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o Barão

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Posts posted by o Barão

  1. 9 hours ago, Velhelm Von Marrius said:

    So you liked the way before where once again it was an even more significant monopoly where in most cases a few people in the controlling nation had access to a steady source while others had to use alts to out bid, find them in chests, hope they can salvage off sunk ships, etc? Wrong. I didn't like the way before and I also don't like the new way. If a game doesn't give fair chances to all players but only to a few the game is always condemned to fail, and die. Is dead already anyway.  


    IMO to save the game and make interesting to all this should be implemented:

    Make big area around the capital ports without pvp . This would make new players safe to sail, fight pve and do some trading around the capital ports without problems. 

    Add 4 different ports. Capital ports ( no pvp ) neighbor capital ports where all players could do port battles against AI ( capturing or defending against AI fleets ), neutral ports where only clans could capture and resources ports. Resources ports could not be captured but is where the players would find the most valuable items to trade . This resources ports would be the new pvp main areas.

    To bring balance to the game economy. All DLC ships are blue and all ships produced would have 3 durability.

     -As a bonus to the pirates faction: pirates would be limited to sail in 4th rates, pirates capital ports would be around Nassau, pirates could attack other pirates outside the capital waters, pirates would have access to secret hideouts and pirates would have acess to a raiding port mechanic.


    Now with this we are talking about a fun game balance to all. What you have now is nothing only a dead game.


  2. " It surely does give nations a chance to get access to such goods like Cartagena that was monopolized by few individuals before unless there was a random drop or chest. Also giving the port owners control of who has access to these goods is much appreciated."

    Interesting that first you mentioned that is good because it's going to end with the monopoly just to add in the end that is good to give the monopoly to a few players playing in the big clans. Continue adding this handicap features to the solo players or players in small clans and the game is going to die. It is almost dead anyway.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Routan said:

    Well we dont have to have RvR for all ports We could split it up in to areas .

    - Those close to Capitol can only be taken by players of the nation.

    - Important ressource port can’t be captured.

    - Some ports that can be taken by players, but not be defended by players

    - Maybr 40-50 ports players can fight over against other players.

    "- Important resource port can’t be captured." But  can be looted. Your idea is cool i just wanted to add this little detail. To add a chance for the players not to capture a "resource port" but instead to attack to loot the resources from the port as a prize. Of course a cooldown time is needed to prevent the same port to be looted every week.

  4. 1 hour ago, Norfolk nChance said:

    @no one

    I just think any form of PvP in a PvE environment will not be allowed. I’ve pointed out a few times now that the Dev’s won’t budge on this issue. No matter how appealing it is... I agree


    The closest I got was the Smuggler Flag system welcoming all. Even just open to AI aggression was a no.

    The Co-Op EPIC, missions against AI is the only path. At Battle Instance even friendly fire is impossible. PORT BATTLE Co-Op from an attack against AI defenders or vice versa I really would like to see. And should be possible...

    The reason why the Dev’s won’t allow ANY form of PvP on the PvE Server is consensual manipulation. Forcing another player into a PvP Instance against his wishes. Whatever system from flags to Duels no matter how water tight will be still not looked at.

    Co-Op helps you to learn to fight as a single unit. It will help with PvP, but to learn PvP you must be on that server...



    This is what confuses me. Why do the devs keep pushing us to the pvp server if it is the pvp server that is killing the game? The devs don't want players in their game? They don't want to see the players happy and spend some money? What i am suggesting are simple mechanics that would bring more players to the game but instead they prefer to force them to go to the pvp server , have a terrible experience and quit playing.


    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, Bull Hull said:

    But the sad reality is that the developers don't want to empower players with reasonable choices because they really don't care about satisfying as many players as they can satisfy.  They want to manipulate us into an artificial and arbitrary false dichotomy of either hard core PvE or PvP with little room for any other styles in between that continuum of player styles and player preferences.

    Well said.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Routan said:

    That does not mean that it can’t happend. All it takes is that devs say they are going to implement it along the Road. Lots of games but new content in to a running game. They can make them 5 € dlc. 


    True but if they do don't expect to be anytime soon. Exploration idea was already deleted by the devs. They are a small team. Only 2 or 3 persons if i am not mistaken so you can't expect too many features to be added to the game.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Jean de la Rochelle said:

    No, do not let it be player driven, nor let anyone choose which port to attack. Keep player decisions a 100% out of it. Who knows, maybe someone has their outpost  and assets in a certain port there so their peace would be ruined. True. This is probaly the best option.

    Make it so that there are 3-5 designated ports, spread out in the Caribbean so everyone can reach it from their capital, and there's always going to be a port battle event at certain times (one event for each major time zone). Those ports don't switch faction after the battle, nobody decides on them, the only goal is to have a port battle event there without any consequences for the map.

    No factions fight against each other there, you simply choose if you want to defend or attack and the AI will balance out the battle. No matter which faction you belong to, port battle fun for everyone without any changes to the map and no player driven events. Yes it could be done that way.  From my understading you would want to create a port battle event where all players from all nations could join and have a big battle between team A and team B. Cool.


    I think the PVP flag is a good idea, but then we all have to go search for each other again. Just bring on SOLO (No GROUP) patrol zones, so everybody knows where to go to for a proper duel. Yes solo patrol zones are a much better idea but you could also have group patrol zones.


    No. AI aggression could be annoying like hell. No general AI aggression, BUT ... in Sid Meier's Pirates you had two hunter ships spawn once you had a mission which tried to attack the ship you had to escort. Similarly I could imagine that hunter ships would try to engage you, once you pull a certain mission, a a passenger delivery or escort mission. Those AI ships may engage.

    Also in Sid Meier's Pirates you occasionally had an extra powerful Pirate Hunter spawn, if you attacked too many ships of a faction. An extra mission like this would be fun and rewarding, defeating a Pirate Hunter giving extra bonus or a special ship if you manage to board him. But you would need to have some reputation system with the AI on PVE.

    So after reading my idea about AI agression you still think it could be annoying to hell? This is the part i don't understand . You can't be attacked close to your ports, only pirate AI ships can attack you in the open sea and you only would get some challenge if you were sailing close to an enemy port. I fail to understand why this can be annoying to hell. Can you explain why?

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and i want to add a +1 for reading the ideas before.

  8. 3 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    1.  Leave it 10 ships, we don't have many clans or groups that can do 20 vs 20 fights right now and well other than shallow waters when was the last time you seen something so big?

    2.   The only way I can see PvP to work on Peace server is flags.  You have a PvP flag and can only attack other folks with PvP flags.  Any one else can't be attacked or can't attack you.  That makes it mutual consent for all parties.

    3.   They keep saying they will bring AI aggression but the Hard core PvP guys keep complaining they don't want to fight dump AI.  Well guess what half the guys that farm aren't any better than AI so what is the difference?  That you destroyed a players ship and put him back a week or two?  Really think they just want to troll other players and never fight each other.   


    To be honest with the direction they are going with the War server and there not being any in the middle option for the average causal players I really don't give a crap about the War Server any more if there could be an option that interest more players.  It just will show that hard core PvP is not what the majority of the players want.  

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts Texas.


    You are the second person that comment here that failed to understand what i said. Now this can be because: a) people are reading only the headlines  and not reading the idea or b) my english is so terrible that i failed to express my ideas.


    Now talking about the port battles where you completely failed to understand my idea. You said and quote: "Leave it 10 ships, we don't have many clans or groups that can do 20 vs 20 fights right now and well other than shallow waters when was the last time you seen something so big?

    If you had read and understand my idea you would know that:

    a) My idea about port battles doens't care about clans or groups.

    b) The port battles are open to everybody that wants to fight them.

    c) Doens't matter how many players go to fight the game will always respawn AI ships if needed.

    You can have a port battle with only 3 players in the team A and only 1 player in the team B that before the battle starts the game will respawn AI ships to both teams. So doens't matter how many players are there it is going to be always 20 vs 20 epic fun battles every weekend.


    About your pvp idea.  Imagine that you are sailing in the OW with the pvp flag how many players you think you would see using the pvp flag? I am going to give you the answer. Zero. 99% of the players would have any reason to use that flag. The only thing you could do is going to the global chat and ask if anyone was interested in doing some pvp. Doens't work your idea.


    Instead read my idea again.

    a) Create 2 patrol zones where pvp is allowed. One solo pvp patrol. One open to all patrol.

    b) No need any flag. if players are interesting they could simple sail there to fight.

    c) If there is no player to fight no problem. You are in a patrol zone and you will get amazing rewards for killing AI.

    This idea is so simple and effective. Doens't interfere with the pve players that are not interested in pvp and there is no need to sail around the OW wasting time in searching  a ghost. You simple go to the patrol zone and have some pvp fun.

  9. 1 hour ago, Macjimm said:

    I think you are confusing the PvE server with the PvP server.   The changes you are describing may seem reasonable to you,  but they are drastic and will impact the very foundation of the PvE server.  Some players just want to have fun and may not want to have other's ideas forced on them.

    Peace server = Calm, tranquility, relaxation. All nations are at peace.  There are no port battles.  There is no conquest..  There is no piracy or privateering.  The peace server is perfect for friendly. peaceful gameplay.

    What you propose will alter the very essence of the Peace server, and may attract the wrong type of player.  It would be easier to change the War server, or introduce a separate server. 

    It is perfectly okay  for some players to enjoy a game that is NOT focused on someone else's form of excitement.   Save the peace server.  Don't wreck it for those who enjoy it.



    First i want to thank you for sharing your thoughts.


    I found your post very interesting since almost everything you are saying i would do to the pve server if i could of course , is fake. Now this can be because english is not my native language so maybe i failed to express my ideas in good way. If that is the case i apologize.


    You said and i quote: " The changes you are describing may seem reasonable to you,  but they are drastic and will impact the very foundation of the PvE server.  Some players just want to have fun and may not want to have other's ideas forced on them." and "Save the peace server.  Don't wreck it for those who enjoy it."

    This is the interesting part. Almost 95% of the things i suggested to be implemented in the pve server will not interfere with your current gameplay in the server.

    1. You are not forced to fight the port battles. You fight them if you wish. What i suggested is to have always a big battle in the weekend for the players just to have fun. if your faction capture or defend a port that is not the most important thing. If you don't like to have fun in fighting big battles , ok no problem do what you want. But many other players would like to have that option if possible. In the end port battles wouldn't interfere with your gameplay.


    2. You maybe didn't read what i said about pvp and so maybe you are making a big confusion. I will explain again. There is no pvp in the OW. Simple as that. You are safe. What i was suggesting was to create some patrol zones where pvp is allowed. Again you are not forced to go there , no one will attack you outside the patrol zone , no gank squads are going to chase you in the OW. Nothing. You are 100% safe. Again same story. This suggestions is to bring more options to the server . Players can become bored sometimes and maybe they could want  to fight another players just for fun. This is why i suggested this, fun. In the end will not interfere with your gameplay.


    3. About the Ai agression. This is the only thing it can interfere a little to your gameplay and is just a little. I said that near your friendly ports no Ai will attack you. You are 100% safe. And this is what most pve players do. They go out to fight some battle against AI, have fun and logout. In the open sea i said that only pirate warships would attack you in certain conditions. I ask you this. How many times did you saw an AI pirate ships in the open sea? Probaly not many times. Now the only part it will interfere with your gameplay is if you are staying near an enemy port. The only thing. That is what ? Between 1% or 5% of your time playing the game in the pve server?


    Now take all this i told you and answer me.

    a) Am i trying to destroy your gameplay in the pve server?

    b) I am in fact suggesting to bring more options for players having fun in the game?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Bragan Benigaris said:

    Regarding the port battles i would implement them only as player-vs-AI battles, something we already have on war server if a neutral port is attacked. The capturing nation (the players) should keep the port for a fixed time, for example for 2 weeks (4 weeks, one month, choose one) and after this time it automatically goes back to neutral during maintenance. Next chance for clans and nations to capture it and this keeps the map dynamically.


    * player could capture only neutral ports
    * battles only against AI
    * ports go neutral again after certain time

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


    Cool. Yes it could be done that way.  Any system that brings port battles to the pve server would be great since we don't have anything atm. It's stupid  looking to the map and see all those neutral ports. I want to add that looking to the poll atm i see a lot downvotes about the AI agression. The AI agression i propose was a very light system that would only give some challenge in particular scenarios still from what i see, players don't want anything that could harm the relax experience in the pve server. So i understand very well why you and probably many others would like to see port battles only against AI.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Teutonic said:

    I mean yes?

    The biggest issue is that if the peace server got these 3 points then that would really be the end of the war server :P.

    Probaly yes and the main reason would be the fact the pvp server doens't give the experience most players wants. Yes it can be great for the big players that plays with the big clans but for the average joe, solo players and new players, the gameplay they get inside the pvp server can be a lot different they were expecting.

    Please consider the fact that is not my intention to kill the pvp server. If the gameplay inside the pvp server was more balanced and fun to all i would never considered in making this poll. But my time inside the game told me that what the devs want inside the pvp server is far away what i could expect from this game. Luckily they gave us the pve server so i can always suggest a different game experience to this server that will please the majority.

    • Like 1
  12. 1- Let's add port battles to the pve server however with different mechanics. In the pve server it would be the faction king ( AI or the devs or it could be the players voting during the week ) that would pick one port per week for each nation to try to capture. Every port battle would always happen at the weekend in a specific hour and would be open for battle for 1 minute. Now what would make this more interesting to the players? To be guaranteed to always have a big battle. To capture or defend a port can be great of course but the idea behind this is to give all players once per week the fun to be part of a big battle if they wish. So how could make it work?


            - Every port battle would have 20 vs 20 ships battle.

            - Doens't matter how many players are in each side. The game will always respawn AI ships in the beginning after the first minute so both teams start the battle with a similar BR and 20 ships in each team. 

            - If the port battle is between 2 factions , and there are players on both teams we will have pvp but only inside the port battle. 

    Possible questions:

    Why the faction King choose where is going to be the attack?

     - The reason is to not give the clans the power to choose, when , where and who can join the fight. No. Let's keep that system away from the pve server. Instead it will be open for all who wants to have some fun fighting a big battle. Open to all, fun to everybody. Fun to everybody translates to a great game. A great game means more players will join the server. More players in the game , more money to the devs. It is a win-win situation for everybody.

    But if 26 players from the same faction shows up and there is room only for 20?

    - The 20 player with the higher BR will join the battle.

    But only 20 players per battle can be a low number if many more players start to play in the pve server.

    - The same way your faction king choose a target for a port battle , another faction king/s can choose to attack a port from your faction. So instead of one port battle per weekend you can have two , three or four port battles happening at the same time and of course you can choose only one. This will guarantee that everybody will have the opportunity to join a port battle and have fun.


    2- Let's add solo and open to all patrol zones where pvp is allowed. Simple as that. There are no pvp in the OW of course but that doens't mean that players are not interested to participate in some pvp engagements just for fun and to win good prizes. 


    3- Let's bring AI agression to the game in a balance manner. 

    So i propose this simple mechanic:

    - 3 different situations : home waters; open sea ; enemy waters.

    - In home waters ( 30k range or less from each friendy port ) the player can't be attacked by AI.

    - In open sea the player can only be attacked by pirates AI.

    - In enemy waters ( 30k range or less from each enemy port ) the players will always be attacked by that faction AI ships.

    - Ai ships and fleets will always take into consideration the BR difference to decide if attacks or not the player.

    - Friendly AI ships near your ship will always join the battle if you are attacked.  This will bring more tactical decisions and bigger battles (more fun) to the player when sailing in enemy waters.


    With this i hope to achieve 3 things.

    - To give a relax game experience for all the players that wish to play around the home waters.

    - To give the player some exciting when sailing in the OW but not much.

    - To give those delivery missions in enemy water or if the player just want to trade in enemy waters a high risk x high reward situation that would bring a fun and exciting gameplay to the players. 


    In conclusion, 3 simple ideas , that i think are easy to implement and i believe that would make the experience in playing the pve server great and amazing fun to all.


    Please vote and share your thoughts so the devs can hear your voice. Thank you.


    Note: I apologize for my poor english, is not my native language.😆

    • Like 3
  13. 19 hours ago, Meraun said:

    Low Risk? i attack every Player Trader i see and i get attacked by ever Player if iam in a Trader.  I'am not saying tahts a problem its a PvP server. But low risk is defently wrong. After Release, once to Playersnumbers hopefully go up again,  you wont be able to sail a long Trip without beeing attacked. So low risk its not

    Yes it is low risk. Unless you are sailing close to land  it is low risk i don't understand your problem in this. I returned to NA this week and decided to try those delivery missions. I made 700k in 2 hours. Quick money & doubloons. The only thing i need to be careful was planning my route to deliver the goods. Sailing far away from the coast, using triangulation to know more or less where i was. Get in ( pick more delivery missions for the return trip ) and get out. And if i was caught and sunk what is the problem? The traders are cheap. You want anything more simple and easier mission than this?


    And i want to add that is so simple and easy that i would prefer the devs to add 10% cargo insurance to make things more interesting. You lose the cargo you lose 10% value of the cargo from your pocket. Now this would make the delivery missions more interesting.

  14. 5 hours ago, Ivan87 said:


    I like 80% PVE and 20% PVP, in PVE server I have a 100% PVE and 0% PVP. I think there are more players in my situation. The PVE server needs PVP under the consent of the players:

    - A port where one day a week there is a PB and the players of all the factions can go to fight (there could be more weekly battles if there are many interested players).

    - A PVP combat zone (like the patrol zone 1vs1). Whoever wants to fight can go and have fun. With those the PVE server would be perfect.


    2 minutes ago, Mr. Doran said:

    Add a custom lobby and duel room to the PVE server and you will never see my face again on PVP.

    I suggested the solo and open to all patrol zones not just because they already exists in the pvp server ( so easy to implement in the pve server ) but to give the players interested to try win great rewards. Different systems but same goal in the end. And yes of course if we had this on the pve server i would say goodbye to the pvp server.

    • Like 1
  15. 11 hours ago, Ligatorswe said:

    I dont play on PVE server much but i think that proposals 1 and 2 are excellent. VERY good!

    Proposal 3 is one i am against. PVE should be more peaceful.


    57 minutes ago, Macjimm said:

    Respectfully,  how can the Peace Server remain peaceful, relaxing  and tranquil if you introduce excitement on your terms.  Many players like the PvE server.   Perhaps you are confusing the War Server with a Peace Server.  Maybe it is best to leave the PvE server alone and let those who enjoy it continue to have fun there.  Let players have some quality of life and good gameplay.  Not everyone can afford to play the game like it's a job.  Newbies need a place that they can avoid getting ganked by NPCs.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I took some consideration about this and how could it be possible to have a balance system. A system that would keep the players safe if they wish and also a reward x risk situation if they wanted.   So i will edit the OP with an modification around AI agression . Please continue to give feedback so i can understand better how could it be done in a balanced way for everyone.


    So i propose this simple mechanic:

    - 3 different situations : home waters; open sea ; enemy waters.

    - In home waters ( 30k range or less from each friendy port ) the player can't be attacked by AI.

    - In open sea the player can only be attacked by pirates AI.

    - In enemy waters ( 30k range or less from each enemy port ) the players will always be attacked by that faction AI ships.

    - Ai ships and fleets will always take into consideration the BR difference to decide if attacks or not the player.


    With this i hope to achieve 3 things.

    - To give a relax game experience for all the players that wish to play around the home waters.

    - To give the player some exciting when sailing in the OW but not much.

    - To give those delivery missions in enemy water or if the player just want to trade in enemy waters a high risk x high reward situation that would bring a fun and exciting gameplay to the players.

    • Like 1
  16. I want to apologize in advance for my poor english. Is not my native language but i will do my best.


    Short introduction: I have one account in the pvp server and one account in the pve server , however 99.9% of the time i play only in the pvp server. The reason behind this is simple. The pve server lacks features and the exciting around the factor we all see in the pvp server. The risk vs reward factor. So i decided to compile 3 simple ideas that could make the pve server a great game.


    1- Let's add port battles to the pve server however with different mechanics. In the pve server it would be the faction king ( AI or the devs or it could be the players voting during the week ) that would pick one port per week for each nation to try to capture. Every port battle would always happen at the weekend in a specific hour and would be open for battle for 1 minute. Now what would make this more interesting to the players? To be guaranteed to always have a big battle. To capture or defend a port can be great of course but the idea behind this is to give all players once per week the fun to be part of a big battle if they wish. So how could make it work?


            - Every port battle would have 20 vs 20 ships battle.

            - Doens't matter how many players are in each side. The game will always respawn AI ships in the beginning after the first minute so both teams start the battle with a similar BR and 20 ships in each team.

            - And if a port battle is not between a faction and neutral port but between two factions if there are players in both teams of course it will have pvp but only inside the port battle , not in the OW.


    2- Let's add solo and open to all patrol zones where pvp is allowed. Simple as that. There are no pvp in the OW of course but that doens't mean that players are not interested to participate in some pvp engagements just for fun and to win good prizes.


    3- Note: This last idea is being updated based on the players feedback in a search to bring a system balanced and fun to all.

    Let's bring AI agression to the game in a balance manner.

    So i propose this simple mechanic:

    - 3 different situations : home waters; open sea ; enemy waters.

    - In home waters ( 30k range or less from each friendy port ) the player can't be attacked by AI.

    - In open sea the player can only be attacked by pirates AI.

    - In enemy waters ( 30k range or less from each enemy port ) the players will always be attacked by that faction AI ships.

    - Ai ships and fleets will always take into consideration the BR difference to decide if attacks or not the player.

    - Friendly AI ships near your ship will always join the battle.  This will bring more tactical decisions and bigger battles (more fun) to the player when sailing in enemy waters.


    With this i hope to achieve 3 things.

    - To give a relax game experience for all the players that wish to play around the home waters.

    - To give the player some exciting when sailing in the OW but not much.

    - To give those delivery missions in enemy water or if the player just want to trade in enemy waters a high risk x high reward situation that would bring a fun and exciting gameplay to the players.


    In conclusion, 3 simple ideas , that i think are easy to implement and i believe that would make the experience in playing the pve server great and amazing fun to all.


    So i ask the devs and the other members in the forum to share your thoughts about this.


    • Like 2
  17. I would like to get an answer from the devs if they plan to take in consideration this aspects in to the game before the release.


    - Diplomacy. We can expect to see some mechanic for the players decide what should be the nation diplomacy to other nations? 

    - There will be any exploration gameplay?

    - There will be a different gameplay mechanics to the pirates nation?

    -  Can the devs consider tweaking slighty the wood stats to make all interesting ?

    • Like 2
  18. 12 hours ago, CITOYEN Julien said:

    when we join a nation, we inquire about relationship with other nations and we try to respect that. it does not suit you? perfect the exit door is open

    We try to respect? What? Not attacking enemy traders just because the top clans are making profits? So your idea is to say what the new player should do or not do? Congratulations in ruining the game for other players.  I left France months ago because idiots like you.

  19. I remember 3 or 4 months ago when i start to play NA i joined the french. I met some very nice people there and unfortanely also some arrogant idiot clan leaders who are  willing to annoy the players that didn't follow some agreements with other clan nations. Well time move on. Your alliance with the dutch doesn't exist anymore. The english grow up and started to take arms against you.  Other nations noticed that the french weren't that powerfull anymore and now all wants a piece of land in the french waters. In my country there is an expression "who sows the wind harvests storms" so i think what is happening to you guys is all fair.


    But don't worry about . The new patch is here and now the teleports are hello kittyed up, in fact  i think all the game is hello kittyed atm. So if you guys want a chance to take the ports you lost now is the time to unite and take on arms.

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  20. 10 hours ago, Storm Crow said:



    I have no problem with pirates trading at the ports captured by XXXXX. The only issue I have is that I put a lot of time and effort into capturing and holding a specific trade port which I am currently making very little profit from because @no one decided he needs to trade at that port in particular as opposed to the others, some currently held by XXXXX, which I suggested he trade at instead. 

    It is this reason only that I think clans which put in the effort to capture ports should be able to profit from those ports. 

    Sure let's make a deal . You trade in another port and leave me there alone. How about that?😂

  21. 46 minutes ago, Storm Crow said:


    My suggestion to solve this problem is:

    1. Members of the capturing clan and those clans on the capturing clan's friendly clan list can set "buy" contracts in the port. For everyone else, entry to the port is not restricted nor is the use of the port in any way. The only restriction is the ability to place "buy" contracts. So basically all the new players that join the nation will understand in a few days that if they don't join one of the 5 top clans that already dominate the map they are F-U-C-K-E-D. Congratulations Sherlock you won the DUMB prize of the year.

    2. Taxes can be set anywhere up to 100%. Sure of course so it could be only you to buy anything . I already understood you have mental problems , but tell me you understand that this is a multiplayer game and not your private backyard?

    I don't think we need to move away from the nation based system any more than this. After all, my clan captures ports with the intent of furthering the pirate nation as a whole. Now is the pirate faction as a whole? Strange when you see another pirate buying stuff in your ports you go FULL RETARD in your actions.

    I am not looking for a way to hinder the commerce of my nation as a whole, but instead to help those who contribute to reap the benefits of their effort, encourage others to take part in conquests, and limit the negative effects of leaches such as @no oneAnd then after you mentioned "I am not looking for a way to hinder the commerce of my nation as a whole" we just need to see your two suggestions to know how hypocrite  you are and to understand that you want all the money for yourself.

    By the way i am just curious. How in the hell an active veteran player like you only have 2 posts? For an arrogant idiot that accused me of being an ALT well what a suprise. Tell me who the F-U-C-K are you? 


  22. 2 hours ago, Storm Crow said:

    I will elaborate on this issue. XXXXX captured a trade port. We put a timer on the port. We've applied the "trading company lvl 2" perk to the port. We've defended the port multiple times (stopping hostility attempts). This allowed myself to trade at the port and contribute the profits to the clan warehouse to cover the cost of the timer and trading company; your costs your problems not mine a cost the taxes don't come close to covering on their own.Of course they don't cover you don't let anyone buy in the port DUH!!Then about a week ago a player, [no one], a raider from some clan I've never heard of nor someone I've ever seen helping with any sort of RvR, one day decided "I want to trade at that port". Again i am going to explain the situation. We are a group of portuguese players that played for different factions and we decided to join all together in the pirates factions to do stuff together the same way you do with your friends and clanmates. I was the first to arrive to set the foundations of the clan. That is why you never saw me helping anything . Well in fact i was there yesterday helping defending your port Arenas. Me and my clanmate Reaper and many spanish players and 2 british were there defending your port  , the irony was i didn't saw you or any other XXXXX clan member defending the port. But let's forget my background and imagine that i am a new player in game sailing in  a basic cutter.  Who are you to tell the newbie or any other player what to do or not to do? Who are you to ruin a newbie experience in the game? This is not your game . Stop being disrespectul to the other players. And let's not forgot you accused me of being an ALT and you thought i was lying when i talked my clanmates were arriving in a few days. Very well now you pay the price for your arrogance. So he suggests that he buy half the trade goods at the port and I buy the other half, cutting my clans profits in half while the cost of the port stays the same. This is somehow a "fair" agreement in his mind. And it was a very good offer . I was so nice to you and you still thought you could have it all. Now if you want you will pay BIG money and your profits will be shit.  That is what you gained in being disrespectul to the others. 

    Since then I've suggested other trade ports for him to trade at. Again who are you to telling how the others should play the game? Ones owned by XXXXX which I know are not being currently used. I've even offered to one of their clan leaders, ReaperpT, that XXXXX would capture a trade port of their choosing for their clan to use. To this the response was, "how about you stop being a little child worry less about pve and really start helping the nation doing pvp". And i think he is right. In the end it was me and him from the pirates who were there defending your port yesterday.

    I suggest this whole situation shows that clans which capture ports need more control over those ports. Nope. You still didn't understand that this is not your exclusive playground. I am going to repeat again why it doesn't work.

    Imagine if all the clans had the monopoly of its resources, what would happen? The other players  wouldn't get the chance of trading anything outside the capital region. The game would be already dead for them , and Naval Action would be a dead game in a few months, lacking players .

    Second the players that owns a port they would be limited to trade only in the capital region and around their port/s. So again you are limiting their actions in the map to make profit for trading.  

    In both situations you are ruining the game to most all players just because you want your clan to have the monopoly. You ruin the game for most players and because of this you would kill  NA game.


    Tomorrow arrives another player to the clan. His name is Cabral and is our diplomat. I suggest you if you want to talk , talk to him and stop harrassing us in the chat. Now open very well your eyes to see what is going to happen to the shop. You will regret so much for not accepting my offer. 


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