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Posts posted by Knuddel

  1. @Stars and Stripes Your informations is Fals. I am Leader of Scum which is one of the Smallest clans in the Russian nation. 

    What do you think will players do when they are ingame and dont need to waist there time on boring travels any more? Sit in habours do nothing while logged in? 

    How do you build your ships? Let me guess: You just buy them?`Or do you travel materials yourself? 

    The Point is that those so called fights are desided bevor they even begun. If you catch some Ai traders which travel player materials those players will come out and try to Protect there Treaderfleet. I think in total this idear is good. If you want to do some PVP and encurage new players for PVP they need to have the Ability even with less Playtime to build up Ships. That would garant this. You will still have Players which do missions for grinding some money. You will still have players which try to keep there waters clean of hunting guys/groups caurse they want to get there materials and not the messadge we are sorry to inform you, but ur Cargo was lost. 

    Enyurading new players into PVP: Expieierenced players take newcommers with them send them for Ai traders in the Hope that the enemy coast guard will be informed and try to intercept them.

    In gerneral if you lose less time doing trade runs you can hunt more, go into PVP area Do RVR or real actions. 

    For u it might be funny to sink Traders but u need to see the other side as well. Other side is a Player which will be demotivated caurse he lose his ability to reproduce ships. Ships which he need to do real PVP... 

    I think you are underastimationg a lot of things caurse you just watch from your Perspectiv. 

    I hunt also 50% of the time alown. When i catch a Player in a Trinco with 2 fleet indiamans for example i let the Indiamans go caurse its his abiliity to reporduce ships and give me more fun in (i am sorry but i need to call this still) real fights. 

    Reason for me to not go that often o Patrole area is a lot of ganking in there. ANd when i assume the time to travel those materials or just hunt open water i prefer the last option caurse there i have the Opertunity to run. 

    It might take some gamefun away but encuradge more People to do PVP instead of just looking that they keep the small recaurces they have together in case they need to defend a port or something impoprtant where they need to have a Good ship for. 

    Yome on you need to see this from both sides. When you are in the Trader do you enjoy the game in that fight? Let me guess: No. so why should you not take the fraking boring Trader stuff away and take more guysinto PVP, RVR, Patrolezones etc? 

    I think 1 mager problem, wehen you start that game is the Imens amount of time you need to spent until you have a working infra structure, This Suggestion would bring new players to get over it and use there mostly limited time they spend ingame to do something usefull.

  2. 3 minutes ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

    true, think the better idea would be to setup contract for delivery of some goods in port x, players have the bids for it first and if not a player has taken it, the npc will deliver it for the cheapest price for the player

    The Idear is good but i have some concerns:

    Alt abusing

    Players which fine the Goods better than the Payment of travel them 

    So in a Perfect world Yes like thae game is right now: No. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Ferdinand de LaSalle said:

    raise the safe zones around the captials that ridicolous farming actions of strong clans and nations not longer possible (in such easy way)

    I have another idear btw that. Take away the capitol area and make a bigger circle where defenders have double BR what can join. This is still a PVP Server. But i think those suggestions should be added in another thread. 

    • Like 1
  4. So my idear to get some usless time and usless battles (Tradership vs Warship) out of the game: 

    Give players the option to let there stuff traveled by AI for some realis. Interceptable to make economic warfare possible again. Exchange all AI traders to those so u know when something is traveled: Someone needs and miss the stuff later... 

     That also take new players into PVP send them to go for those traders.  Those Players which want to make shure there stuff is ariving need to travel them by themself and escort them. That avoids booring fights where you can actualy just run away (Trader vs Warship)  and you dont care about what happend in the battle just shoot some sails to make it more easy for ur Revenge fleet. The chaser will anyway get you if you dont board him. 

    Prices around 1 Realis each whight each 10Km Something that around. And no delivery missions that way. Just recaurces Books and those stuff. Dont make it to expensiv


    No more boring time for all. 

    Ecomomy boost

    Option for Players which dont have the time to travel materials to get good ships. 

    Exchange of Stupid loot from AI traders for maybee realy usfull stuff. 

    Economy Warfare when all Ai traders are exchanged that way realy an option. I mean if you hunt down all traders which go to a nation craftingport... they will heave a leak on Recaurces soon. 

    Encurage Coast guard actions: It could be your trader or the trader of a clnamate. 


    Contra: Players which just go for traders becaurse of easy wins and PVP marks will have less fun. 

    Result: More real fights, more time we can spend on RVR/PVP. Ecomomic Warfare should not pay of with comatmedals  i mean is it a real fight? be hornest. 

    P.S.: those guys which scream no should think about why they scream no. 

    • Like 9
  5. Better idear would be to have Ai ships which deliver your stuff for some Realis. And could of caurse beeing intercepted. and deliver just to national Ports. That could make economic warfare interesting again. Take new players into PVP send them to go for those traders and would skip booring trading runs and make more time vor RVR or PVP. Those Players which want to make shure there stuff is ariving need to travel them by themself. That avoids booring fights where you can actualy just run away (Trader vs Warship)  and you dont care about what happend in the battle just shoot some sails to make it more easy for ur Revenge fleet. The chaser will anyway get you if you dont board him. 

    Prices around 1 Realis each whight each 10Km Something that around. And no delivery missions that way. Just recaurces Books and those stuff. 


    No more boring time for all. 

    Ecomomy boost

    Option for Players which dont have the time to travel materials to get good ships. 

    Exchange of Stupid loot from AI traders for maybee realy usfull stuff. 

    Economy Warfare when all Ai traders are exchanged that way realy an option. I mean if you hunt down all traders which go to a nation craftingport... they will heave a leak on Recaurces soon. 

    Encurage Coast guard actions: It could be your trader or the trader of a clnamate. 


  6. On 11/4/2019 at 5:51 AM, RubyRose said:

    i have had it done to myself as i have done it to others its part of the game and not against the rules. u could of simply surrendered, dropped sails, slowed down to close the distance, turn around and engage. so many options but u decide a tribunal is going to stop it is pretty funny. its like trying to get ganking removed from the game its not going to happen. did he pull u multiple times in a row and run away? no well then ur out of luck if he hadnt done that. and he did shoot at ur ship and damaged ya so if u run away he can do what he wants when chasin his prey.

    Surrender: Haha lol seriusly surrender to a guy which objusly just go into battles for let guys surrender caurse of Time?? Not realy funny not realy a gae u want to play right? 

    dropped sails, slowed down to close the distance, turn around and engage: Tryed all. Wasnt possible. He did that. Multiple times. 3 hours or more in total. He keept me just in his Controle range without shooting. as u see on those screenshoots. Ruby seriusly u want to play a Game where just that one wins which has more time?

  7. On 11/2/2019 at 8:02 PM, Knuddel said:



     i captured today with a clanmate 2 Fleetships 1 we could made free for all but both we could not capture or put crew on it.

    We both could not take any ships doesnt even get the X for looting or pulling Crew on it. We than broudsight both ships to death and even than we could not grab anything of the Loot. 

    1 ship was surrenderd that wasnt fully crew.


  8. NAB-94947


     i captured today with a clanmate 2 Fleetships 1 we could made free for all but both we could not capture or put crew on it.

    We both could not take any ships doesnt even get the X for looting or pulling Crew on it. We than broudsight both ships to death and even than we could not grab anything of the Loot. 

    1 ship was surrenderd that wasnt fully crew.

  9. that most complains about Loki rune is comming from PVP server is caurse we are PVP players. That means that you need repairs. Loki rune is mostly killing the guy whichis using it caurse u spawn into an AI which is A half dead b doesnt have repairs or is Beached. 

    And the mainthing is: With that thing you just have fun going into battles where you ahve Newbees, which may quit the game. I would Prefer to not have that thing on hte PVP server. Same with the Speedbost sails things this game is more and more like super mario cart. And thats not a compliment. Speed up all ships bei the Double open water speed, remove Loki run and those Speed things and put instead more of those Papers inside (but they are just usefull with GPS perk...)

  10. On 10/22/2019 at 2:06 PM, RubyRose said:

    please show me the definition that ur using that would make this griefing that has an admin or moderator ruling against this type as i have already stated this tribunal is a joke.
    screening or delaying action he is simply using the games mechanics to prevent u from escaping battle if ur stuck in his area control perk have u tried turning to face him chain him, blow holes in him. if ur running away from him and he's fast enough to keep u in control then he doesnt need to keep shooting to complete him mission, ur choise was to stay and run instead of surrendering to a ship that was clearly faster then u. he shot at u at first then when u started to run he simply followed ya.  done that myself before as well no point if i can keep up with an enemy to waste time lining up shots if control keeps him in battle while i was for reinforcements or for allies to get in position to retag. and trolling in game chat to an enemy is still fair game. not his fault u bit at the bait.

    I as you see on screenshoots yes i tryed to kill him and chain him and was bored to death... 

    I have tryed to fight him, he runned away. Stayed in controlerange. Tell me that you would like if i would do that to you. Come on. I will defenitly not waist my time or othere Peoples time that way but think about what you would do in my situation. 

  11. 2 hours ago, Thonys said:

    i think holding captains in battle for a reason >> is a valid tacktick (-like a delay for battle - or port battle - or reinforcements for others to enter battle )


    holding a captain for no aftermatt is called trolling. (i think but....)

    but sometimes when you hold a captain in battle long enough >> he surrenders 

    remember every battle is 1 . 1/2 .. hour.........

    if you don't have the time for that dont play.

    the decision what to do  is yours.


    remember development made the distance and the time set .

    in that theater the battle occurs ,

    if you want it different make a complain to development.

    some of y look like screaming babies


    Than tell me plz what was the reason. There was no reason behind it. And if you tell me that waisting time is a reason you should contact your Psycoloigic.

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