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Sea Fox

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Posts posted by Sea Fox

  1. 1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Jean use to send his alt in with a trade ship in a fleet mission.  Get them to start shooting chain and than he would bring in his main char and sink all the ships.  I tried it but was bruning through more sails repairs than anything. 

    Only if your a US player right?

    Dangit I have to stop making US jokes now.....grrrrrrr

    Seen you on earlier. When did you switch? Why did you switch?

  2. On a command to "destroy" enemy ships my fleet ships fire cannonballs

    If I then command them to damast, they fire chain shot


    If they have been firing chain shot and I command them to "destroy"  they fire all cannons at the hull of the enemy ship, the problem is there still firing chain shot!!

    Now I would love the command functions of grapeshot and boarding for my fleet ships but most of all I would just like them to try to sink a ship with Cannon balls and firing chains t sails


    Please fix

    Thank you

  3. 4 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Name calling folks names doesn't make your point any better.   You do know I solo EU server with no clan for 2 years?  Oh that cause you don't know anything about me.   So nice try buddy.  I still have that same Pirate char too and I make plenty or marks and gets common ships with no help of a clan or other CLUMPERS as you like to call them. It wasn't until the merge that I had a clan on the server (as I mainly played on GLOBAL).  Unlike you I have actually played the game as both the solo and the clan/RvR so I have seen both sides.  Instead of calling folks names I pointed out you can make the same stuff as any one else.  No your prob not going to make 50 PvP marks in one night, but you could and the VM is paid out weekly and not every one gets that, only the folks in the top three nations, guess what Russia isn't one of the top three so I don't get free VM's weekly. I also build all mys hips myself without my clans help.  I actually build ships for clan mates on he side too.  So try again buddy about saying what I do or not know.

    I'll repeat again you have alternate routes and I very clearly stated what they are.  It just might take you longer to collect your marks to make a 1st rate.  VM's and PvP marks are not locked behind RvR only.  You can gain them by earning them through OW PvP.   


    Oh and the comment about set up battles and farm marks just shows your bias view of clan folks.  Seems you think we all cheat or do things like that.  Not every one does and most of the time the guys getting busted for alt/mark farmers aren't even the RvR players, most of them have been random casual or no names that are to lazy to get them the hard way of actually playing the game.


  4. 10 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Are you really this blind, you just totally mention how you can get that first rate without RvR.   You OW PVP right?  You gain PvP Marks Right?  You prob get way more PvP marks solo hunting or small group than RvR guys cause they have to split their marks between 1-25 guys depending who all shared damage with a kill/assist.  That one VM a week is equal to 50 PvP marks.  Which if your active you can easily gain in one night or over the week easily.  BOOM you just earned the exact same as a winning nation RvR team and can craft your first rate.  It only takes one VM to make a first rate. If you can earn 50 PvP marks you can get a first rate.....so stop this BS that the content is hidden behind the Elites or RvR only folks.  If you do any OW PvP than you can earn and make your own 1st rates too.

    And I know you can do this cause I mainly Solo hunt these days cause of my hours as I haven't been able to catch many port battles and the few I have I gotten only a few PvP marks cause you have to share the rewards.  Oh and I play Russia, we aren't the top three nations so I'm not even getting Victory Marks for free.  Though when I do go out to screen, PvP or what ever I earn PvP marks which I could trade in for VM (I have about a dozen and tons of permits from past rewards so need to right now).  

    So yah prove to me now that a solo player can't get VM's and 1st rates?  

    Sounds more like you just want every thing open to you and not have to do the special content that is needed to get certain things?  I take it you don't play other MMO's do you?  A lot of content is locked behind elite dungeons and missions and PvP/RvR that the normal casual can't get, some of it they can buy for a lot of money, but a lot of that content is also locked to the player/account that did it so the only way to get those nifty elite items is to actually do the content your self or as I said before....PAY OUT THE ARSE FOR IT IN GAME.


    PS:  I played Pirates up till the merge for many of the reasons you mention, but they aren't true pirates if your wanting 1st rates and such.  Do like my one Pirate account I still have left and run in only 5th rates and below, mostly shallow ships than you are free of anything and more of a true pirate...other wise your just another nation with a black flag.

    That wizzing noise was my point that flew right over your head....your in a clan....your in the clump your not a solo player you don't know what it's like. I've hardly ever shared PVP marks so I don't know what that's like. 50 PVP marks a night is not possible (that I've seen) solo hunting in non moded ships like I sail. Would I go out in Connie after Connie tearing stuff up? He'll yes! But the ship loss in one night would take me 3 nights to recoup (no clan) also no agreements with other guys to do set up battles and farm marks...

    Once again I aknowledge that I am a solo player in an MMO game and once again I don't want anything for free just an alrenate route. I've said my piece and I feel like there are a lot of solo players here and the genre of the game (sailing/trading/crafting not MMO genre) attracts solo type players to this MMO game. This is happening now and will explode on release. I'm simply asking for an alternate route for me and players like me. 

    I know you don't play solo exclusively and you probably rely on your clan and the clump and that's great if it works for you, go for it. I'll let you have the last word on solo players because I know it's important to you 😊

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    And I totally disagree, most of the content is hidden behind PvE grind, so why not have PvP only content too?  You can still get any of these items in game without doing the actual content if your willing to pay some one else that did them.   So nothing is truelly hidden behind a wall that no one can get.  Hell many games lock content to your char or account, so be glad we don't have that feature in game and can trade.

    We do have alternate path, it's called paying some one else.  You just might pay a lot more but you can get just about anything in game this way.

    I'm all for PVP. It's what I prefer.... RVR, not so much....not in clan, probably won't ever be in a clan so rvr is out unless I can flip port solo (that's ok). 

    But for a solo guy PVP is hard but possible...I craft or cap ships to pvp in and am limited to certain ships (that's ok). I do remember some of the best fun I ever had was screening and no I didn't use 1st rates to screen but I would like to be a able to build myself a 1st but that requires VM so that's out and that's BS

    And yeah I'd buy paints if they were for sale....last time we had them only the clump had paints and there weren't no variety of them for sale in shop....so the only solution at the moment is to suck up to a clumper so he will "please go sailing with me and teach me everything you know about PVP you god of sailing you, so that I too can maybe get some marks and some paint." (No thanks I don't kiss ass)

    Bottom line and I'm done, sailing a ship at sea is a very deep desire to be free. Freedom of the open sea, freedom to explore and freedom from any master other than the sea itself. THAT is the draw of this game! I bet, hell, I KNOW most people that have ever first started this game signed up as pirate...because that is THE ultimate freedom of the age of sail (at least in our hearts and minds it is). This is the closest I'll ever be to living and sailing in the age of wooden ships and I love it! But locking and blocking people limits that spirit. The clansmen and the PVP clumpers are bound by their agreements to set up PVP actions for marks and trade ports for marks and are trapped in a world of politics...not for me...I'll take freedom..I'll take the open sea and no responsibility to clans or nation's or people who won't be playing in 6 months when I'm still here, sailing free

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Rouleur said:

    All the rewards of the game should be available in some form to all players. Some people just want to play solo and don't want to use ts (usually a clan requirement) and I think that is fine. You should be able to trade or craft your way to all the books, ships and modules, PVE, PVP or RVR for the same. No haves and have nots. The path maybe different but the gain should be the same.

    This says exactly what I have been saying in a much better way. AGREED!

  7. 2 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Do you open world PvP?  than you get more than one victory mark a week or month just off that. I don't know why folks are so set about 1 mark a week that one nation gets over others.  You get off your arse and PvP in OW you will get more marks than that easly.  So no you are not locked out of playing a 1st rate cause you don't get into Port battles. You still have options to get them and if your active enough than you prob get more marks than the RvR guys that only do port battles cause they have to share there PvP marks with the rest of the fleet.  There is also option three for the trade/crafters that make tons of gold, just buy them.  So there is always way to get things in game.   End game content shouldn't be just given to players that just log in and do nothing.  You want the content than do something to earn them.  Proper screeners that don't just YOLO prob get more PvP marks than the actual Port battle fleets most the time.

    Than again that is why I mention the if your going to give them to the guys that do nothing in winning nations, than you might as well give 1 to every one so every one gets one no matter what.  Just means it takes you longer if you need say 10 for a 1st rate when say the guy that does port battles in a nation that owns enough ports to get 5 marks every week can craft his 1st rate a lot faster.  Saying that the permit cost 10 marks.  He can do it in two weeks when joe blow casual can do it in 10.  Just take a bit longer.

    I spend 90% of my time in ow. I PvP but going alone in mostly dodging groups of 2-3 hunters that hunting the same waters. I don't attack anyinr below captain so that costs a lot of PvP marks as seal clubbers clean up in that area. 

    Making money trading is NOT my thing but I do craft at lvl 50 and have lvl3 shipyard and can tell you there is 0 money in crafting , I've even bought ships for myself INSTEAD of crafting them. Your in a clan and have the time to RVR and that's great but I'm not and I don't... Solo playing this game is a real bitch and is the  actual level "extreme"

  8. 3 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I believe @admin mention that in his post that they cost would go up since the marks rewards are going to go up per number of ports owned by clan/nation.   I never was a big fan of paying every one out the same rewards as the folks doing all the hard work. If your going to pay out than every one on the whole server should get one VM per turn and the top guys than get there bonus rewards on top of that per placement and number or ports.  POTBS did this, last place still got one Conquest mark.  While I think first place got 3, 2nd 2 and 3rd 1 extra on top of the 1 every one got.

    I agree that the guys doing the "hard work" of putting in hours and hours and hours for Port battles should get bigger rewards....but us guys that put in hours that actually may be the same amount of hours just chopped up shouldn't be locked out of the game....I will have 0 victory marks and 0 1st rates....I will  have 0 paints for my ships and that is only because I can't block out a time to do Port battles with a clan (and I'm not in a clan) so for me and maybe clans too small we get nothing...honestly 1 Vic Mark a month would do but that doesn't appear to be on the horizon in this MMO / ant-solo player game

  9. 9 hours ago, Thonys said:

    but but ,

    my crafters a specially selected for at least one visit to the library a day, and have coffee with the wife in the evening on the porge before bedtime.....

    i have selected only the best ...ship builders and craftsman and ironworkers

    with the best morale and spirit  during construction for the fleet


    but the ships sink like roman concrete.. :(  orders are not good in the sales department...


    also:  max  ship builders (lvl50)

    should have 4 port dock spaces more than ranked captains who have the same amount of slots of 20


    ship building must give 4 dock places reserved for building ships (the room in docks for the navy ship builder(LVL 50), they have their OWN PLACE)



    Agreed lvl 50 doesn't carry alot of weight these days.

    • Like 1
  10. How is any rng drop "rare" for zerg nation's or clumps and or billionaires????

    ITS NOT!!!

    unlimited gold and unlimited resources means unlimited attempts at the "rare" ship

    So small clans and small nation's and solo guys guess what?

    You (we) will have to become better and better at fighting over modded, over powered PVP ships. 

    I don't see this as a very good step

    • Like 5
  11. 3 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    Nothing you do will put billionaires in the same category as the rest. Make crafting RNG so the top 1% can't buy their way to the top, well they already can and that's more on the economy side of things anyway that you're punishing everyone along with crafting for.

    I can't disagree with that. I would rather be able to use my 50 level crafting ability and my two shipyards to be able make an advantage in PVP that they obtain by gold or clubbing or exploiting their clan or even entire countries as they do the US..... I can only dream

    • Like 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Vile Executioner said:

    yes, actually blackbeard was known to board one ship with 3-4 different ships at the same time. there was never a rule of "cant board with 3 knot minimum" lol being boarded by multiple small nimble ships at any speed was a danger to any ship. yes it wasn't done in a minute and a half but yes, boarding is done this way just like in modern times. Somalian pirates zoom up and board in a dingy. could you imagine a frigate? 10 knots is not that fast, the coast guard boards speed boats all the time going way faster than this :D if anything the game for boarding is no where near historically accurate and its a good thing. if the game was historically accurate for boarding, you could board at any speed with crew risk, and multiple ships could board one ship. I don't think you want that do ya? ;)

    Nice, but did Blackbeard do this to warships hunting him or just traders he bushwacked?

    I can't imagine him zooming up to a frigate loaded and ready to sink him with full crew compliment ready for him


  13. 9 hours ago, Jean Ribault said:


    How about this ?  Could we buy a multiplier for our RNG crafted ship by choosing to spend, say double, the amount of LH or materials?  For example, say I choose to spend twice the LH to craft one ship that I have all the mats for, then my chances of certain upgrades are multiplied by 1.2 or something like that?  Or conversely, I spend the same number of LH but it costs me twice the number of mats to craft that same ship, and then I get the 1.2 multiplier?

    At least we might have more control over crafting something special.  Thoughts?

    Not a fan of rng caraft but at least it puts guys like me on the same level as the billionaires (yes actual billionaires) and those in the "clump". None of the changes above would effect those guys or even phase them

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