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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. For day 1, you can pull back all the AI units and hide them until the southern two VPs show up and then use them to aid your units as they come in. For day 2, even in the base game the better choice is to just setup a defensive line along the map edge until the map opens up more and you can retreat to a better position. Fighting through the giant forested area to contest the two VPs to win on day 2 is a trap. Better to stay defensive and let your artillery kill anything that comes near you and then win on day 3.
  2. The fortifications on that map are wierd. If the skirmishers have range 500 weapons or have the range perk they can hit you from obnoxious distances.
  3. I've seen sporadic reports of units going missing, but never anything consistent about why. No idea why that would be happening.
  4. I usually stack nearly everything on top of both little and big round top. It's some of the best defensive terrain in the entire game with how steep the hill is. I think you're required to hold the point to proceed, but defending north of the point and recapturing it later will probably work as well.
  5. Not really a feature but more of an end result of various changes. The AI will happily charge across half the map in the base game if conditions were favorable. I assume that unit was a 2* or a 3*? - As long as a unit's condition is > 0 and it's charge cooldown has recovered it can charge. - Condition drain works based on the amount of time traveling through a specific terrain type. This means that if a unit is fast enough it spends very little time in the detrimental terrain and can run around for a long time. If the stars align and the AI randomizes a full set of speed perks an infantry unit could be at +125% move speed. This would enable a unit to charge for quite a while. Condition definitely is draining on that unit. On long charges you can often visibly see a unit start to slow down as they get tired. The total amount of available speed bonuses does need to come down a bit though.
  6. Sound like you want to shift units around so that you have 30 brigades in the corps 2 and the reserves on day 2 then. You likely won't get all of them, but that'll ensure you get as many as possible until I am able to fix those deploys. Day 1 is the same thing, put 30 brigades in it to ensure you get as many as possible, but you'll almost certainly be short a few at the moment(base game issues).
  7. It is the worst when you realize that you could have walked forward anytime in the last 10 minutes and not lost the battle...
  8. I haven't checked the exact Union deployments at Gettysburg but I would recommend always trying to have a full 30 brigades in any corps that is actively engaged. This may require playing a phase for a bit, figuring out which corps send reinforcements and then restarting/moving units around. In most cases in the major battles, the more units that are in a corps the more show up on the field earlier. Gettysburg in particular
  9. As long as they were just the allied ones it was actually just a benefit for you since you can recover their weapons. Up to you if you want to suicide your allied troops though. I don't know of anything close to an equivalent for rifles/carbines. The main thing with rifles if you aren't using a mod is that all of the effective ranges are actually 300 except for the henry. You are generally fairly safe assuming that more expensive = better, though it is rarely worth the cost to actually buy the best rifles or the repeaters. Better to just use whatever you are capturing from the enemy. Carbines tend to be mediocre across the board due to their shorter ranges. The enfield and the spencer carbine are the two that stand out.
  10. That guide is excellent and the conclusions drawn from extensive testing line up remarkably well with the actual numbers. While I would debate a few things, they are all minor points that don't even come up unless you are trying to optimize a few extra percentage points of damage. I think the two most important takeaways if you don't what to dive into spreadsheets is that there are negative returns from units that are to large, and cannon performance is significantly influenced by the range curves which the base game provides little to no information about. Both of these are fixed to an extent in the UI & AI Customizations mod.
  11. Still applies in the Rebalance mod. Past the max sizes in the base game damage scales linearly. For artillery damage surpasses a 14 gun unit at around 40+ guns. Skirmishes cap out at about 75% of a 375 man unit and infantry have a brief dip but will be doing more damage again around 3k+. This applies to 1.24 and early versions. The curves are getting replaced in the next version to fix this.
  12. One advantage that doing on day 1 does get you is on the day 2 first phase of Culp's Hill. The units in that area are partially from day 1 and if you destroy or damage a lot of them you can get an easy win at Culp's Hill. It will take some scouting to figure out where the line is weak depending on what you damaged, but you can sneak in behind their lines from the south east and then wrap the Cemetery Hill VP without having to bother with Culp's Hill itself. To maximize your deployment at Culp's Hill you want to max out the number of brigades in your center and left corps(can transfer them between days). You'll get half of the center corps and nearly all of the left corps.
  13. I was testing the new version of it last night. I think it should now be playable if still quite difficult. I haven't managed to beat it yet on Legendary, but I think it's possible so on MG and lower it should be alright. As opposed to the 1.24 version where I don't know anyone who has even managed to cheese a win on legendary.
  14. The mods are not compatible, however effectively everything in the customizations mod is already in the Rebalance mod. The two giant exceptions are the modded size curves and the 1.7 changes. I'm still working on getting the Rebalance Mod updated with those. Kill ratios being to high is partially carry over from how the original game was balanced. We have some ideas on how to get around it that we are experimenting with. If BG is to easy now it won't really get harder later. You'll just keep getting more and more ahead. This is an issue that all difficulties suffer to an extent, but jumping up a difficulty is probably the right choice if you're looking for more of a challenge. Several of the mods changes to difficulty don't fully kick in until the harder difficulties. In the base game the CSA campaign starts easier and ends harder with the reverse for the Union. In the mod this is generally the case as well. The mod makes things both harder and easier. Harder in that the AI gets more resources(max unit size increase, unit splitting), those resources matter more(higher experience units are much more dangerous than in base game), and mistakes are punished more(condition penalties and melee deadliness). On the other hand you can specialize your units more to abuse the AI weaknesses in ways you can't in the base game(something being worked on). On the difficulty it is primarily designed for I think it makes the game harder overall, though there are definitely some balance outliers that need to be addressed. In terms of improvements to the AI decision making, we are rather limited in what we can do but we have improved a few things. The AI can no longer be tricked into charging halfway across the map, is less likely to stand in water exchanging fire, and coming soon it will actually try to target your artillery under certain conditions instead of just targeting the closest unit. No side focus in the mod. With the customizations mod I just happened to fix the reinforcements for the CSA first since I'd just completed a video series on it and had more detailed saves to test everything against.
  15. For the Union version of the battle, the reset can almost be safely disabled. But the issue is that the map narrows, so if you are to spread out you'll lose access to those units. Unfortunately there just isn't really moddable solution to the phase resets that doesn't just impose additional arbitrary requirements.
  16. From what I recall if you just sit in your camp you will have little to no contact with the enemy on day 1. If you want to do some damage you'll need to go out and find them. You would be surprised how many battles you can almost completely avoid combat if you want to. Very useful when just trying to test later phases of battles though.
  17. Good work on sticking with the battle and figuring out a solution.
  18. Updated to 1.7. The Union campaign deployment updates are still in progress. It will likely be at least several weeks before they are ready due to the amount of time needed to identify and test them. Updates for V1.7: UI Changes - When a division commander is wounded or killed the popup message will notify you of the affected division. - Updated terrain tooltips to show modded damage modifiers. These do not apply if in a fortification. - Display a warning message when issuing an attack order that forces your artillery to move to be able to hit the target. AI Changes - Idle artillery will now prioritize targeting artillery if enemy units are not to close. This affects both the player and AI units. Bug Fixes - Ammo count can no longer go negative. - Update logic that prevented idle units from firing when out of ammunition and unable to charge. - Reinforcing supply units no longer take up a deploy slot. - Fixed terrain damage modifiers to apply to ranged damage. - Updated all CSA battles so that deployment screen brigade numbers match the actual number of units that will show up on the field. - Updated all CSA battles so that percentage deploys always deploy a full corps when possible. It is no longer necessary to overfill corps to get the maximum amount of units. - The previous two changes primarily affect Gaines Mill, Stones River day 1, Gettysburg, Chickamauga day 1 and 2, and Cold Harbor.
  19. In the current version I definitely agree with the philosophy of throw more artillery at the problem. At least one 24pdr is probably necessary to counter charges, 2 would be better. This is actually one of the few cases where I wish I used the reload perks. Just to reiterate, if you want to drop the timer multipliers to 1.2 for this battle feel free. The current timers are definitely not reasonably balanced for this mission and the only reason I haven't patched them is that trying to get a lot of other changes into the next version has slowed things down.
  20. They ran through an occupied entrenchment? Or an empty one? If they aren't manned then entrenchments have no impact to unit speed. You're holding the VP though? As long as you manage that the reinforcements should allow you to crush the remaining CSA units. From what I recall, my setup for this battle on legendary was something like 5 artillery, 2 infantry, 1 sniper. Sniper goes into the trees directly south of the spawn area on the bottom map edge. This lets you hit the reinforcements on that side and sometimes bugs them all out for a while. Be very careful about the cavalry in the area though, they will kill you if you get spotted. Artillery all clustered in the center along the line of trees that are behind the trenches. Killed off as much of the artillery as I could before I had to shift to dealing with infantry. AI had 24pdrs which will wreck you if they all setup at once. Hence the sniper plus 3-4 long range artillery units. I did not use the fortifications at all. Had to avoid melee whenever possible, and try to focus fire artillery to break down big units and prevent them from charging. Very little was left alive by the time the reinforcements arrived. Probably ran the battle a dozen times to pull it off on legendary, but it should be less of an issue on MG. While the battle can be won, I do think it is a bit excessive. The timer on that battle is slated to get a change in the next patch. If you want to temporarily change your ConfigFile.csv to change the two variables below to use 1.2 that should help with getting reinforcements before your initial units get beat up to much. timerMandatoryMultiplier, 1.2 timerRecommendedMultiplier, 1.2
  21. Unfortunately no. I'm pretty sure I've isolated when it does and doesn't work, but I haven't been able to track down what exactly is breaking it. I would not recommend using that perk until the developer has addressed it. With the other games they are currently working on I wouldn't expect it to happen anytime soon.
  22. The fortifications at Suffolk are pretty good stat wise. 100% cover and 55/55/65 is only a step or two down from the best fortifications in the game. The fortification damage penalty for infantry has also been removed. The issue is that they spread units out and expose them to fire from additional brigades. On top of that the Suffolk fortifications are not positions very well and some of them on the north side of the map can be flanked very easily. The next version will be fixing the damage reductions that woods(and other terrain) are supposed to be applying which should improve fortifications a bit as well. The timer increase for Suffolk also needs to be reduced a bit. On legendary at least I had to basically wipe out the enemy forces before my reinforcements arrived to win the battle.
  23. It depends a bit on what you are looking for in a mod. New battles, factions, etc almost certainly not unless support is built in. However, it is possible to mod weapon/campaign/perk balance changes, UI improvements, some new features, and changes to AI logic. Several mods are now available for UGCW and while none have been released for UGG the same process would work for that game. Hopefully this game does well enough that they are able to support modding more officially though.
  24. An example of how to setup an army and get through Union Shiloh on legendary.
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