestions are good, there are some Upgrades i didn't had in mind. I will add it in the next version.
  7. Hey Guys, I've created a Repair Calculator for Naval Action in Google Spreadsheets. So far I have not seen any tools for repairs, so I decided to make one. Test it out. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HFFJKiZW496Szf9qbO7m8p-EYgM08czwzjYDr_mR7b4/edit?usp=sharing
  8. These two ships should never have got into the game. Now Naval Action is a pay-to-win game for me!
  9. Don't hide in the Savezone, Loot OW Misssions outside of the Savezone and you are fine. Savezone's aren't save anymore and i like this 🙂
  10. Portbattle Grand Anse Sweden vs France Result : Sweden won by Points Screening Battle Part 1 @ Puerto de Espana / Naparima Result : Sweden won Screening Battle Part 2 @ Puerto de Espana / Naparima Result : Sweden won Screening Battle Part 3 @ Puerto de Espana / Naparima Result : Sweden went out of repairs and was therefore sunk by France's third screening fleet. Thanks for the great fight
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