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Felix Victor

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Everything posted by Felix Victor

  1. Thank you for finding this. Can you spot the error in the code? Stupid me towers.datum(current.fortData).attr("d", d3.geoPath().pointRadius(1.5)); forts.datum(current.towerData).attr("d", d3.geoPath().pointRadius(2)); Will correct it asap. Btw: did you try the wind prediction from the map? It is the same as your prediction?
  2. v2 improved performance (complete rewrite of the core functions; Firefox is still faster than Chrome) port data is shown on mouse click (not on hover) teleport areas are not shown by default, tick checkbox under 'Settings' to show them port battle circles, forts and towers are not shown by default and displayed only for a single port when checkbox under 'Settings' is ticked (select port from 'Go to a port') input for wind prediction improved wind prediction is displayed in a window overlay
  3. I am currently working on the wind prediction as the last item for the next release. Thanks for the feedback. I will test it with your input.
  4. It is my project but why do I bother to publish and discuss it on the forum? As you ask so nicely, I could add the option "show all forts/towers".
  5. I am waiting for a select library to be updated to bootstrap v4 (next week or so). It would allow live search in the select element.
  6. Use checkbox under 'Settings' (select port from 'Go to a port') Can you explain what you mean, please?
  7. Good to hear. What a relief I hope other can confirm, too.
  8. I think, I have found it. Please test it again at https://na-map-test.netlify.com/ Performance with chrome should be alright now. Please confirm May I bother you again @Amihai @Banished Privateer @Wraith? I appreciate your help.
  9. Use firefox for the moment... I will check API data. But first I want to finish this update.
  10. Me too. Havent found the time for an improved layout yet .
  11. @Banished Privateer @Wraith @Amihai Updated test version at https://na-map-test.netlify.com/: port data is only shown on mouse click teleport areas are not shown by default, tick checkbox under 'Settings' to show them port battle circles, forts and towers are not shown by default and only for a single port when checkbox under 'Settings' is ticked (select port from 'Go to a port')
  12. Yes, it is the pixel in-game map. As the map allows zooming in further, it looks like it looks. I tried using a vector map (natural earth) but the in-game map is distorted and all coordinates (for the towers and forts, for example) would not fit. Converting the map into vectors didnt work for me either. I tried it with several programs. If someone succeded to convert the in-game map, I would happily use it. All other graphical elements are already vector-based.
  13. I don't know which towers or forts are missing. Can you give a example, please.
  14. I had so high hopes... As I cannot further improve the svg/canvas performance for chrome on my side (running out of ideas), I will try to reduce the default map content.
  15. Thanks for the suggestions. Will work on 1 and 3 (teleport area will be switched off on default). Item 2 is added to todo list.
  16. Could you please check whether in chrome "accelerated 2D canvas" is activated? chrome://flags/#disable-accelerated-2d-canvas If not, try to activate it and check again, please. @Wraith @Rabman
  17. Have you used the other link https://na-map-test.netlify.com/? Especially zoom and pan should be faster, with Firefox here it is even blazingly fast but I havent had problems before anyway.
  18. The beta of the map with improved performance is available at https://na-map-test.netlify.com/ I have completely rewritten the code. In case you want to test it, I took the liberty to cc you as you reported laggy performance before @Amihai @Bart Smith @Slim Jimmerson @Wraith @Seraphic Radiance I am always happy to receive feedback. Once this update is finalised I can continue working on the todo list.
  19. All ports that are uncapturable have a green zone? If yes then I can do it.
  20. Yes, you are right. Will think about it. Should work now. Please test it again. And sorry for the noise on here.
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