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o Barão

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Posts posted by o Barão

  1. 45 minutes ago, Shaftoe said:

    I disagree. In fact, it does make sense.

    From a long range, a large destroyer/destroyer leader may appear to be the same size and shape as a light cruiser, so "small" and "medium" categories simly don't work. In fact, such misidentifications happened historically. Remember the case of Bismarck and Prinz Eugen - a "large" battleship being confused with a "medium" cruiser, just because they had similar silhouettes.

    So, obviously, your idea don't meet the fidelity requirements set for this intended-to-be-realistic game. 

    Yes but the problem with the game mechanics is that you can teleport your camera to the target ship. So if you see "CA" above an DD you cleary understand what is right. However if you see " Medium" above a cruiser you don't know if is a light cruiser or a heavy cruiser.

    IMO it would be a better compromise between reality and gameplay.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Shaftoe said:

    I want players to be able to set hull classification for enemy ships manually. I am quite tired of seeing "CA" and "BC" marks on battleships. In fact, if player correctly identifies ship type, then the game should identify them faster than it would otherwise take. This is how it works in Cold Waters, and it worked well there.

    i would prefer to see in game "Large" for BB and BC , "Medium" for cruisers and "light" for DDs and torpedo boats. it seems odd to see "CA" as an example above an enemy dd. Doens't make any sense.

  3. 10 hours ago, Shaftoe said:

    DDs just throw super torpedo spreads at you. Super-armored BB, even equipped with the best engine tech, just can't stay close to enemy BBs long enough to get the job done. Sooner or later, another torpedo spread gets you. I assume that, with some luck, it might work - after all luck is an essential part of any successful rush... But my point was: luck shouldn't be a major factor.

    You are right. I did some testing and it is just to hard now to hit those dds. I manage to sink the dds without getting hit by a torpedo doing circles but doens't always work so it is luck i guess and is just stupid to watch the BB doing an circle for the most part of the battle.

    Interesting the torpedo Banzai mission now is easy to do. The accuracy needs a buff to hit those dds if they get to close.

  4. 18 inch belt armor ; 18 inch belt armor extended.

    14 inch deck armor; 14 inch deck armor extended.

    Ignore the barbettes and citadel upgrades.

    Rush the enemy  at flank speed until you are around 15km away from the enemy BBs. At this range you are invincible against their guns except the super BBS that is coming.

    Zig Zag to avoid torpedoes.


    I didn't tried this mission with the new update. Probaly is going to be very difficult now to kill those dds with the secondaries now.



  5. 21 hours ago, DougToss said:

    I don't understand why hull and superstructure casemates or barbettes are part of the ship model and not procedural. As it stands now the ports are jarring if either open and unused or worse not present when they could be useful. 


    Because , and i may be wrong about this one, but it seems a lot easier to design a hull ( and the variants in size ) with specific points to install weapons. Procedural design would need more skill and hard work from the devs to make it work right and at the same time you coudn't make a procedural design to satisfy all the nations differences. As an example is to compare the casemates from  the french dreadnoughts to the british. They are different so you would need different procedural designs to make them look similar to the designs from that period.

    I think with time , adding more hulls and variety the need for procedural designs is going to vanish.

  6. 46 minutes ago, Sapier said:

    I'm new to the game but have been playing a lot since I got the game on Sunday.  I don't know if I am missing something or if it's just not implemented yet but I would appreciate a way to stop the lead ships in a squadron auto changing when it takes a hit.  I was driving a squad of 3 fast destroyers into torpedo range of a BB escorted by DD's, I was dodging the torps from the DD's on the way in when the lead ship took a shell hit (about 25% damage, slight flooding but otherwise ok) and I suddenly lost control of the ship and it turned directly into 3 torps I would otherwise have not hit.  If I had realized in time I may have been able to pause, detach, and dodge but I only had a few seconds.

    So, I would like it if the game auto paused when it makes a change as to the ship you are controlling, or the ability to disable the auto change or make it so that when the AI takes over a ship it doesn't turn into the path of an incoming torpedo spread.

    You can detach all ships from the division in the beginning to prevent this behavior. Now instead a squad of 3 dds you will have 3 dds acting solo but close together if you want. Is not a perfect solution but works.

  7. 1 hour ago, Wowzery said:

    Played a custom game, and gave the enemy a battlecrusier and two destroyers.  Both destroyers followed the battlecruiser the entire game until it sank.  So while the DDs didn't rush up the middle, they were just as useless in a long range battle.

    First i must say it was watching videos from you and others on youtube that made me to buy this game so thank you. :)


    When i was talking "If you set the divisions to AI they will rush the enemy right in the middle " i was mentioning the AI behaviour on this new academy missions with many dds. Sadly there is no way to turn the division to AI and send them to attack from a particular direction so they all rush the middle until they spot the enemy fleet making them easy targets to incoming torpedos.

    Also doing a few more tests where i set all my divisions to the AI and just watching their behaviour to understand the mechanics i also found that is not always they will try to evade the incoming torpedoes. Sometimes they will continue to sail in a straight line until they got hit by a torpedo and sunk. And i am talking about dds equipped with sonar. 😕


    So yes there are some big problems with the AI behaviour in this game.


    - Ships should always try to to evade incoming torpedoes if they know about their presence. And i am talking ships from the AI divisions and also controlled by humans.

    - A tactical map feature is needed in game where we as an admiral could give orders to AI divisions to where they should move.

    - A 3 option AI behaviour switch for each division would be nice. This options would be. Scout/kite ; neutral ; Agressive/pursuit.

    - When the leading ship takes enough damage , he will make a an 180 degree turn to go to the end of the line. The problem with this is AI can do that turn in the side that is near the enemy making it easier to get hit. Should be always the opposite side if possible.

    - AI should not wait to spot the torpedos to start the evading maneuvers. AI should expect that a torpedo attack is probaly coming and should change course from time to time if he (AI) knows is in range from a torpedo attack. This would make battles against AI more difficult/fun.



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  8. 19 hours ago, Bluishdoor76 said:

    There is , you have the speed bar, direction bar and for ships you arent currently controlling theres a button that sets them to AI controlled and guess what, the AI will automatically dodge torpedoes.

    This is complete nonsense and the reason why i said this is how AI handle battle formations and strategy plans. In a short answer AI doens't have clue what it needs to do. The best example i can give you is with the new academy missions where you have battles where you controling around 20 destroyers.

    If you set the divisions to AI they will rush the enemy right in the middle making it easy for the enemy to get some torpedos hits and create some crazy traffic with ships ramming each other , ships losing touch with the division because other ships are crossing is path. Complete chaos.

    Now if i am controlling all the 5 dds divisions i will always want them to come from 5 different directions at the same time. It is impossible to keep my eyes  open and babysitting all divisions at the same time not only that have you ever tried to save a ship that is not leading the division from a torpedo attack? good luck . You need to quickly detach the ship , make a sharp turn and then organize everything again. Now imagine this with 20 dds.

    And other thing , why is the AI divisions automatically dodge and not my divisions? Do you think the captain of the ship would call the admiral in the middle of the battle asking permission to leave the formation  because is going to get hit by torpedos?

    So what you are saying is only somewhat reasonable if you have only 1 division in battle and i would still think is complete nonsense since if you have a battle that could go long for hours and you need to play in real time just to have time to react and make the sharp turn  for that moment the torpedos are spotted.

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/25/2019 at 8:00 AM, admin said:

    Peace server players requested port battles, requested investment, requested taxation and asked for Fair PVP.
    Peace they got it all and got the Loki Rune (the NPC prayer to gods to help them).

    Months ago i suggested a different PB mechanic for pve. PBs 20 vs 20 where doens't matter how many players are in the battle the game would always fill the ranks on both sides with AI ships  . This would be better IMO because doens't matter if the player is alone or in a small clan or there are 20 players , the game would always create a 20 vs 20 epic battle for the players who were interested to have fun. That being said i am pleased to see you are trying to bring new life to the pve server.


    However i need to ask this. Did you changed idea about having an AI agression on the OW in the pve server? I am still waiting for this feature.



  10. 52 minutes ago, McHackou said:

    First of all thx for the new paints so far, they look great!

    I would love to see a "normal navy" paint, for example sicilly or checker for the pirate frigate.

    One more request, please keep it "historical" don't get too creative as some request... its bad enough in other games to see pink tanks or shite like that!

    We already have a paint with dark grey sails :(


    And yes I would love to see more historical skins , like for example the "white Santissima Trinidad" and the first paint used in the victory.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Audacious said:

    Double Shot + Penetration Mod + Reload Mod + Short range and you will eat 3rd rates in a frigate. 

    I already eat 3rd rates in a frigate without those mods. I see many player talking here in the forum, and i am glad that they are interested in sharing opinions but still no one came here to explain the exact values for the double charge vs double shot . I am still hoping for some dev to came here and explain to all of us.:(

  12. I ask this because when using the tooltip and hover above the double charge it shows: "More damage to the hull." However if i hover the double shot it shows: "15% more more damage than the round shot" & " More damage to the hull." So i am a little confused since i always thought the double charge didn't increase the damage.


    -So reading this i can assume that: The double shot increases 15% more damage than the regular shot if is used against masts; less damage against sails/crew but 15% more damage + an unknown value(X) if is used against the hull? So it could be something like 25% bonus in damage?


    -So reading this i can assume that double charge: Can increase a X% value in damge to the hull? What would be the value for X?


    Can the devs tell me what would be the right numbers for each situation and please improve the tooltip to make the information more easy to understand?



  13. Interesting to see this post now 


    The Bridgetown operation was a major Dutch cohesion test to see what we were capable to do together and to understand our communication problems, and there are some problems. Many different clans with players from many nations lead to some problems, however it was very good experience . Now we know what needs to improve and will do what it needs to solve our issues.


    To the French players , understand it was decided by the Dutch council in the day we raised hostility that we wouldn't go for Bridgetown. It isn't our intention to kill a nation already in the first weeks. This is a game with shit balance mechanics ( blame the devs , not the players ) but we are looking to do RvR , and have FUN doing that against opponents in the same league. 


    Now I must add it was very interesting to us see how the other nations/clans behaved , specially  the BAIT clan. Interesting to know, when we already had discarded "La Navasse".

    • Like 5
  14. 11 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    I don't mind the crew money sink at all, but limiting the amount of time you can spend at sea with provisions/ammo is a very bad idea.  With the size of our map and limited outposts, you would be tying players close to home.  A definite loss of content for all.

    He didn't detailed the limits in numbers.

    As an example:

    A ship with the magazine full could translate to 3 hours using the cannons. 

    A ship with full provisions could translate to 3 hours sailing in the OW without the need to dock to replenish.

    In both scenarios would be enough for a comfortable gameplay.


    What I don't like about this idea is to force all players when returning to a port to waste time looking to more numbers and to make more clicks. I think is not worth it from a gameplay perspective just to bring more depth in realism.


    • Like 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, o7Captain said:

    Hello, id just like to point out that in my opinion rewards for these missions are way too high, you can get lots of money without any risk. Also these missions make actual trading dead. And what more, these missions favour using alts for doing afk these missions and farming lots of money, breaking the economy. So my solution is either to reduce reward for these missions or make profit of selling normal trading goods bigger for like 30%.

    I suggested some time ago to have an insurance policy for this missions.


    As an example, you have a cargo mission that gives you 170k , you would need to pay in advance 10% the cargo value to have that mission available to you. In this case 17k.

    When you complete the mission the player would get the 170k plus 17k from the insurance. If the player fails to deliver he will lose the insurance. A risk X reward situation.


    Add around 20% +/- more profits from trading and IMO we would get a more balanced system to all.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Crimson Sunrise said:

    portuguese nation isnt currently part of the 11 nations in NA atm


    1 hour ago, Crimson Sunrise said:

    i would assume if this idea gets used more national flags can be added in without a whole lot of coding or fixing needed which would put less strain on the devs 

    The moment you are defending the idea to use only 5 nations but with the possibility to add flags from other nations there is no real limit anymore. More nations flags could help with more players coming to NA.

    So with this in mind:

    -Portuguese empire



    -Ottoman empire

    -Berbers pirate 

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