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Posts posted by Knuddel

  1. 3 minutes ago, Riot stick said:

    Why can't we just say "thank you"?!  ... and just move on...

    it is a big dissadvantage for every one who doesnt get it. So it makes the Game less atractiv for newbees. U want to take the advantadge and keep a secret about it? But have a better ship which cannt be comadetiv to others any more? Skillbased game? No just beeing lucky to get that ook or unlucky and dont get it?

  2. I can understand that u want to hornor the Players which are dieing, But to give that Book away and only for a limited time ^makes it impossible hto have fair fights for everyone who will not redeam it. NERF that Book. I mean Usualy bevor seeferkels last log to build a Repair monster I used Norher Carpenters Expert carpentry Perc, Expert carpenter handbook and Carpenter combat reports. And now u added a Book which is in total better than Both books i named bevor that. I dont want to smaller the tragedy of Seeferkels Death but can u nerve thet book to a level where players which doesnt have that book can at least play Compadedtiv to Players which have it? Could u Bring think about what that meant to the Game bevor u Edited it? Couldend u Rename a De Reuter to Seeferkels last Gift or make something which isnt that IMBALLANCED? I mean u want to sell still copies of that game? All players which will buy that game and not play it for 2 hours or more and will see that book will properbly go to steam and ask there money back... I would at least do. So please think about what that means to all guys which doesnt have the Book and doesnt have a chance to get that book later. 5 % repairamount = 2 books Expert carpentry handbook and Carpenter combat report. -5 % reload time is better than The old flag officer. 25% moral is.... well not compareable at all (But only usefull in boarding so nevermind) 

    Reduce the Advantadges of that book to a level where its still comparable: Repairamount +2% (Still imba) reloadtime -4 % and moral... i dont give a shid about. I would still call that Book impressiv and will use it on nearly all ships but the advantadges of that book atm are way to overpowered. 

    IF u (Devs) can take a look at all books which are going to be used i would guess first is art of shiphandling secound was eather Carpenter combat Reports, Expert carpentry handbook or Gunnery enceclopedia. NOW it will be Seeferkels last log. Exchanging and Reballancing the Whole game with an item which isnt available for new players or for guys which are on vecation right now is not what i think is good for the game. 

    So version A: Say sorry and give us something else

    Version B: Nerf it

    Version C : u kill gameballance and let it like it is. (Will result in more negative reviews on steam and makes it for newcommers more unatractiv)

    And last word even i was not always on one opinion With seeferkel Rest im Pease.

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  3. Would be very nice if you could test ur new patches bevor u implement them and makes Playing for guys with limited time a bit more attractiv. Right now i dont know but we had 2 serverdowns in the last 7 days. And last time it was a couple of hours now its not strait after maintence but i mean most of the actual Games can Work without Maintencen and didnt collaps. Ok maintence we are all used to but i meant that somewhen u sayed maintence would just be as long its Beta now its Released and i dont know if i am the only one thinking like that, but something is wrong there. Same With The Trinco DLC. Prommissed Since a Week?  Same with Peace on the PVP server. I dont know anyone who has a flag already...  

    Come on Guys i knowu can do that Better. I have the Hope that u will test stuff bevor u bring them to the Live server. BTW liveserver. IF u want to test ur new Features start another server in the maintence time and i am not 100% sure but a Test server at this time would not effect the Real Server and if u would For testing give the "real" Live servers a little benefitts i think there would join some guys...

    Make a short discription what u want them/us to test and than make it like a benefit tested Sucsessfull or not doesnt matter but tryed it seriusly so give a small revard. Maybee some Edinoro guns, Poods, Permits, or something what everyone else can Purchase or Get by just playing. 


    Thank u for ur Pation and sorry if i insulted someone. 


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  4. We where in a Woodenchest Raiders  fleet and the Game just Freesed.


    So my dear Defs i would like to have the Ship back and when i am login in and get tagged by a Raider Fleet i will freak out.  I was there with 2 accounts. 

  5. Yesterday at like 20 servertime or maybee 21 Servertime from MY battle 2 guys where Kicked. 

    Now i was logged on server starting to do my Eckonomy was kicked from the Server. I guess with ur Stability patch is something wrong. ANd always when i try to logon i get Waiting Querey... Think u should check that. 


    Edit and dont ask for Bug reports when guys get kicked into Reconnect to server so chose ur char screen....

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