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Posts posted by Knuddel

  1. Dear @admin, dear @Ink and all the Others devs/mods i missed

    Since u Posted that u want to remove the globalchat the Toxic Ofencive post where going back. I guess that community is willing to learn. (I hope at least) 

    So i would have some suggestions for u to have less work and for us to get Our Loved globalchat back:

    1.) Use on own risk (If Toxic content: Ignore the guy or just close the Gloabalchat up to the Player and how he feels)

    2.) Global chatbanns without warning on the First abuse. I guess we have around 1200 Players plaing that game including alts. so it would not be that much work. And time by time u have to kill a Hostagde to get the other croud controlled. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Random Noob said:

    If Elite French is the solution then why did you spend money and time on setting up testbed again? Few weeks ago you said it would be a waste of money and resources.

    even with Elite French and Navy mast bands u will have just 1 or 2 shoots more which needs to hit.

    But i am still in mind with the Removing of Global and Help chat. IS that realy nessesary? I mean to punish whole community for stupidity and ignorance of a few guys?

    • Like 1
  3. If Punishment would be more Dramaic i guess a lot of guys would Keep there Toxity for themself... 1 Warning 1 week chatban. Next warning 2 Weeks Chatbann. Next warning 1 month chatbann. Next BULLSHID: TOTAL BANN.

     And finished would be the Whole Thing. How many accounts are Registered? That would be the Solution.


    By the way: How should someone without Alt get to Rare Woods?  Simply by asking in Globalchat... wait... U knowticed the Problem? 

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, You said:

    this would IMO be a much better suggestion.

    To much 2nd chances are given in tribunal, should be 30 days chat ban if you're racisct, facist, homophobic etc in chat, with a Terms of Service acknowledge to enter the game, where the next is 6 month chat ban etc.


    Not just a Chatbann. Bive them A Bann at all for 1 Week. IF it happens again 2 Weeks. Last bann 1 Month and than done. Ban them in total. make Drastic Punishment and even the Biggest haters/Toxic Spreading Reta**s would think about there actions... 

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/8/2020 at 9:44 AM, admin said:

    After final review of the tribunals, reporting system volumes and the levels of toxicity in general chat I have approved complete removal of Battle chat with enemies, Global chat and Help chat when this patch hits live servers.  Please take diplomatic precautions as necessary. 

    Global chat and help chat will only be present on testbed. 

    Why just caurse a Part of the Community is very toxic remove those very nice features which helps everyone?? Just caurse some players abuse it? Its like forbidding to talk caurse u could use badwords... Seriusly thats a Bullshid idear. 

    But for the Rest i am very happy to see that.

  6. 16 hours ago, admin said:

    Raiders attack ports every 30 days (we have actually changed it last week)
    This requirement is more than reasonable for even a busy man. 
    The goal to the feature is to provide a natural incentive to only own the number of ports the clan wishes to defend once every 30 days. If clan has too many undeveloped ports for its number it will have to constantly fight. But per port - is once every month


    That means if a clan doesnt want to do that S***** B*** S*** PVE Portbattles they just need to invest 1 point in that Port?

  7. On 7/28/2020 at 10:44 AM, admin said:


    We plan to deploy the gun rework soon. Here is the short description for the review and discussion

    Goals for the rework

    • Gun roles
      • Gun roles will remain but they will be slightly improved in their roles
      • Long guns/Navy Guns - Strong Penetration
        • Effective range for 42lb - 1km
      • Medium guns/Blomfields - Balanced penetration and DPS
        • Effective range for 42lb - 700m
      • Congrieve/Edinorogs - Strong DPS
        • Effective range for 42lb - 500m
      • Carronades/Obusiers - 
        • Effective range for 42lb - 250m
      • Effective range meaning
        • Gun will penetrate non-upgraded ship at this distance at 90 degrees hit angle. 
      • Penetration drops will be improved based on historical penetration drops but with effective ranges defined.
    • Range control. 
      • Every gun will have a role (even 4lb). All guns should be able to penetrate a fully upgraded ship hull and masts at 100m as they could historically. Including smallest calibers.
      • Heaviest guns penetration ranges will strongly improve. 
      • Every gun will have defined effective range both for masts and for hull
    • Thickness - Masts vs Hull
      • Thickness difference for masts and hulls will be reduced for ships, with effective distance of operation in mind. 
      • Thickness difference between some classes will be reduced or removed
      • Thickness for masts will be rebalanced for range - but ALL upgraded masts will be somewhat vulnerable at close range
      • Upgrades for hull and masts will not give invulnerability but instead will reduce or increase effective safe range. 
    • Accuracy
      • Accuracy will be finally rebalanced (including for tracking shot)
      • Accuracy will grow with caliber as defined by the Treatise on Gunnery and other historical sources on Ordnance.

    Overall the changes will do the following

    • Bring range back into play
    • Define effective ranges better
    • Reduce thickness inflation and make it work gameplay wise
    • Make more guns usable (including small calibers)
    • Provide clarity on masts and thickness penetration in terms of range.


    The list is not final and will be updated based on questions and comments. 
    ETA - 1-3 more days.

    How mast where killed in that ages: Killing Ropes which stabalise the masts and if the sails gets not cutted imidiatly by Windforce... I mean we are always talking on Angles. Imagin a round Mast a round ball what happens? I dont like the Demasting meta by just gunfire... Mast should have a lot more HP. I mean especialy on 5rds +

    and Remember when u see all those Pictures of demasted ships in that ages: Those fights where going on for Days... till one side has no more Gunpowder or balls to shoot back.

    Ships where not sunken by Gunnfights. 

    Explosions where happen just by accsidents and not by Command. 

    Fireships where FIREships and not Exploding Vessels. Mostly small ships which where used to break blokades on Ankered ships. (Christian Religion very cummon. Suicide will not get into Heaven but into Hell....)

    If u would get the Command to not fight the Fire what would u do? Jump over board i guess... ? try to survive urself... maybee if u deactivate survival let guys jump over board more and more by the time...?


    and Finaly: Gunnfights where mostly and that is 100% confirmed on close range like musket range. We are talking about Round Balls which are not exactly matching the Calliber... accurity is a thing u should reballance. (I have shootet a Frontloader Revolver a lot of rounds like 200 Shoots a year for a couple of years now. Hiting on just 16 m is more a Luck thing that everything else and there The calliber is Exactly Matching....) So sniping for a mast on more than 100m should just not be possible. To shoot for hull on broudsight... Possible but we are talking about Projektils which do damage not on there Speed buy on there whight. 300M/ Secound isnt that much and depending on Calliber (Bigger less range Airresistant..)they do less damadge. 

    So what about a Damadge buff on close range? 

    • Like 4
  8. 11 minutes ago, Karpfanger said:

    moin moin,

    die Zeiten, in denen eine Screening-Flotte ein Suizid-Kommando war und man mit billigen oder geboardeten Schiffen gescreent hat, sind schon lange vorbei. Das würde ich nur noch befürworten, wenn es der 3+1ste geflippte Hafen ist und nicht genügend Screener da sind.

    Heute kann eine gut zusammenarbeitende Truppe in guten Schiffen (<25 Spieler) eine gegnerische, nominell überlegene Screenig-Flotte ganz schön dezimieren bzw. eine kleinere PB-Flotte aufreiben.

    Bei uns führten erfolgreiche Screenings in der Vergangenheit oft dazu, dass die guten Spieler gar nicht mehr ins taktische und manchmal langweilige PB wollten und lieber im Screening PVP-Spaß gesucht haben.

    Natürlich gibt es auch gute und spannende PBs ... mir ist es egal, ob ich im Screening oder im PB kämpfe. Ich möchte nur überall dabei sein und mich für die Nation einbringen.

    Neue Features, die Spieler vom PVP auf dem Server ausschließen, halte ich für falsch. Die PZ ist mir für ein OW Spiel zu wenig.

    Teleport zum Portbattle würde das problem lösen. Aktuell siehts so aus, dass fast jeder gute bis sehr gute spielr einfach 2 accounts hat einen im Screening einen im PB...

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