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Civil War Tester
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Everything posted by LAVA

  1. My fleet sinks 11 ships and captures a 5 rate and the 2 target merchants earning me 110,000 supplies. A pretty heavy cost though as I lose one of my best Captains and 3 other fine officers.
  2. We sink 8 and capture 4, including the 3 target merchants earning 155,000 gold in supplies. A long video as completing the mission is based much more on seamanship than gunnery.
  3. My marines and sailors take up a defensive position and hold the position until our enemy emolliates themselves trying to take the objective.
  4. We annihilate the Danish fleet at the Battle of Camperdown sinking 6 ships and capturing 7 (1 First Rate, 1 2nd Rate, 2 3rd Rates and 3 5th Rates). A double ration of rum for everyone!
  5. Nelson attacks the Danish fleet and destroys it. It comes at price though as we lose the 3rd rates Vanguard and Agamemnon. We do capture a 2nd and 3rd rate during the battle and I find 3 new 3rd rates added to my fleet in port. Not my best battle. Two times speed was a bit much for me to handle as ships go aground (as they did in the actual battle) and though I am repairing my ships I was unable to properly handle the type of shot for my cannons. Nevertheless an exciting battle to play.
  6. This is a basic sailing tutorial for those who aren't used to playing sailing games. It takes a bit of practice, but once you understand the basics, it is really fun.
  7. This is the most comprehensive harbor to date. I bring 2 new ships into my fleet, get all my crews to 3 star status, go through officer selection, replacing a lost marine unit, change some guns, and add a repair module to my new ships. Very expensive... but worth it!
  8. In part 2, I secure the objectives and win the battle.
  9. In part one I destroy the forts cannon, land my marines, capture 2 supply wagons, more towards our first objective and take a supply point to fill up the captured wagons. A long video with not a lot of action...
  10. Though we win the battle and capture 3 ships, we take lots of damage with Victory losing her aft mast. Could have been worse as I lost track of one my 3rd rates and she therefore joined the battle late. Big thanks to a couple more folks who subscribed to my channel and to everyone who enjoys the videos!
  11. At the Battle of Cape St. Vincent we capture two 2nd Rate Ships of the Line, and a 4th and 5th Rate Frigate. As an award, HMS Victory becomes part of our squadron... and Nelson smiles!
  12. I capture the merchant Coventry and a frigate, land my marines to take the harbor and then throw up my hands as my 2 star units are getting shredded by 1 stars and say "That's good enough." On to the Battle of Cape St. Vincent!
  13. Nelson notches up another glorious victory capturing a 3rd rate, a 4th rate and 8 merchants.
  14. With 2 new 3rd Rates under my command we meet the French at the Battle of Grand Hiver. A brutal battle, we capture several of their ships including the 3rd Rate Audacieux.
  15. I flank the enemy position, take the city, attack one of the forts from behind and then wait for the rest of the enemy to attack me at the city... where I slaughter them. An easy battle if you don't frontally assault forts sitting on tops of mountains.
  16. Here is another harbor video showing how I prepare my fleet and Marine Corps for the land battle of Corsica.
  17. The 3rd Rate HMS Agamemnon makes her debut in the Escape from Toulon and captures 2 ships. A fairly short and very sharp battle with 2 French warships suffering catastrophic damage. Really fun battle!
  18. With the Republican assault destroyed, our marines flank the Republican defensive positions to win the battle.
  19. We send in the Marines to support the French Royalists at Toulon. In Part 1 we hold the line against the Republicans seeming endless attacks.
  20. With the help of 2 fire ships I annihilate the enemy fleet. It is a bitter sweet victory though as I am unable to capture any of their frigates and have to do with a large merchant.
  21. In this video I save the Blackpool and capture the USS freedom. With plenty of time, we get a bunch of sailing practice and a little gunnery practice as well. Don't be fooled by the Capture Fisher's House Message. I believe you can just run away from this battle and win a bunch of money. The winds in my favor, however, so fight the enemies lead element and manage to capture a frigate. Then it is time to get away from those 3rd rates pressing down on me...
  22. Hi folks! In this tutorial I will be looking at the relationship between the Admiralty and your Career. The focus will be on officer selection, training and career points. I will also be looking at how you optimize buying and selling items such as ships and weapons.
  23. I lose some good officers and men in the capture of Savannah. All my Marine Corps units survive! Our mortar proved it's worth killing over 500 men and gaining a second star. Notice how I kept my ship Captains out of the fight. Losing them would really hurt and be difficult to replace. 3 more subscribers! Hope you enjoy more of my videos in the future.
  24. This is an in-depth video on what I did in my harbor in preparation for the battle of Savannah. I discuss fleet management, unit creation, upgrading, perks, career points, research and my naval and Marine Corps strategic vision for the future of my campaign. Note there were a number of mistakes in the reconstruction of what I did in my Harbor during the video, but you will see how it actually came out in the video.
  25. Pretty easy action here... almost a give away. I capture 3 prizes, and the 7th Rate Brig HMS Pearl and 1000 ton merchant Whitby are added to my fleet. Now to prepare for the Capture of Savannah!
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