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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. I've had a lot of success using the extra slots for skirmishers to fulfill all the normal roles that I would normally use detached skirmishers for. I'm also less likely to throw them away now since I would lose an officer. Since detached skirmishers don't keep unit perks they were relatively ineffective in the mod as well. Of course you can also just bring more normal units with the extra slots, though scaling can get pretty noticeable. Past that, If you'd like to enable them again you can change disableSkirmishers to false in the Mod/ConfigFile.csv.
  2. Max brigades per division was reduced to 5 but max divisions were increased. Should be enough for the early CSA battles, Union will have to invest some points in AO earlier.
  3. For various reasons it's not exact, but basically you get +1 slot per deployed division. 6 -> 8, 10 -> 12, 15 -> 18, 20 -> 24. Anything with 5 or less gets +1. So far it feels like this actually makes the early maps easier.
  4. Here is a comment from Jonny on the base game speed changes. https://steamcommunity.com/app/502520/discussions/0/1694920442940641792/?ctp=6#c1697174779848883130
  5. It's probably the dissapearing act, I've found that AI arty will still prioritize skirmishers if I give them the opportunity.
  6. Up to you. Nothing will break if you continue an old save. Most of the perk changes were number changes, though the general perks and artillery perks had some things moved around. You'll notice the xp gain changes more in a new game though. Yes, any infantry rifle can now be assigned to a skirmisher unit. There shouldn't be any duplicates as a few weapons were changed. This change applies to AI units as well. Though for the AI it's at most only relevant throughout the battle. The AI units starting XP for every battle is determined elsewhere. I don't think I can change the type of the unit that gets detached, though maybe the behavior could be changed to be closer to an infantry unit. It would be possible to change the deploy and corps slots so the player could double up all their brigades, but this would be dependent on the player to create their army in a specific way and would be a fair amount of work. The exploits with skirmishers mostly involve the ability to make a unit appear and disappear instantly. So anything that allows detachment would be a problem.
  7. I'm pretty sure it's not a lack of spotting. If you give the AI a huge spotting bonus it tends to just get more aggressive and attack you where you are. This part is pure speculation, but given that most maps are fairly small and the AI is generally trying to hold objectives it might be prioritizing the objective over unit safety.
  8. That question now has a variety of answers depending on which criteria you are selecting for optimal. Infantry efficiency fall off starts somewhere between 1600 and 2k as far as I am aware. You start overcoming the efficiency falloff somewhere around 6k+. However in between those ranges larger brigades still can take much more punishment which can make them more effective at certain roles, particularly melee. I play with infantry units between 1k and 1.5k. Several other people push for 5k+ brigades, it really depends on what style you like.
  9. Cavalry, artillery, and skirmisher sizes default to 5k, 6k, and 1k in the mod. The infantry numbers can eventually go up to 30k depending on AO. Max sized units are only somewhat supported currently and are likely overpowered past a point. If that's fun to you feel free to use them, if not just stick to normal sizes. The campaign should scale to match either approach.
  10. The specific testing setup just increases the number of brigades on both sides by a certain amount. AI brigade size scales as normal, bring larger units, AI will have larger units. There is some flexibility in terms of adding brigades, but dynamic brigade number scaling is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
  11. An update was missed when creating the release package. Assembly-CsharpReleaseV1.1.tmp needs to be renamed to Assembly-Csharp.dll. Overwrite or delete the existing Assembly-Csharp.dll. The package has also been updated now if you'd prefer to just download and extract again. Sorry for the mix up.
  12. If you have an artillery unit that takes less than 25 casualties in a battle, once you are back in camp select the unit and click the arrow next to the number of men/guns slider. The first click will add enough men to bring the unit up to max, the next click will add an additional 25 men to add a new gun. In the mod currently if you switch between cannon types with different crew sizes weird things happen. You can lose cannon, get more cannon that are in stock, or just end up with a unit with less than the full crew allotment. We're reverting back to all crew sizes being 25 in the next version to avoid these issues. It's being tested currently, so hopefully it will be out soon.
  13. Rebalance mod hasn't been updated with this yet. A lot of balance changes were made and it's in testing. The arc changes will be included whenever it is released and should be very noticeable. Changing unit types is outside the scope of this mod though you will see some of it occur in the J&P mod. AI melee cavalry can be very dangerous in that mod. Though once battles get bigger and battle lines thicker they are more of a deterrence for the player sneaking around into the AIs rear than anything else. This has to do with sight lines and unit locations. Supply units will always go straight to a unit that needs resupply, and they only respond to enemy units within their sight radius. So if the AI has units split up across the map the supply unit can go towards your lines to get to them. Increasing their sight radius results in your wagons constantly running away from everything. Most of these more or less exist already. When the AI detects it's at a disadvantage it will try to fallback. Charges will only happen if the AI thinks it has an advantage. The thing is that the AI has no context beyond the numbers visible to it. So what may appear a terrible situation to the player may actually look sound to the AI. If I find a reliable way to change this kind of thing I will, but accurate testing is very difficult. Surrender chances increase at low percentages of unit size and morale but also check the status of surrounding allied units. Surrender rates cold be increased, but this has a lot of side effects on the campaign due to how things work behind the scenes with surrendering units. There is another mod that is working on that style of play on the Steam forums.
  14. The intelligence screen shows a very specific set of information that isn't especially helpful if you don't know what his happening behind the scenes. It can be very accurate or completely inaccurate depending on how the player changes their army. Training and Weapon percentages are accurate, as they go higher you will run into more experienced troops and better weapons. Certain battles can still be exceptions due to how they are defined. The size report just tells you what the current AISize value is. The ranges shown are for appearances only and don't actually mean anything beyond giving you an idea of what the actual value is. The AISize value has a timeline minimum which is why it will often shoot up even if you destroy a large part of the enemy army in the prior battle. The more you kill the more reinforcements the enemy will receive to hit the minimum. Larger kill counts do impact the training and weapons values though. Auto sizing enemy armies is the price you pay for being able to play a campaign. If that was removed the campaign would always be over after Bull Run or the entire combat system would have to be completely reworked so that casualty rates were closer to historical. The intelligence report size value does not update when you change your army, it gets set once at the end of the prior battle. If you add troops to your army the actual AI army size will increase. In the next version the soldiers and guns amounts will always display on the corps deploy screen so that you have a better idea what you are actually facing.
  15. This mod and the rebalance mod cannot be installed together. All the changes here will also be going into the rebalance mod, that one just takes more time to update and test. It's being tested currently, so it will be updated 'soon'
  16. Thanks for mentioning, that. I didn't think they'd been changed but I just noticed that the 5th corps is missing on a max AO save. We'll get it corrected. Update for 1.10 is in testing. Should hopefully have it out soon. Edit: apparently the 4 corps max is intended, didn't realize that change had gone in.
  17. Understandable, just recommending that you check with mod makers first in the future. The devs have enough to deal with without adding the variance of modded files Using a 1.09 camp save with the customizations mod installed, I started a new battle and was able to get a first day victory at CSA Shiloh. Flag was not contested. The customizations mod only touches the assembly-csharp.dll, so if the Shiloh fix was not made in there then the 1.10 changes should definitely be in use.
  18. If you encounter a bug while running any of the mods, please report them in the mod threads first. Even if it doesn't seem like the mod changes would be related. In this case it's possible that I made a mistake when updating dll. I'd never encountered the bug fixed in the patch, but I will try and recreate with the mod installed.
  19. Thanks for taking the time to put this together. Looking forward to seeing more of your videos.
  20. It's a horrible hack but it works, glad you like it Main mod should be updated within the next few days unless testing goes awry.
  21. Agreed, we're working on a solution to make them worthwhile. Stat and thus experience gain is going to be reduced considerably across the board. Early melee cav weapons will be getting some small nerfs and later weapons getting some small buffs. Cavalry cleaning up routing units is intended, they are just a bit too effective at it currently. Artillery really take off with 2-3 star units and when the shot/shell perk and accuracy multipliers start stacking. They are probably a bit too weak early and a bit too strong late. With some exceptions. Unless you reduce the morale and stamina of the larger unit first, numbers will have a significant advantage. Drawing out the enemy charge duration and then counter charging can also help. You can definitely play without them but it requires careful management of the charges so you don't get caught in an unfavorable melee.
  22. Updated for the 1.10 hotfix. Applied the skirmisher AI fix to infantry and added canister and shell range indicators to artillery units.
  23. Comparing Union Bull Run and Shiloh, the difference is that at Bull Run if you bring fewer units your initial units are front loaded. At Bull Run you have two reinforcement blocks, a set of 5 and a set of 6. If you bring 8 units you will get 5 in the first wave and 4 in the second(supply is included in the unit count in this scenario). The way Bull Run works this barely matters, but it's what I have data for. At Shiloh the right flank deploy takes your total units in the first corps, divides that value in half and places that number of units on the right flank. So if you bring 10 units you would expect all 10 units to spawn in on the right flank if the battle worked the same as Bull Run. While you wouldn't get any reinforcements, you would have the maximum amount of units available to hold off the initial phase. However, instead you would only get 5 units in the first phase. This would obviously cause problems on the left flank if it worked this way but it helps illustrate the point. I haven't checked all of the battles to see if any others are setup like Shiloh, but it does seem beneficial to always bring the max number of units in the primary corps. I tend to try and do this anyways so it doesn't really change much, but it makes some early army setup choices more interesting since it may be more beneficial to have 20 ok units than 12 or 18 strong units.
  24. I found something interesting related to this, the closer to the max of 20 units in each corps you bring the more units will get deployed in the initial stages. For example, on the Union right if you only bring 12 units in your first corps 6 units deploy. But if you bring 20, 10 units will deploy.
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