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Sir Loorkon

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Posts posted by Sir Loorkon

  1. Recruiting NOW

    MONKS ist a US Nation Clan with more than 50 Players in US, EU and AUS timezone!

    We communicate in english, although not everyone is a perfect speaker. Our way is to be considerate towards those who try.

    Our main focus is PvP (Player versus Player) content - hunting in groups or alone - but we also engage in RvR (Realm versus Realm), the port conquest. PvE (Player versus Environment) is not actively pursued. Our logistics group is well organized by a couple of volunteers but everyone contributes to the clan.

    We are looking for players that are interested in PvP. You don´t have to be a pro, all we ask for is a will to learn and a readiness to go out there and pump iron into enemy hulls. Learning alongside others is fun!

    We have a strtuctured recruiting process. You have to register on our discord, this is our platform for organization and announcements. You will sail with us for a couple of weeks so a lot of people in the clan have a chance to meet you. We want to protect our jolly and effective battlegroup from any type of toxic, disruptive, unteachable or simply incompatible person. They all exist in video games, but we don´t want them to play with us. We want to protect the fun of playing this game.

    You are interested in PvP, feel mentally older than 18, are using Discord and Teamspeak and are able to communicate in a group?

    Ask for a MONKS member ingame to start the recruiting process!


    Stay healthy and best wishes

    Sir Loorkon

    Commander (Komtur)

    Flagge Monks_emoji test.png

    • Like 3
  2. I am not a big fan of bringing everything to the tribunal and this is my first tribunal thread.

    I reportet the player Jon Silver ingame several times now because my team mates and me being constantly insulted by him in a really primitive way and it starts getting on my nerves that this has not being stopped jet. I want to have fun when playing this game. I do not mind if I lose. I do not even mind being insulted, but not deliberately constantly. 311310_20200222220906_1.thumb.png.192bf2d39307b67784d7f5235fb01e7d.png




    • Like 4
  3. That’s an excellent post @John Sheppard.

    Sadly whenever I read something like this I ask myself why the RvR is in the game the way it is and why I should participate in it. It is supposed to be the end game content but I have the feeling that only a minority is enjoying it because in the end it only feeds the ego of a hand full of people on the server and for me in personal it used to cause frustration and other negative feelings. The time of Christmas truce was nice. 100% pure PvP without all that time consuming frustrating RvR stuff. 

    Sadly we have to deal with the frustrating collateral damage RvR inflicts and the way you did it in this post is the only appropriate way, thank you for that.

    • Like 8
  4. The port BR is fine. It might be interesting to have a ship rate limit with some ports to have more smaller ships (and more players) involved.

    The background amuses me. First you provoked my clan with your shallow-mania attack in the Bahamas, than you removed us from the friends list (for a while) after you took Maracaibo when Cabal dropped it (well knowing that it was MONX main crafting port) and than your interesting negotiations with the Brits makes MONX lose Jeremie. Than you repeated this very seldom way of diplomacy with Lions and now you wonder why lots of PvP players might have gone and you might not be able to fill a 10.000 BR PB? I read your impressive Williamstad Gazette (awesome work btw) but the most interesting articles are those that are not printed there. 

    • Like 2
  5. @Sven Silberbart I completely understand your point. On the other hand there are most interesting ways to adapt. E.g. I do not care for ports and brick war with 25:25 1st rates. Infiltrate a Zerg and produce your stuff in what ever nation is leading. The PvP options on the war server are still good. Who cares if a nation has some good PB Fleets if there are no Port battles. The good think with this game is that you have several ways of playing it. If the game would necessarily have RvR I would have  stopped playing month ago. There are several ways to bypass the (in my eyes broken as stated in many of my posts) RvR system. PvP is still big fun. Adding new nations seems good as long as it brings more players. Important in my eyes is to have less or at least not more magic in the combat system.

  6. Ich wünsche euch LAMAs viel Erfolg. Hut ab das ihr was Neues aufbauen möchtet. Den Elan hat im Moment kaum noch einer. Schade das die RvR Mechaniken so verkorkst sind, sonst hätten wir noch deutlich mehr motivierte Spieler. Ihr habt jedenfalls eine Hand voll erstklassige Stammspieler mit Kampfgeist, darauf könnt ihr aufbauen. 

    • Like 7
  7. 5 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Variety sinks boredom

    I think you are right refering to the peace server. Playing chess against a machine requires a machine with various options. Playing chess against a human being is variety enough. We do not need harpoon rockets on the war server, we need a proper simulation and players with fighting spirit. 

  8. 22 minutes ago, Severus Snape said:

    And in the months prior to release GB was the Zerg that many of the “Russia is a Zerg” whiners were apart of.  They were outside every Freeport and in every patrol zone.  They also rolled the map far more intrusively than Russia currently has. 

    Not GB was the Zerg, HAVOC was. 

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