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Gregory Rainsborough

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Everything posted by Gregory Rainsborough

  1. Yeah I suppose losing so many ships would cause you to get mad. My bad.
  2. Everyone keeps declaring war on and attacking GB, how dare they respond?!
  3. I reckon most people would get salty if 3 nations multiflipped 8 ports at the same time. The point of the game is to have fun after all. The term "bad sport" comes to mind but hey ho, not my problem at the end of the day. As Batman said earlier, some people take this way too seriously.
  4. I didn't realise you were "these guys". Not everything is about you man. I have trouble seeing mine on a hot summer's day.
  5. A tribunal post is the best place to start measuring dicks isn't it?
  6. I can't remember which clan it was. I heard their leader got incredibly butthurt. What was his name again....?
  7. But who would everyone then fight? They couldn't possibly fight each other. That would be barbaric.
  8. I take all this attention as a compliment 'cus you're too incompetent to fight us so you have to multiflip lol. Please do keep broadcasting your incompetence.
  9. Since I started GB has struggled to get 3 max. Hell if these guys would fight us 1v1 they'd have lost every single time but of course, that's why they multiflipped.
  10. GB hasn't the playerbase any more, at most we can defend 2 at most at any one time and you well know that. Any nation would be hard pressed to fill 6 PBs at any time now.
  11. But someone might take the ports that cost me time to maintain and losing them will make me richer, whatever will I do!
  12. At least there will be clarification as I was in channel with others who thought that my interpretation of what was written was correct.
  13. "generating hostility for the enemy by means of sinking" I'm sure there are logs that can confirm whether or not you attacked AI in the hostility mission.
  14. Sorry I meant to link the thread generally not you specifically.
  15. Really what I'm asking for is seeking clarification for whether or not alts are permitted to flip ports on behalf of someone else. So for instance, can I use my American alt to go and flip pirate ports etc?
  16. I'm not criticising the multiflip, I'm stating that his involvement in the multiflip was against the rules, not the multiflip itself.
  17. Hello all powerful devs, As you know we have a fair few port battles tomorrow (04/03/2018). I understand that multiflipping is perfectly valid as a tactic as we know but as stated in "Alts for port battle activities - BAN WARNING" the use of alts to generate hostility is not permitted. I hereby accuse Christendom of using his American alt, ChristendomToo to flip RSC ports in the Bahamas, namely Marsh Harbour and La Desconcida (and perhaps Walker's Cay as well). So in short - Christendom/ChristendomToo Russia/USA Bahamas/Grand Bahamas Generation of hostility with the purpose of flipping the port. Evidence A thread with him stating that he did it on the forums
  18. If someone had tipped us off then we would have had ships ready to countergrind etc... As I've said in this thread before, we regularly move timers to a better time. Enjoy the AI
  19. It's just funny that people have been complaining that they can't attack/fight because of those timers but lo and behold they can magically do it when it's a multiflip. As I said, says more about you than us
  20. Clearly can't defend all of them so we'll drop up them so they can fight AI. Fighting AI is content after all. "Herp derp all the timers are at the same time"
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