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Posts posted by Knuddel

  1. But its Funny anyway, that they have not Finaliezed the Realease.

    RNG Boarding end of Battle sunken ships (The one which leaves First survives) my post got dealeted... They told that they will fix it. So they dont, they just deleated the Post... yeap to write you under those conditions is very unproductiv. That is btw the reason while your community doesnt like you. Dont give informations,  Lies and all those stupid things.


    Last thing: Its ugly that Prussians can use Russian Ports and jump against us in Battles. Allieance should not aloow that.

  2. On 4/6/2019 at 5:27 AM, Georg Fromm said:

    Also ich würde recht schnell Abstand davon nehmen zu behaupten, dass Spiel geht wegen den teuren Preisen nun  den Bach runter. Dankenswerter Weise hat mich gestern Black Sails auf einen Stream von Cpt Reverse hingewiesen wo die Russen vor KPR gekämpft haben und Überraschung, mehr als 50% der russischen Schiffe  waren die nicht billige Rättvisan. 

    Problematisch wird diese Entwicklung meiner Ansicht nach vor allem dann, wenn diese Schiffe sich im Laufe der Zeit als OP erweisen. Ansonsten haben wir doch nur das, was so viele als wünschenswert dargestellt haben. Die Berufstätigen müssen ihre knappe Zeit nicht mit Schiffsbau ausfüllen, sondern sie haben nun die Möglichkeit ihre knappe Freizeit mit PvP zu verbringen, dass ja immer noch die unbestrittene Stärke von NA ist.

    Was mich als Spieler mit ganzheitlichen Ansatz stört, ist der Umstand, dass ich einen Gegner mit intakter Moral nie wirklich besiegen kann. Egal welchen Hafen ich dem Gegner wegnehme, egal was für schmerzhafte Niederlagen ich dem Gegner beibringe, am nächsten Tag stehe ich vor dem genau gleichen Problem, da er fast unabhängig von wirtschaftlicher Infrastruktur wieder auf Knopfdruck recht große Einheiten in See stechen lassen kann. Auch wenn diese Schiffe sicher nicht immer highend an Ausrüstung haben werden, so sind sie doch da.

    Es hat etwas vom Kampf gegen die Hydra, man schlägt ihr einen Kopf ab und trotzdem wächst stetig ein Kopf nach. Kämpfe ,zumal PvP, , werden bei DLC-Schiffen weitestgehend bedeutungslos, eben genau das Gleich wie in World of Warships. Aber vielleicht ist es genau dieses Konzept, auf Knopfdruck verfügbare Schiffe gepaart mit Open-World, das den Jungs Erfolg beschert. Ihr reines Lobbyspiel NA-Legends haben sie ja recht schnell wieder eingestampft.

    Freund freund: IN RU kostet die Rätwizan 7-8euro

  3. 21 minutes ago, rediii said:

    No problem, most of my guys said they get fully active again at release. (Almost noone active atm)


    Ignore people that say they stop playing with release. They are addicted, they will play again. There is no compareable game on the market in my oppinion.

    maybee no problem for u but a lot of guys which where just short able to drive first rds will also leafe. And if compareble game or not makes just a diffrents if you just want to play this gamejongre. 

    in my opinion the biggest "mistake" was lieing about the Reset of XPs. That make a ton of guys realy upset (me included)

  4. 34 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    .... I paid money for the game, twice.


    We all did, but i think thats what the Devs dont understand that they are servics provieders. I will report my Expierence with them. I think if we all (which are Pissed Off) just report our expierence the devs maybee understand that they can do this once but they will have Problems to sell there Next Lies...

    • Like 2
  5. On 5/31/2019 at 12:40 PM, admin said:

    Here is the final information on the player accounts on the launch of the game.
    Estimated launch week - 10-14th June

    A final Date would be nice to know. Or wilkl it be Secretly like NInjapatches?

    And what About Alliances? Free or Fixed?  Will we be able to ujse allied Ports? Portbonusses?

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, vazco said:


    I look especially fondly to XP reset - mainly to the fact that RUBLI's experience will be deleted as well. They were too good in this game, fighting them was often a pain in the butt. It's good that they will have to learn everything from the scratch now.

    (Ram, Moscalb, Dron441, that's mostly to you :) )



    Once you are right... secound... LOL ! :P I am crying by laughting... ( At this very bad naval action Thread) Thx

  7. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    Here is the final information on the player accounts on the launch of the game.
    Estimated launch week - 10-14th June

    War server: 

    • Full reset: 
      • Everyone starts fresh from clean slate. Only clan lists will remain intact.
      • Tutorial progress will be reset

    Peace server

    • Partial reset:
      • Rank, Crafting rank, Knoweldge slots and knowledge books will remain
      • Everything else will be wiped, and tutorial progress will be reset.
      • Compensation ships for latest server problems will be added on launch as a timed redeem

    Names are going to be kept on both servers. You will start the game with a character you had before launch, on war server he/she will have nothing, on peace server he/she will have xp, crafting xp, slots and books. Clan affiliation will remain as it was before the launch.

    That is just a Fück Up for all guys who relied on you that nothing will be whiped and  toke  part in your Egoshow(Egoshow caurse of btw Ninjapatches: Let the community figure out what we have changed thats more fun HAHA). That Whipe will just cost the Working people a disadvantadge! Time which those who dont work gives an advantadge. I am hello kittyed Up! U Lied! Otherwise i would have token that game here after 2 Hourse and Put it away till release (I asked you) ! Especialy the Shipknowledgeslots thing is just a Piss off! Give everyone 3 shipknolledgeslots! on all vessels. The genereall Xps i dont care, but that you take everything away... 


    and one fact you dont know belliefe or whatever: Those who will buy that game fresh doesnt have an idear anyway. The Players which participate longer will have anyway an advantadge. Manual sailing intuitiv... etc... 

    Thats just Pissing of those guys which zou say yourself: Thanks for Testing without you that wouldnt be possibler. Thank you too... (Just kidding)

    • Like 3
  8. On 3/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, admin said:

    I understand. but it works both ways. Boarding must be resolved, even if both ships are sinking. Once it is resolved and battle is not over they will both sink once boarding ends. 

    so a bug? caurse it wasnt like this. 1 ship survived. as you saw in a video.... 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    It is a player fleet ship. Those can be captured whatever rate :)

    he did no damadge so he didnt got that kill. 

    i had once or twice the same problem.

    i think thats a bug....

  10. One question: ai shiprouts you could just do no whipe nessesarry. why not do all that in front than call ONE wipe check it by speeding infra structure up (start with like a million and look for those who have in minutes 20 millions) + if no one have materials: life oak, white oak and teak is gona be a race to it. some nations like russia, prussia and poland need to capture towns bevor they (we) can at least set up mines and facilitys...


    so with the realese we all join gb? Wait 95% of all players are gb right now?

  11. 5 hours ago, admin said:

    HMS Pandora is the reimbursement. Its an amazing DLC that will be given for free to all accounts, and then will be maid paid and very expensive.

    And lets get things straight. We did want to keep xp and crafting xp safe until we did not. We first wanted to give veterans and advantage against new players, but now we dont. we cant, keeping that promise is bad for the game, because all players must be equal on launch. ju

    what you from my point of few underastimat is the fact, that new players are missing like know how (manual sailing etc) so objusly by killing xp you just force some players to redo there stuff. while those guys which join that game later will be told take care of yourself i need to manage my stuff first... 


    I think its better to get a helping hand from a way furter standing community than that every one is just carring for himself. 

    Material/Recaurces: whipe all start same (some players have the time to farm 10h a day others done) so at least you piss of your tester and ask them in the same sentence to keep on testing? 

    lets see what we still have in a week than i deside if i just wait full realese, or if i still have fun. 

  12. F11 report: NAB-87745
    At the end of the Carriacou PB I was in boarding with an enemy Bucentaur. We were both down to zero structure and armour, he had zero morale in the boarding, and I had all but won the boarding. However both ships were under water and technically sunk, but for the boariding. It was just before the timer ran out on the battle, and as soon as the Battle Over-message appeared we both, I assume, pressed to leave the battle. After leaving battle I was told by remaining players that my ship was sunk. Meanwhile the Bucentaur escaped the battle and was able to sail back to port. 
    Somehow the server registered his leaving before my leaving, but for all intents and purposes we must have left at the same time. 
    It makes no sense that this server RNG or ping, should decide whose ship survive battle. Given that we both were technically dead, it would make sense both players loosing our ships, but alternatively, since both were still alive at Battle Over, we should both keep our ships.
    In either case, it should be the same outcome for both players. RNG/ping deciding this is just unfair and bad gameplay. So ether both or no one should lose a ship this way. I would like to have mine back.


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