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Cetric de Cornusiac

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Posts posted by Cetric de Cornusiac

  1. This first mission will keep returning until you complete it (no decline option). As you cannot get damaged in that mission it is actually easy. Just try to do as much damage as requested in hull, sails and crew on enemy ships.

    At the end, you get a reward.

    It shows you what is expecting you much later in game. So you know it is not only the basic cutter in which you find yourself after this entry panorama is done.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. List of Donations for the 2nd Impossible Gunboat Mission Contest:

    (1) Elite Note of a 3rd Rate for 1st Winner, Elite Note of a 4th Rate for 2nd Winner, Elite Note of a 5th Rate for 3rd Winner [courtesy Queen Marie Antoinette)

    (2) Diana note, courtesy Aeomar (GB).

    (3) Académie des sciences de l'Institut de France donates a special prize: 100 edinorog guns to a contestant which figures as having sunk any HDF ship (shown in stats, proved by screenshot), using his gunboat.

    (4) Four gunboat notes (not for winners but for contestants lacking boats) from Longbeardos Inko (ES)

    (5) Two gunboat notes (same) from Duke of Christiansted IX (PL)

    (6) I add 10.000 doubloons from my treasury for stocking up prize money pool, as long as contestant number does not rise beyond 10 persons, for neutralizing effect of too few admission fees having been collected for prizes exceeding entry costs.

  3. List of Participants:

    (1) Aeomar (GB - ROHAN)

    (2) Abbe Parseche (FR - CLUB)

    (3) PsyOn (US - SWOLF)

    (4) Bravo 25 Romeo (GB - BBS21)

    (5) Zlatkowar (GB - AP) - last year's winner

    (6) Andaevinn Svensen (GB - AP)


















    Reserve list:

    (1) Unsinkable2 (PR, GLORY)




  4. Gentlemen,

    also this year we will have an "Impossible Gunboat Mission" public event on PvE Server. This time it will be even more desperate as we will not direct our fearless gunboats against a single First Rate, no, this time we will engage a full HomeDefenseFleet, formerly known as Privateer Fleet!

    To make this possible at all, MDRA will use a disposable First Rate + Second Rate (both unarmed) to tag the HDF in Dutch Waters. Contestants in their gunboats (free choice what wood and upgrades) will join this battle and try to achieve as many hull hits as possible on any HDF ship they fancy. Just before you finish (sink or leave) you make a F12 screenshot of your hit counter screen (tab key) and send it later to us for comparing score.

    Time for this event will be august 15th, 15 hrs server time UTC. Try to arrive 15 minutes earlier in port of Fort Oranje where contest group will set sail and probably try to find HDF north of Willemstad island, to avoid fortifications.

    How to take part?

    Apply in game by notifying me, Comte de Cornusiac, of your wish to participate, and prove you have a gunboat by showing it to me. You then pay admission fee of 1000 doubloons. You will then be put on our contestant list. Other ships are not admitted. Applications will get accepted until one day before event. Max number of players seems 23 ships (plus tagging devices) so when this number is reached sooner, no more applications will be possible, except for a 'reserve list' in case of no-shows. Admission fees of absent people will not be paid back. For winning it is not necessary that your boat survives.

    Can you win some prize?

    Sure, like last year we use the admissions for setting up prizes.

    Contestant with most hits on enemy ships receives 60% of all collected admission fees. So, for example if 10 players take part, the first prize earns you 6000 doubloons, with 20 boats that's 12000 doubloons.

    Contestant with 2nd highest score receives 25 % of combined admissions.

    Contestant with 3rd highest score receives 15 % of combined admissions.

    In addition we will distribute donated prizes as specified in following post.


    Following Appendix: List of Participants, List of donated prizes and who is supposed to get them.


    signed, Comte de Cornusiac

    for MDRA, on behalf of the King of France.


    • Like 3
  5. 6 hours ago, Archaos said:

    Apologies, its just that in my limited study of Naval Architecture I always thought that stability was to do with things like Center of Gravity, Center of Buoyancy, displacement, Metacenter etc and the ability of a vessel once inclined by and external force to return to an upright state on removal of the force. Maybe all that learning was a waste of time!!!!!

    I think what you refer to as stability is actually more about structural strength and the ability of the vessel to withstand structural stresses it encounters in normal operation. You can have the most structurally sound vessel that is useless without adequate stability. Where the mast is connected and whether it goes down to the keel or not has no direct bearing on the ships stability.  

    I think there is nothing to be misunderstood in the term 'stability' when someone is exclusively talking about wood construction and showing illustrations which show how masts continue to reach vertically through the decks right down to the bottom.

    Was not aware there is a perhaps a nautical special meaning of 'stability' which could overlay the common understanding of constructive stability, or 'stiffness'.

  6. 2 hours ago, Henry d'Esterre Darby said:

    While the stays and shrouds secure the upper part of the mast, there must still be strong support for the lower part of the mast or it will topple.  This is why masts are stepped down into the hull of the ship (or, in the case of top masts, royals, etc. secured at their base to the top of the mast underneath them) and not just set upon the surface of the top deck.  Shooting through a mast will most definitely topple it.

    Masts go all the way down to the keel for stability reasons. :)



    • Like 1
  7. On 7/23/2020 at 2:59 PM, Duc De Brabant said:

    Cornusiac.... French talleyrand in game....

    looting PvP things in PvE server is useless, those 2 things have no values, no point of being in PvE ... if you like to loot lot of those things more than looting some intereseting guns / doubloons / notes .... my god

    Still nothing "ruined". What about directing the attention of Monsieur le Duc to really important things?

  8. On 6/15/2020 at 6:21 PM, van Veen said:

    Alternatively, there could be a nation-by-nation amnesty from time to time so that you are free again to renew your alliances.

    Sadly, we always have to keep possible exploits on minds when we suggest improvements. The other ideas in your post are fine, but this here is inviting again trouble. With a (regularly? after some calendar? occuring) amnesty people would just act stupid in the last days before each amnesty date and do the cross-nation ganking which devs try to reduce by karma system, knowing, they will be pardoned in short time.

    So, it seems better to make it a costly adventure emptying their treasures for a pardon.

  9. 14 hours ago, ProChigga said:

    What's it like, being a professional brown noser?

    Difference between me and your sort is, I am treating devs like human beings and as the artists they are, thanks to me being civilized and also having a background in arts, and I don't confront them with impertinent entitlement and false claims like a bunch of spoiled retarded bullies besieging the customer service desk at a Walmart store. Waving falsified sales checks in their fists.

    Given this is done with some fairly new accounts simultaneously and in concerted action, I suspect you have been here before under another name; same behavior, same fate.

    Ah, and the cheers of the drunken crowd, it's sweet poison in the ears of beer barrel tub-thumpers, isn't it?

    • Like 3
  10. 4 hours ago, ChineseBatman said:

    This statement was hypocritical to say the least, as there is a lot of unbalance, I’ve already given one between teak/teak & teak/wo, but also begged the question of why Admins hand was hurting. Since it evidently wasn’t from doing a good job of balancing woods, must have been from stroking the Bratwurst 😂 while letting the Euro millions balls generator create the stats for woods at random 🤦‍♂️  

    You are really begging for a forum ban, with those aggressive abusive posts of yours.

  11. We are on the right path to make hostility missions more fair, after pre-mature/early hostility mission starts have been abolished and you can't start before missions become available, at the moment timer window for that port starts.

    So far, so good.

    I want to direct your attention to another thing which I think needs a fix as well. And that is another exploit which enables people to save time massively and end hostilities very fast again. Basically by saving the time for sailing from closest national port to battle location.

    How does it work?

    According to my observation, the guy who takes the missions for his clan is waiting for the second timer starts in a port of his nation, as only there he can find it. But he and his clan mates have prepared themselves in the following fashion:

    - they positioned a fleet of clan members in the vicinity of the port in question, ready to receive directions where to sail as soon as mission is taken and crossed swords are on the map

    - the guy who is taking missions is the only one who can see the crossed swords, true. But he will not sail the distance from nearest national port to port in question, he opened an outpost in the closest port, no matter what nation, and will teleport there the second after he got his missions. From this close port, he will rush to his waiting friends out there and tell them where exactly to move their fleet, to his crossed sword location.

    Like in this example (screenshot):

    Attack on Asuncion by hostility missions, last night, july 23th 4:00 hrs UTC, won 4:14 hrs by Russian clan SALTS. Next Russian port to get a mission from is Salamanca. The battle was won just 14 minutes after timer window started. Impossible to sail from Salamanca to Asuncion and win, within less than quarter hour. So, my guess is, they started at either Congrios or Tulum, both British. Or as described, mission taker teleported to Congrios or Tulum and went from there to crossed swords, either with friends or they were already waiting where he told them the crossed swords would be. He came, joined them and started battle for the group.

    Now what needs to get adjusted?

    Simple thing. Disable teleport function for person who takes hostility missions for an hour (as soon as he takes them)

    Effect: People will have to sail from closest national port, where they assumedly took the missions, to battle location. No magic fast track battle result, no port won by teleporting and clever outpost positioning in vicinity. A strategical momentum will be gained, as existing national ports around will have significance for further expansion. No national port around = harder to invade the region.


    As PvP server has now completely different rules, please take notice this post and the request for a change is ONLY about PvE server mechanism of starting hostilities.


  12. Fleet ships have only limited usability, which could get augmented by a few additional orders you could give to them.

    Here they are:

    - "sail straight line to course XXX" (other than the retreat order, ship would still fire when coming across targets. This is good for luring away enemy, or for preparing multi-sided attacks, any maneuvering)

    - "follow friendly ship A" (lets you build flotillas, pairs. Order can be combined with others given to ship A, so they retreat as pair or sail to course XXX as pair...)

    - "try to board enemy ship B" (adds tactical options, other than just 'demast' or 'sink')

    - "loot sunken ship C" (fleet ship will try to pick up loot from sunk ship you specified. Useful when you can't reach it yourself)

    - "protect friendly ship D" (ship will act as escort for D and fight anyone shooting at it, or position itself into the line of fire to shield it)

    - "strike colors" (ship will surrender. This is useful when you have hope to conquer it back later, this can prevent getting it sunk. Question remains if your former ship should join enemy side and fight for them, or like now just become neutral with zero crew)

    However, this proposal seems rather heavy on programming efforts needed.

  13. La décision de l'IA quant aux ports attaqués par les raiders est basée sur leur niveau de développement. Donc, si vous voulez éviter d'etre attaqué, vous devez investir dans vos ports, construire des installations qui consomment des 'port points'. C'est la seule facon que je connaisse.

    Je ne sais pas à quoi ressemblent les ports du 7EC, mais vous ne les avez probablement pas développés. Alors que d'autres objectifs possibles autour de vous sont mieux développés...

    (et on m'a dit que les tours et le fort ne comptent pas comme développement)

  14. Not talking necessarily about new timber (though there may be a connection), but if a released game receives design changes (here RvR rules, port battle initiation, flags), it is a direct reaction on abuse and exploits done by players. You've read like I did devs got tired of receiving complaints in tribunal about various exploits, griefing, whatever. They are trying to fight them.

    How to fight them? By changing stuff.

    If they would not change anything and just turn a blind eye, you would say: "devs don't care about us, they don't fix problems" up to absurd allegations in the style of "game is abandoned".


    be glad someone is investing time and effort to fix stuff caused by players, which in turn angered other players. Alpha. Beta. Released game. These are just words. What matters is the result. Or ongoing attempts in direction of a better result. Perhaps not always understood by particular players. Who defend their beloved petrified 'meta' or whatever.

    Some trial and error seems unavoidable, too. Or finding the golden bridge of perfect balance, while from right and left flank reactionary player types keep shooting at unwelcome changes and influencing devs into reverting them.

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