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Felix Victor

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Everything posted by Felix Victor

  1. Updated beta version at https://na-map-test.netlify.com/: compass with higher opacity and moveable f11: copy to clipboard works again port tooltip: dropped before consumed goods ship-compare works again
  2. Updated beta version at https://na-map-test.netlify.com/: redesigned compass. @Macjimm @SnovaZdorowa
  3. Chrome is a bitch sometimes, sticking to its cache. Try shift ctrl r Will consider it
  4. v7.1 2018-11-11 patch 27: obsolete intermediate materials removed, teleport removed Improved: 'Get position' highlights intersection Improved: compass with 24 teeth (matches in-game compass) as suggested by @Macjimm Improved: journey duration not being rounded to hours as often as suggested by @Macjimm Improved: 'Go to F11' can be used by key strokes only (press shift F11 to open) as suggested by @SnovaZdorowa Change: menu re-arranged (map and game tools) Changes: minor improvements
  5. Should work again. Please check. Will work on it, good idea. Sorry, cant help you with this. Netlify has really fast servers around the world. Maybe something is blocking traffic on the route to you.
  6. You can access current data with the 'list modules' tool (check 'permanent – boarding' and 'ship knowledge – boarding') here: https://na-map.netlify.com/
  7. How is it supposed to work? Do certain goods drop at specific ports as indicated in the API? Coffee and historical artifacts in Gracias a Dios, for example. Or rather random goods in random ports? Is the mechanics the same for crafting goods (e.g., teak log)? Is the dropped amount following API data and the previous logic, meaning a rather steady flow following the math qw569 has described? Gracias used to receive about 2 to 8 artifacts per day. Or is it more random? If the patch 27 mechanics is more or less the same as before, I can report that, for example, Gracias has to my knowledge not received any coffee or historical artifacts for nearly one week (since the patch). @admin Please dont mind me asking but it is interesting to me as a trader and as a map maker.
  8. Indiaman as in a ship sailing in open waters? Havent seen any yet 🙂 New system doesnt work for the ports I own/watch, at least as it seems to me. And the mosquito coast is quiet, so traders should get through.
  9. Are ports dropping trade goods at all? I havent seen any coffee or historical artifacts dropping in Gracias a Dios since the patch, for example. See data from the API below.
  10. Not sure as it is a non-standard compass rose, c.f. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Points_of_the_compass Edit: changed the compass as requested. Do you like it? @Macjimm
  11. Yes, you are right. It is corrected in the beta version. Main site will be deployed in the coming days.
  12. Green zone: intersection area, centroid: centre of this area where the x/z coordinates are shown (the earlier version calculated the centroid differently, more details if you are really interested 😶) Yeah, forgot to add it to the clear function. Tomorrow, my friend 😁
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